BitcoinPlus - The Alternative Cryptocurrency
BitcoinPlus also known by its ticker - XBC, is an alternative Cryptocurrency with a Modern and Efficient working wallet. XBC has a low start supply with a Maximum Total of 1 Million Coins. BitcoinPlus Coins are generated through Proof of Stake. Little over 100,000 coins are currently in circulation.
XBC aims to be at the forefront of digital innovation.
Modern and Efficient Wallet
XBC is an alternative Cryptocurrency with a modern and efficient working wallet. Designed for the normal guy in the street. Not your Tech Nerd !
Traded @ #1 Exchange
BitcoinPlus can be traded on the Worlds most popular Cryptocurrency Exchange - Poloniex. Numerous secondary exchanges available for the avid trader. Poloniex, Cryptopia, Coinexchange and NovaExchange.
Built in Privacy using TOR
BitcoinPlus - XBC uses the TOR Network. This keeps your IP address hidden at all times ensuring you remain completely anonymous.
20% Inflation Per Year
The amount of XBC coins that are 'minted' each year is 20%. This means if there are currently 100,000 coins, in 1 years time there will be around 120,000 coins. The maximum amount of coins will only ever be 1 Million coins. The minted coins are distributed through Proof of Stake. Learn about Proof of Stake.
Bitcoins: Geld mit dem eigenen Computer selbst herstellen
31.08.2017 | 14:30 Uhr | Thomas Joos
Sie möchten Ihr eigenes Geld herstellen? Das geht, vorausgesetzt, Sie möchten Bitcoins, haben einen sehr schnellen Rechner mit einer extrem leistungsstarken Grafikkarte und keine Angst vor hohen Stromkosten.
Bitcoin ist mit weitem Abstand die beliebteste kryptische Währung. Bitcoins können Sie aber nicht nur kaufen , sondern auch selber herstellen. Diesen Vorgang, der über den Prozessor der Grafikkarte läuft, nennt man Mining. Dabei werden der Blockkette von Bitcoin weitere Blöcke hinzugefügt und die Miner erhalten eine Belohnung in Form von Bitcoins.
Allerdings ist das Herstellen von Bitcoins nicht mehr so einfach – die Produktion dauert immer länger, je mehr Bitcoins hergestellt werden.
Die richtige Hardware für das Schürfen von Bitcoins
Um Bitcoins, aber auch andere kryptische Währungen wie Ether, herzustellen, benötigen Sie einen sehr schnellen Computer mit einer passenden Grafikkarte. Beliebte Grafikkarten sind zum Beispiel Geforce GTX 1070/1080 oder 1060. Aber auch AMD Radeon-Grafikkarten werden gern eingesetzt, weil sie sehr effizient sind bei der Berechnung von Bitcoins und anderen kryptischen Währungen. Für die Berechnung von Bitcoins werden häufig AMD Radeon RX 470/480 und RX 570/580 verwendet.
Allerdings sind Grafikkarten, mit denen man kryptische Währungen herstellen kann, sehr teuer und die Preise schwanken stark beziehungsweise steigen eher. Es ist nicht sicher, dass Sie den Kaufpreis wieder hereinholen, zumal bei der Herstellung auch Stromkosten anfallen.
Bevor Sie sich teure Hardware anschaffen, sollten Sie sich zuerst mit dem Berechnen von Bitcoins überhaupt auseinandersetzen und die Software und Zugänge zu den einzelnen Anbietern testen.
Generell ist die Software zur Verwaltung von Bitcoins kostenlos und auch Anwendungen, um Bitcoins herzustellen, gibt es häufig kostenlos. Die meisten Anwendungen sind Opensource. Erste und wichtige Einstiegsseite für die Erstellung und Verwendung von Bitcoins ist . Hier finden Sie auch die Anbieter der digitalen Geldbörsen (Wallets).
Bitcoin versus Bitcoin Cash
Neben der klassischen Variante von Bitcoin gibt es die Version Bitcoin Cash (BTC) . Generell hat bis Block 4785598 jeder Besitzer von Bitcoins auch Zugriff auf die gleiche Menge Bitcoin Cash. Bei Bitcoin Cash handelt es sich um eine Abspaltung von Bitcoin. Weil die Herstellung von Bitcoin mittlerweile sehr langwierig ist, haben sich Entwickler mit Bitcoin Cash abgespalten. Hier ist die Erstellung schneller, allerdings ist auch der Kurs niedriger.
Sie sollten sich vor der Erstellung von Bitcoins sowohl mit Bitcoins als auch Bitcoin Cash intensiver beschäftigen. Unter Umständen ist auch das Herstellen von Ether etwas für Sie. Die Plattform Ethereum arbeitet mit der Kryptowährung Ether. Wie bei Bitcoin kommen auch bei der Generierung von Ether effiziente Grafikkarten von AMD und Nvidia zum Einsatz, um die Währung zu berechnen. Da Ethereum sich nach einem Einbruch wieder erholt, springen immer mehr Anleger auf den Zug mit auf und generieren Ether.
Bitcoin ist im Markt der Kryptowährungen jedoch der Platzhirsch. Neben spielt auch die Seite eine wichtige Rolle. Hier sehen Sie auch den aktuellen Kurs der Währung in Euro.
So funktioniert das Mining von Bitcoin
Zunächst sollten Sie wissen, dass Sie Bitcoins zwar kostenlos herstellen und damit vom Kryptowährung-Boom profitieren können, dass Sie aber andere Kosten berücksichtigen müssen. Das Herstellen von Bitcoins kostet Strom, da Sie Ihren Rechner nahezu ununterbrochen laufen lassen müssen. Außerdem benötigen Sie eine passende Grafikkarte, die meistens teuer ist. Die Berechnung von Bitcoins dauert sehr lange, und Sie müssen sich tiefgehend mit dem Thema beschäftigen, um Erfolg zu haben.
Um Bitcoins zu erstellen, müssen Sie ein Konto bei einem Miningpool anlegen. Und Sie müssen ein Tool installieren, über das Sie sich dann am Pool anmelden und das anschließend die Berechnung der Bitcoins durchführt.
Anmelden am Miningpool
Ein Miningpool, der von den meisten Anwendungen zur Herstellung von Bitcoins genutzt wird, ist beispielsweise der Slush Pool . Slush Pool war der erste Miningpool für Bitcoin und ist vor allem für Einsteiger geeignet, weil der Betreiber sehr seriös ist.
Suchen Sie im Internet nach „Miningpool“, finden Sie aber zahlreiche weitere Anbieter und verschiedene Vergleichsseiten. Auf dem Markt dominieren vor allem chinesische Miningpool-Anbieter, beispielsweise DiscusFish/F2Pool .
Aber auch innerhalb von Mining-Software werden viele Pools angezeigt, bei denen Sie sich anmelden können.
Alle Teilnehmer eines Miningpools berechnen zusammen Bitcoins, die zwischen den Teilnehmern aufgeteilt werden. Befinden sich mehrere Rechner im Netzwerk, die Bitcoins berechnen, wird es allerdings schwieriger, die Bitcoins zu erstellen und Sie erhalten weniger Bitcoins.
Tools für die Berechnung von Bitcoins
Es gibt Tools, die direkt mit einem Miningpool-Anbieter zusammenarbeiten, etwa Cryptocurrency GUI Miner and Mining Pool von Minergate . Der Vorteil bei der Verwendung von Minergate besteht darin, dass Sie mit der Software auch andere kryptische Währungen berechnen können, zum Beispiel Ethereum. Die Software des Herstellers ist also für die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Pool optimiert.
Ein weiteres bekanntes Tool für das Mining ist Gui Miner . Die deutschsprachige Software ist vor allem für Einsteiger leicht zu bedienen. Sie bietet den Vorteil, dass die Anbindung an viele Miningpools bereits vorkonfiguriert ist, auch für den erwähnten Slush Pool. Sie müssen Gui Miner nicht installieren. Es reicht aus, wenn Sie das Archiv entpacken und die Datei guiminer.exe starten. Anschließend melden Sie sich am Miningpool an und beginnen mit der Berechnung. Die Bitcoin-Anteile, die Ihnen gehören, finden Sie wiederum in Ihrem Onlinekonto bei Slush Pool.
Die digitale Geldbörse anlegen – das Wallet
Gekaufte oder erstellte Bitcoins werden in einem Wallet gespeichert. Sie können in der Mining-Software auch Ihre Adresse bei hinterlegen. Anbieter für Wallets finden Sie im Internet genauso wie bei den Miningpools. Suchen Sie nach „Bitcoin wallet“, finden Sie zahlreiche Seiten, die die verschiedenen Wallets miteinander vergleichen.
Zusammengefasst – das brauchen Sie
Sie benötigen für das Herstellen von Bitcoins vor allem vier Dinge:
Passende Hardware inklusive einer leistungsstarken Grafikkarte. Im Internet bieten einige Hersteller mittlerweile sogar eigene Mainboards an, die für das Berechnen von kryptischer Währung geeignet sind.
Eine digitale Geldbörse, die Sie bei aussuchen dürfen.
Die Mitgliedschaft in einem Miningpool, zum Beispiel Slush Pool.
Eine Software, die Sie mit dem Miningpool verbindet und die Berechnungen durchführt.
Sobald Sie die notwendige Hardware und Software eingerichtet haben, können Sie mit dem Mining beginnen. Sie können natürlich jederzeit den Anbieter wechseln. Den Inhalt Ihrer digitalen Geldbörse (Wallet) können Sie ebenfalls zu anderen Anbietern transferieren. Außerdem können Sie Apps auf Smartphones installieren, um auch mobil Zugriff auf Ihre Bitcoins zu haben.
Welcome to 99Bitcoins’ simple Bitcoin Mining Calculator
This simple Bitcoin mining calculator will allow you to determine how much you can profit from a certain Bitcoin miner. It takes into account all relevant costs such as hardware, electricity and fees. See below for detailed instructions on how to use it.
Instructions on how to use the Bitcoin Mining Calculator:
- Enter the hash rate of the Bitcoin miner you’re planning to use
- Click on “Calculate mining revenue”
- That’s it! (we said it was simple….)
Note: If some values in the Bitcoin mining calculator don’t seem right (exchange rate, block reward, etc.) you can adjust them manually. However normally they are all up to date.
Keep in mind that:
- Revenue is shown in USD based on the current exchange rate, the exchange rate can (and probably will) change from time to time.
- Revenue is based on current difficulty to mine Bitcoins. Difficulty can (and probably will) change. From past experience it usually goes up as time goes by.
- Revenue IS NOT profit. You still have to take into account the cost of your mining hardware and the electricity to run it (and cool it down if needed).
If you want to know more about Bitcoin mining profitability check out this page.
How to Calculate Bitcoin Mining Profitability
Bitcoin mining secures the Bitcoin network. Without miners, Bitcoin could easily be attacked and even shut down. Since Bitcoin miners provide such an important service to the network, they are paid for their services! Each block mined by miners contains a block reward, which is paid out to the miner that successfully mined the block.
While mining today is very competitive, it is possible to run a successful and profitable mining farm. This post will outline the many factors that will determine whether or not your mining operation will be profitable.
Mining Hardware Costs
The upfront costs to pay for mining hardware is usually the largest expense for any new mining farm. Just like good computers cost more money, good mining hardware is expensive. The Antminer S7 is one currently the most efficient miner and costs $629. It only mines about $200 worth of bitcoins per month, meaning just based on hardware costs alone it will take more than three months to get back your money. This does not include electricity costs or equipment costs (more on this below).
When purchasing mining hardware, you will want to look at these metrics: Th/s and W/GH. Th/s, or sometimes Gh/s, measures a miner’s terahashes (Th/s) or gigahashes (Gh/s) per second and is called hash rate. A higher hash rate means a more powerful miner. You can use this simple calculator from Bitcoin Wisdom to determine how much money an amount of hash power will earn per month.
Hardware Efficiency
Hash power is not the end all for determining good miners, though. Miners use massive amounts of electricity. You want a miner that has both a high hash rate and uses the electricity provided efficiently.
W/GH is the metric used to display a miner’s efficiency. The Antminer S7 is also the most efficient miner available on the market, with 0.25 W/GH. Consider that the previous version of the S7, the S5, had an efficiency of just 0.51 W/GH. That means the S5 uses twice as much electricity per hash as the S7.
Buying a miner that has a low W/GH and also has good hash power is the key for any profitable mining operation.
Equipment Costs
Miners generate heat, and also need to be supplied with electricity. Unless you already have the needed parts, you will likely need to purchase cooling fans and power supplies.
Electricity Costs
Electricity costs can make or break any mining operation. A monthly electric bill means monthly costs on top of the upfront cost of the hardware.
China’s cheap electricity is one reason that nearly 60% of the Bitcoin network’s hashing power is located there. In the USA, for example, most mining hardware is run in Washington State, where there is cheap hydroelectricity. Venezuela’s crisis and cheap electricity has also made Bitcoin mining extremely profitable there.
Don’t discount electricity as a cost. It can make or break your mining operation.
Extra Heat and Weather
Creative miners in cold areas can use the heat generated by miners to heat their houses in the winter. If the heat generated by miners will partly replace your normal heating costs, it is one way to save money and improve your chances of profitability.
Miners in cold areas also have an advantage because they may not need to use extra fans to cool the hardware.
Bitcoin Mining Difficulty and Network Hash Power
The Bitcoin mining difficulty makes sure that Bitcoin blocks are mined, on average, every 10 minutes. A higher difficulty is indicative of more hash power joining the network.
As you would expect, more hash power on the network means that existing miners then control a lower percentage of the Bitcoin network hash power.
The image above shows the network hash power over the last 2 years. From September 2015 to February 2016, the network hash rate tripled. That means any miner who added no additional hardware to his farm would earn about 33% less bitcoins.
Hash rate and network difficulty are external factors that should be accounted for. It’s impossible to know difficulty months in advance. However, pay attention to advances in mining technology and efficiency to get a better idea of how the hash rate and difficulty may look down the line.
Bitcoin Price and Block Reward
Bitcoin’s price is volatile and can’t be predicted. You may calculate your profitability with a Bitcoin price of $500, but it won’t be accurate if the price drops to $300 the next day. Be prepared for price movements and understand that the Bitcoin price is a factor that you cannot control.
The Bitcoin block reward is at least one factor that is predictable. Every 4 years, the amount of bitcoins rewarded in each block is cut in half. The reward started at 50 bitcoins per block, and is now 25 bitcoins per block. In July 2016, this reward will fall to just 12.5 bitcoins per block.
Each block reward halving cuts miners’ shares of bitcoins in half. Miners can, however, see similar incomes after a reward halving if the fiat price of Bitcoin doubles.
Bitcoin Mining Calculators
To conclude, use a Bitcoin mining calculator to input your hardware information and electricity costs. This will give you a much better idea on your overall potential to run a profitable mining farm. Remember, however, that some factors like the Bitcoin price and mining difficulty change everyday and can have dramatic effects on profitability.
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Your search engine does not find any satisfactory results for searches. It is too weak. Also, the server of bing is often off
I created a yahoo/email account long ago but I lost access to it; can y'all delete all my yahoo/yahoo account except for my newest YaAccount
I want all my lost access yahoo account 'delete'; Requesting supporter for these old account deletion; 'except' my Newest yahoo account this Account don't delete! Because I don't want it interfering my online 'gamble' /games/business/data/ Activity , because the computer/security program might 'scure' my Information and detect theres other account; then secure online activities/ business securing from my suspicion because of my other account existing will make the security program be 'Suspicious' until I'm 'secure'; and if I'm gambling online 'Depositing' then I need those account 'delete' because the insecurity 'Suspicioun' will program the casino game 'Programs' securities' to be 'secure' then it'll be 'unfair' gaming and I'll lose because of the insecurity can be a 'Excuse'. Hope y'all understand my explanation!
I want all my lost access yahoo account 'delete'; Requesting supporter for these old account deletion; 'except' my Newest yahoo account this Account don't delete! Because I don't want it interfering my online 'gamble' /games/business/data/ Activity , because the computer/security program might 'scure' my Information and detect theres other account; then secure online activities/ business securing from my suspicion because of my other account existing will make the security program be 'Suspicious' until I'm 'secure'; and if I'm gambling online 'Depositing' then I need those account 'delete' because the insecurity 'Suspicioun' will program the casino game 'Programs' securities' to be… more
i dont know what happened but i can not search anything.
Golf handicap tracker, why can't I get to it?
Why do I get redirected on pc and mobile device?
RYAN RAHSAD BELL literally means
Question on a link
In the search for Anaïs Nin, one of the first few links shows a picture of a man. Why? Since Nin is a woman, I can’t figure out why. Can you show some reason for this? Who is he? If you click on the picture a group of pictures of Nin and no mention of that man. Is it an error?
Repair the Yahoo Search App.
Yahoo Search App from the Google Play Store on my Samsung Galaxy S8+ phone stopped working on May 18, 2018.
I went to the Yahoo Troubleshooting page but the article that said to do a certain 8 steps to fix the problem with Yahoo Services not working and how to fix the problem. Of course they didn't work.
I contacted Samsung thru their Samsung Tutor app on my phone. I gave their Technican access to my phone to see if there was a problem with my phone that stopped the Yahoo Search App from working. He went to Yahoo and I signed in so he could try to fix the Yahoo Search App not working. He also used another phone, installed the app from the Google Play Store to see if the app would do any kind of search thru the app. The Yahoo Search App just wasn't working.
I also had At&t try to help me because I have UVERSE for my internet service. My internet was working perfectly. Their Technical Support team member checked the Yahoo Search App and it wouldn't work for him either.
We can go to and search for any topic or website. It's just the Yahoo Search App that won't allow anyone to do web searches at all.
I let Google know that the Yahoo Search App installed from their Google Play Store had completely stopped working on May 18, 2018.
I told them that Yahoo has made sure that their Yahoo members can't contact them about anything.
I noticed that right after I accepted the agreement that said Oath had joined with Verizon I started having the problem with the Yahoo Search App.
No matter what I search for or website thru the Yahoo Search App it says the following after I searched for
This webpage at gttp://
could not be loaded because:
I tried to search for things like The same thing happened. It would say WEBPAGE NOT AVAILABLE. The only thing that changed were all the upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols.
Then it would again say
could not be loaded because:
This is the same thing that happened when Samsung and At&t tried to do any kind of searches thru the Yahoo Search App.
Yahoo needs to fix the problem with their app.
Yahoo Search App from the Google Play Store on my Samsung Galaxy S8+ phone stopped working on May 18, 2018.
I went to the Yahoo Troubleshooting page but the article that said to do a certain 8 steps to fix the problem with Yahoo Services not working and how to fix the problem. Of course they didn't work.
I contacted Samsung thru their Samsung Tutor app on my phone. I gave their Technican access to my phone to see if there was a problem with my phone that stopped the Yahoo Search App from working. He went to Yahoo and… more
Bitminter - bitcoin minting the easy way!
Sign up and point your ASIC machines to with your user name and a dummy (x or 123) password. Or use a specific region:
- (United States)
- (United States)
- (Canada)
- (Europe)
A closer server can slightly reduce stale (rejected) work. A reject ratio around 0.10% is normal. Check live stats to see your reject ratio in the current shift.
If you have firewall issues try port 443 instead of 3333.
New users can mine with just the user name. That's because you start out with a worker that has the default setting enabled. To use a specific worker mine with your user name, an underscore, then a worker name, e.g. John_asic3. There is no password check. You can put X or 123 as password.
What is BitMinter?
Bitminter is a bitcoin mining pool that aims to make it easy for anyone to make bitcoins. Bitminter is one of the oldest pools. Since we opened in 2011 over 450 000 people have registered accounts with us. We hope that you will join us too!
What do I need?
ASICs took over in 2013. Mining one bitcoin with just a PC now takes millions of years. You'll want a 1 TH/s or faster ASIC machine to start a small mining-at-home operation. Have a look at Antminer from Bitmain and AvalonMiner from Canaan. Used ASICs are available at ebay and similar places.
Reward System
Your work is recorded in shifts. When we create a new block you get a share of the income proportional to how much of the work in the last 10 completed shifts is yours. This reward system is known as PPLNS with shifts. 99% of the mining income (including transaction fee income) is paid out to users. Donations are optional and will unlock various perks.
Using bitcoins
You can pay for goods and services with bitcoins. Try the open market OpenBazaar or the freelancer market Rein. Get bitcoin-themed items from BTC Trinkets. Or what about Overstock, Expedia, Mega. Find more with CoinMap.
Crypto Mining Blog
All About BTC, LTC, ETH mining as well as other alternative crypto currencies
Recent Posts
Testing the Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 Founders Edition for Crypto Mining
Recently we have tested the new Nvidia Pascal-based GeForce GTX 1080 Founders Edition GPU for crypto mining and it is now the time to see what the little brother in the form of GTX 1070 is also capable of. The Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 Founders Edition is a little stripped down version of the current top model in the form of GTX 1080, but generally the two are not that different. The GPU on the GTX 1070 is a bit less powerful and the memory is regular GDDR5 instead of the GDDR5X used in the 1080. The cooling solution, the backplate, even the 8-pin power connector are the same on both and that should signal a good overclocking potential for the GTX 1070 and the significantly better price makes it the more interesting of the two for crypto mining. Do note that the TDP rating of the GTX 1070 is just 151W and the power limiter allows you for just 12% increase over the stock limit, so you get 169 Watts max without having to resort to something like BIOS modification for example in order to be able to get serious in terms of overclocking. We are going to cover the overclock for the GeForce GTX 1070 and the mining hashrate with OC in a follow up article, for now we are comparing only the performance at stock settings.
We have already discussed the not so good situation with Ethereum mining on the GTX 1080 and unfortunately things are the same with the GTX 1070. Mining Ethereum under Windows is pointless at this point as the hashrate is very low (issue with the video driver) and although this might be fixed at a later time with a driver update, for the moment the only option you have is Linux. The results under Linux are not great though the GTX 1070 apparently does perform better because of the GDDR5 memory even at lower frequencies as compared to the GDDR5X, especially when you overclock the GTX 1070. We are going to be doing some more testing for this under Linux at a later time in order to see what the new Nvidia Pascal-based GPUs are really capable of for mining crypto currencies based on the Dagger-Hashimoto algorithm like Ethereum, but for now we are focusing on the other algorithms.
The results we’ve got for other popular algorithms besides Ethereum’s Ethash are pretty interesting as you can see from our summary in the table. It is interesting to note that the GTX 1070 is a bit faster in all algorithms besides Decred than the GTX 980 Ti and it does it with a significantly lower power usage. Price wise the GTX 1070 is still a bit more expensive than GTX 980 Ti, but the power savings on the long term should more than justify the difference. With that said we should note that the GTX 980 Ti has never been one of the popular Nvidia video cards among miners due to the pretty high price that it has been keeping. Compare to GTX 970 the new GTX 1070 is significantly faster, and the results of the 1070 were not that close to the ones from GTX 1080 as we’ve hoped they could be. With some overclocking however we expect that the gap in performance between a stock GTX 1080 and the OCed GTX 1070 cloud become pretty insignificant, but that would need some more testing to confirm.
Do note that we have not included results from Lyra2RE and NeoScrypt this time, because with both algorithms the GTX 1080 and GTX 1070 did not perform well and would need some optimizations. In fact there is already an optimized version of ccMiner that fixes the performance issues with Lyra2RE that also brings quite big performance boost for older GPUs as well – ccMiner 1.7.6-r6 fork With Faster Lyra2RE, but for Neoscrypt the performance of the Pascal GPUs needs some work.
Category: bitcoin
Is it a blockchain or is it a DLT?
In various discussions I often hear people saying “But that’s not blockchain! That’s DLT!”. This sounds like blockchain and DLT would be two totally different things, while in fact, blockchain is a specific implementation of a DLT. What most people actually mean is something like this: “But that’s not public, unpermissioned and egalitarian! That’s private, permissioned and authoritarian!”.
While I’m waiting to see the terminoligy get standardized, I have decided for myself to apply the following three-dimensional categorization:
private / public – connectivity to the network. E.g.: are nodes accesible via Internet or Intranet? Can anyone join or is it limited to a closed user group?
permissioned / unpermissioned – access regulation. Do I need a permission/invitation to join the network?
egalitarian / authoritarian – are all participants (potentially) equal in their rights?
The obvious two categories are the two well known extrems:
Public unpermissioned egalitarian – The participant doesn’t have to ask someone for permission to join. He can create an account (private/public key pair) by himself and he can immediately start to use the network via Internet. Every participant in the network has the same rights (but not necessarily the same means). Typical representants of this category are Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Private permissioned authoritarian – The participant needs a permission or an invitation to join the network. There are authorities, which grant/revoke the rights. The network is private and/or the connection to it is regulated (firewals, whitelists, VPN, …). Typical representants are Hyperledger Fabric and Corda.
How about the other 6 categories? Of what use could they be? Let me try to describe the public one first, since the private variants are a narrower version of it.
Public permissioned egalitarian -the participant needs a permission to join the network, but as soon as he joined, he has the same rights as other participants. For instance an invite-only social network.
Public permissioned authoritarian – the network is open to everyone, but the onboarding and transaction validation is done by the network authorities. Example for this are Ripple, Tobalaba Test Network, and Infrachain (maybe?). What I also could imagine is to have for instance a Europe-wide Proof of Authority Ethereum network. Let’s call this theoretical construct Eurochain. In Eurochain each government has a sealing node and is onboarding its citizents after checking their identity.
Public unpermissioned authoritarian – Same as above but with the difference that participants can join without asking for a permission.
Private permissioned egalitarian – this seems weird at first, but if you put it in the context of an extranet (see CredNet for example, which is the network connecting all German saving banks (Sparkassen)), it starts to make sense again. However, I have not observed one yet.
Private unpermissioned authoritarian – a narrower variant of the public one. For instance if the theoretical Eurochain is not intended to be used by the citizens but only for the communication between governments themselves.
Private unpermissioned egalitarian – more open variant of the permissioned one.
An overview of the blockchain universe
The blockchain universe is evolving very fast. New products and platforms are announced daily. This post should help you to get a rough overview about the existing blockchain technologies.
I categorize the blockchain technologies into 3 tiers:
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Your search engine does not find any satisfactory results for searches. It is too weak. Also, the server of bing is often off
I created a yahoo/email account long ago but I lost access to it; can y'all delete all my yahoo/yahoo account except for my newest YaAccount
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I want all my lost access yahoo account 'delete'; Requesting supporter for these old account deletion; 'except' my Newest yahoo account this Account don't delete! Because I don't want it interfering my online 'gamble' /games/business/data/ Activity , because the computer/security program might 'scure' my Information and detect theres other account; then secure online activities/ business securing from my suspicion because of my other account existing will make the security program be 'Suspicious' until I'm 'secure'; and if I'm gambling online 'Depositing' then I need those account 'delete' because the insecurity 'Suspicioun' will program the casino game 'Programs' securities' to be… more
i dont know what happened but i can not search anything.
Golf handicap tracker, why can't I get to it?
Why do I get redirected on pc and mobile device?
RYAN RAHSAD BELL literally means
Question on a link
In the search for Anaïs Nin, one of the first few links shows a picture of a man. Why? Since Nin is a woman, I can’t figure out why. Can you show some reason for this? Who is he? If you click on the picture a group of pictures of Nin and no mention of that man. Is it an error?
Repair the Yahoo Search App.
Yahoo Search App from the Google Play Store on my Samsung Galaxy S8+ phone stopped working on May 18, 2018.
I went to the Yahoo Troubleshooting page but the article that said to do a certain 8 steps to fix the problem with Yahoo Services not working and how to fix the problem. Of course they didn't work.
I contacted Samsung thru their Samsung Tutor app on my phone. I gave their Technican access to my phone to see if there was a problem with my phone that stopped the Yahoo Search App from working. He went to Yahoo and I signed in so he could try to fix the Yahoo Search App not working. He also used another phone, installed the app from the Google Play Store to see if the app would do any kind of search thru the app. The Yahoo Search App just wasn't working.
I also had At&t try to help me because I have UVERSE for my internet service. My internet was working perfectly. Their Technical Support team member checked the Yahoo Search App and it wouldn't work for him either.
We can go to and search for any topic or website. It's just the Yahoo Search App that won't allow anyone to do web searches at all.
I let Google know that the Yahoo Search App installed from their Google Play Store had completely stopped working on May 18, 2018.
I told them that Yahoo has made sure that their Yahoo members can't contact them about anything.
I noticed that right after I accepted the agreement that said Oath had joined with Verizon I started having the problem with the Yahoo Search App.
No matter what I search for or website thru the Yahoo Search App it says the following after I searched for
This webpage at gttp://
could not be loaded because:
I tried to search for things like The same thing happened. It would say WEBPAGE NOT AVAILABLE. The only thing that changed were all the upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols.
Then it would again say
could not be loaded because:
This is the same thing that happened when Samsung and At&t tried to do any kind of searches thru the Yahoo Search App.
Yahoo needs to fix the problem with their app.
Yahoo Search App from the Google Play Store on my Samsung Galaxy S8+ phone stopped working on May 18, 2018.
I went to the Yahoo Troubleshooting page but the article that said to do a certain 8 steps to fix the problem with Yahoo Services not working and how to fix the problem. Of course they didn't work.
I contacted Samsung thru their Samsung Tutor app on my phone. I gave their Technican access to my phone to see if there was a problem with my phone that stopped the Yahoo Search App from working. He went to Yahoo and… more
Bitcoin produzieren
This delivers the work to the miners and receives the completed work from the miners and relays that information back to the blockchain and your mining pool.
Bitcoin Cloud Mining
These cloud miner services enable customers to avoid the physical hassles usually encountered when mining bitcoins such as electricity, hosting issues, heat, installation or upkeep trouble.
Bitcoin Scams
Scam mining companies are common and many have fallen prey to their schemes. Beware.
What is Bitcoin Mining?
What is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is an internet protocol that enables the transfer of value over a communications channel like the Internet or radio.
An easily understood application is decentralized digital currency; like being able to send a gold coin as easy as you send an email.
But blockchain technology enables many things like a fridge that can pay for and restock itself or self-driving taxis.
What is Bitcoin Mining?
Bitcoin mining is how Bitcoin transactions are validated and confirmed by the Bitcoin network.
Bitcoin miners create a new block by solving a proof of work problem that is chained through cryptographic proof to the previous block.
What is a Bitcoin Miner?
A Bitcoin miner is a computer specifically designed to solve problems according to the proof of work algorithm.
Currently, highly specialized chips called ASICs, Application Specific Integrated Circuits, are used as Bitcoin miners.
How To Mine Bitcoins
Anyone can get a bitcoin miner and mine bitcoins by connecting to the Bitcoin network. Those with lower electricity costs have a competitive advantage.
Bitcoin Gold unter Angriff: Börsen verlieren 18 Millionen Dollar wegen Double Spend
Bitcoin Gold, die Fork von Bitcoin, die gegen Asics resistent ist, wurde vor einer Woche angegriffen: Ein Miner hat mehr als 51 Prozent der Hashrate aufgebracht. Dies ermöglichte es ihm, bestätigte Transaktionen zweifach auszugeben und Börsen um etwa 18 Millionen Dollar zu betrügen. Eigentlich sollte dies der GAU für jede Kryptowährung sein – doch der Kurs von Bitcoin Gold hat kaum reagiert. Eine andere Kryptowährung, Verge, wurde kurz zuvor übrigens auf ähnliche Weise angegriffen.
Im Forum von Bitcoin Gold schrieb jemand vor einer Woche ein Post, das jeden alarmieren sollte, der weiß, was die Worte bedeuten:
Eine unbekannte Partei mit Zugriff auf eine große Menge an Hashpower versucht, einen ‘51%-Angriff’ auszuführen, um durch ‘Double Spends’ Geld von Börsen zu stehlen.
Abgesehen davon, dass es ziemlich schlimm ist – was bedeutet es genau? Ein 51-Prozent-Angriff meint, dass es einem Miner (oder einem Mining-Pool) gelingt, sich 51 Prozent der Hashrate anzueignen. Nun werden diverse Attacken auf Bitcoin (oder andere Blockchain-basierte Währungen) möglich, die es nicht geben sollte. Das Grundmodell meint, dass der Miner seine Hashpower einsetzt, um im Geheimen eine eigene Blockchain zu minen, die dann zur offiziellen Chain wird, sobald er sie veröffentlicht, da hinter ihr die größte Hashpower steht.
Die längere Chain löscht die kürzere aus
Ich versuche, einen 51-%-Angriff grob zu visualisieren. Die eigentliche, sichtbare Chain sieht so aus, wenn die Miner innerhalb von einer Stunde sechs Blöcke produzieren:
B1 — B2 — B3 — B4 — B5 — B6
Gleichzeitig aber kann der 51-Prozent-Miner im selben Zeitraum eine alternative Chain erzeugen:
A1 — A2 — A3 — A4 — A5 — A6 — A7
Diese Chain ist länger, da der Angreifer mehr Hashrate hat. Wenn er nun in Block B1 eine Transaktion einfügt, etwa an eine Börse, und etwas später, wenn er etwa seine Coins auf der Börse verkauft hat, die alternative Chain A1 bis A7 veröffentlicht, in der die Transaktion an die Börse nicht enthalten ist, ist es so, als sei sie nie geschehen. Dies nennt man dann einen erfolgreichen Double-Spend, wie er bei bestätigten Transaktionen eigentlich nicht möglich sein dürfte.
Dies geschah nun offenbar bei Bitcoin Gold (BTG). Anders als Bitcoin (BTC) und Bitcoin Cash (BCH) wird BTG nicht durch Asics, sondern durch die Prozessoren von Grafikkarten (GPUs) gemined. Die Grafikkartenminer und ihre Pools schürfen oft nicht einen spezifischen Coin, sondern hüpfen von Coin zu Coin, je nachdem, welcher profitabler ist. Dass dies für kleine Coins wie BTG problematisch werden kann, hat die Auroracoin-Szene schon 2014 erfahren müssen.
Börsen unter Beschuss
Nach dem Hinweis im Forum gab es mehrere Tage lang Double-Spend-Angriffe gegen namentlich nicht genannte Börsen. Es kam immer wieder vor, dass Blöcke, in denen Transaktionen an Börsen gesendet wurde, durch alternative Ketten ersetzt wurden, in denen die Transaktion nicht enthalten war. Zunächst hat die Community den Börsen empfohlen, 20 Bestätigungen abzuwarten. Etwas später zeigte sich aber, dass dies nicht reicht, und dass man besser 45 oder 50 Bestätigungen sammelt.
Jemand erklärte, ab wann ein Angriff profitabel ist: “Es hängt von den Beträgen ab. Die Beträge, bei denen wir Double-Spends beobachtet haben, lagen zwischen 8 000 und 12 000 BTG. Immer wenn ein Angreifer gewinnt, verliert die Börse diesen Betrag. Der Angreifer muss ein wenig Geld ausgeben, um genügend Blöcke zu minen, um die 51-%-Attacke auszuführen. Um n Blöcke zurückzunehmen, muss er etwa (n+1) * 12,5 BTG bezahlen. N ist dabei die Anzahl an Bestätigungen, die eine Börse verlangt. Ein 21-Block-Angriff kostet etwa 262,5 BTG.”
Schätzungen zufolge gelang es den Angreifern, etwa 18 Millionen Dollar von verschiedenen Börsen zu erbeuten. Einer der Accounts, die angeblich in den Angriff involviert sind, hat am 16. Mai den Betrag von 388.200 BTG erhalten. Nach dem 18. Mai haben die Angriffe gestoppt, aber das Risiko besteht weiterhin, dass der Angreifer eine weitere Attacke fährt, wenn er erneut die Mehrheit der Hashpower erreicht.
Bitcoin Gold ist nicht allein
Bitcoin Gold ist nicht der erste Coin, der von einem solchen Angriff betroffen ist. Erst vor kurzem fiel offenbar die Kryptowährung Verge (XVG) einer 51-%-Attacke zum Opfer. Laut Cryptocoinsnews geschah dies zum zweiten Mal seit Anfang April. Der Angreifer hatte dabei wohl auch noch einen Bug im Timestamping der Blocks ausgenutzt, wodurch es ihm gelang, die gesamte Blockproduktion zu kontrollieren und die Schwierigkeit effektiv auf Null zu senken. Der Angreifer konnte sich angeblich 35 Millionen XVG sichern, was etwa 1,7 Millionen Dollar entsprach.
Ein solcher Angriff sollte für eine Kryptowährung eigentlich ein KO-Treffer sein. Die Märkte jedoch reagieren gelassen. Der Kurs von Bitcoin Gold blieb im Lauf der vergangenen Wochen nahezu unverändert. Die Fork ist seit Januar in einem relativ unaufregenden Abwärtstrend, der durch die Double Spends weder verschärft noch gemildert wurde. Verge hingegen war vor den Angriffen im April auf einem starken Aufwärtskurs, der dann jäh unterbrochen wurde und sich in einen Abwärtstrend transformierte. Allerdings bleibt auch hier bislang ein bemerkenswerter Absturz aus.
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