пятница, 29 июня 2018 г.


Bitcoin Profitability Calculator – BTC Mining Profit Calculator

Enter your set up information in the form below. Do not enter commas, only dots for decimal separator.

Nothing guaranteed, of course this is only a rough estimate!
Do not enter commas, only dots for decimal separator. You can also calculate rented mining by setting “Power consumption” to 0 and “Cost of mining hardware” to the rent per time frame. Default values are for a system of four 6870s.

Estimate Strategy

Extrapolating bitcoin difficulty or price is pure voodoo. It is much easier to predict the relationship of the two parameters in form of the Mining Factor. The Mining Factor 100 is the value in USD of the bitcoins you can generate if you let a 100MHash/s miner run for 24 hours. If the Mining Factor 100 rises above $2 or so everybody buys mining equipment and thus increases difficulty. If it falls people will stop mining eventually. The estimate starts with the current Mining Factor and decreases it exponentially such that the decrease accounts for the factor decline per year. Please note that a profit/loss by holding the coins is not accounted for in this estimate.

Bitcoin Mining Profit Calculator

Why Our Calculator is the Most Accurate

There are many factors that affect your mining profitability. Two of the main factors that influence your profitability are: the Bitcoin price and the total network hash rate.

The Bitcoin network hash rate is growing at a rate of 0.4527678% per day. This means if you buy 50 TH/s of mining hardware your total share of the network will go DOWN every day compared to the total network hash rate.

Our calculator assumes the 0.4527678% daily increase in network hash rate that has been the average daily increase over the past 6 months.

Without factoring in this growth, most Bitcoin mining calculators show results that appear MUCH, MUCH more profitable than reality.

The Bitcoin Price

Even though the network hash rate will cause your share of the network hash power to go down, the Bitcoin price can help make up some of these losses.

The Bitcoin price is rising at a slightly lesser 0.3403% per day over the past year. We suggest you enter a custom Bitcoin price into our calculator based on what you expect the average price to be over the next year.

What our Calculator Assumes

Since our calculator only projects one year out, we assume the block reward to be 12.5. We also use the current Bitcoin price in our calculations, but you can change the Bitcoin price to anything you'd like to get better data.

Bitcoin Mining Calculator

Got your shiny new ASIC miner? Wondering when it will pay off? If you enter your hash rate below, this page will calculate your expected earnings in both Bitcoins and dollars over various time periods (day, week, and month). It will not attempt to extrapolate difficulty or price changes -- it provides only instantaneous calculations (how much you'd make if all conditions remained as they were right now).

Next difficulty retarget occurs at block 526175.0 (eta 8.0 days): 4.43989329903e+12 / +3.1% [est.]

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CoinBought: Buy anything on Amazon for BTC, ETC, XMR, or more. Orders placed automatically in minutes.

Welcome to 99Bitcoins’ simple Bitcoin Mining Calculator

This simple Bitcoin mining calculator will allow you to determine how much you can profit from a certain Bitcoin miner. It takes into account all relevant costs such as hardware, electricity and fees. See below for detailed instructions on how to use it.

Instructions on how to use the Bitcoin Mining Calculator:

  1. Enter the hash rate of the Bitcoin miner you’re planning to use
  2. Click on “Calculate mining revenue”
  3. That’s it! (we said it was simple….)

Note: If some values in the Bitcoin mining calculator don’t seem right (exchange rate, block reward, etc.) you can adjust them manually. However normally they are all up to date.

Keep in mind that:

  • Revenue is shown in USD based on the current exchange rate, the exchange rate can (and probably will) change from time to time.
  • Revenue is based on current difficulty to mine Bitcoins. Difficulty can (and probably will) change. From past experience it usually goes up as time goes by.
  • Revenue IS NOT profit. You still have to take into account the cost of your mining hardware and the electricity to run it (and cool it down if needed).

If you want to know more about Bitcoin mining profitability check out this page.

How to Calculate Bitcoin Mining Profitability

Bitcoin mining secures the Bitcoin network. Without miners, Bitcoin could easily be attacked and even shut down. Since Bitcoin miners provide such an important service to the network, they are paid for their services! Each block mined by miners contains a block reward, which is paid out to the miner that successfully mined the block.

While mining today is very competitive, it is possible to run a successful and profitable mining farm. This post will outline the many factors that will determine whether or not your mining operation will be profitable.

Mining Hardware Costs

The upfront costs to pay for mining hardware is usually the largest expense for any new mining farm. Just like good computers cost more money, good mining hardware is expensive. The Antminer S7 is one currently the most efficient miner and costs $629. It only mines about $200 worth of bitcoins per month, meaning just based on hardware costs alone it will take more than three months to get back your money. This does not include electricity costs or equipment costs (more on this below).

When purchasing mining hardware, you will want to look at these metrics: Th/s and W/GH. Th/s, or sometimes Gh/s, measures a miner’s terahashes (Th/s) or gigahashes (Gh/s) per second and is called hash rate. A higher hash rate means a more powerful miner. You can use this simple calculator from Bitcoin Wisdom to determine how much money an amount of hash power will earn per month.

Hardware Efficiency

Hash power is not the end all for determining good miners, though. Miners use massive amounts of electricity. You want a miner that has both a high hash rate and uses the electricity provided efficiently.

W/GH is the metric used to display a miner’s efficiency. The Antminer S7 is also the most efficient miner available on the market, with 0.25 W/GH. Consider that the previous version of the S7, the S5, had an efficiency of just 0.51 W/GH. That means the S5 uses twice as much electricity per hash as the S7.

Buying a miner that has a low W/GH and also has good hash power is the key for any profitable mining operation.

Equipment Costs

Miners generate heat, and also need to be supplied with electricity. Unless you already have the needed parts, you will likely need to purchase cooling fans and power supplies.

Electricity Costs

Electricity costs can make or break any mining operation. A monthly electric bill means monthly costs on top of the upfront cost of the hardware.

China’s cheap electricity is one reason that nearly 60% of the Bitcoin network’s hashing power is located there. In the USA, for example, most mining hardware is run in Washington State, where there is cheap hydroelectricity. Venezuela’s crisis and cheap electricity has also made Bitcoin mining extremely profitable there.

Don’t discount electricity as a cost. It can make or break your mining operation.

Extra Heat and Weather

Creative miners in cold areas can use the heat generated by miners to heat their houses in the winter. If the heat generated by miners will partly replace your normal heating costs, it is one way to save money and improve your chances of profitability.

Miners in cold areas also have an advantage because they may not need to use extra fans to cool the hardware.

Bitcoin Mining Difficulty and Network Hash Power

The Bitcoin mining difficulty makes sure that Bitcoin blocks are mined, on average, every 10 minutes. A higher difficulty is indicative of more hash power joining the network.

As you would expect, more hash power on the network means that existing miners then control a lower percentage of the Bitcoin network hash power.

The image above shows the network hash power over the last 2 years. From September 2015 to February 2016, the network hash rate tripled. That means any miner who added no additional hardware to his farm would earn about 33% less bitcoins.

Hash rate and network difficulty are external factors that should be accounted for. It’s impossible to know difficulty months in advance. However, pay attention to advances in mining technology and efficiency to get a better idea of how the hash rate and difficulty may look down the line.

Bitcoin Price and Block Reward

Bitcoin’s price is volatile and can’t be predicted. You may calculate your profitability with a Bitcoin price of $500, but it won’t be accurate if the price drops to $300 the next day. Be prepared for price movements and understand that the Bitcoin price is a factor that you cannot control.

The Bitcoin block reward is at least one factor that is predictable. Every 4 years, the amount of bitcoins rewarded in each block is cut in half. The reward started at 50 bitcoins per block, and is now 25 bitcoins per block. In July 2016, this reward will fall to just 12.5 bitcoins per block.

Each block reward halving cuts miners’ shares of bitcoins in half. Miners can, however, see similar incomes after a reward halving if the fiat price of Bitcoin doubles.

Bitcoin Mining Calculators

To conclude, use a Bitcoin mining calculator to input your hardware information and electricity costs. This will give you a much better idea on your overall potential to run a profitable mining farm. Remember, however, that some factors like the Bitcoin price and mining difficulty change everyday and can have dramatic effects on profitability.

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Genesis Mining Calculator – Genesis Mining SHA-256

How to use Bitcoin Mining Calculator

  • Set the value of 1 Bitcoin with the slider (4000$ on 5th October 2017)
  • Enter the hash rate which you plan to buy
  • Now you can see the NET Bitcoins and US Dollars payouts - this amount will be sent to your Bitcoin wallet.
  • Job done!

Daily BTC Payout

Daily BTC Payout

Daily BTC Payout

Monthly BTC Profit

Monthly BTC Profit

Monthly BTC Profit

Return Of Investment

Return Of Investment

Return Of Investment

Daily BTC Payout

Daily BTC Payout

Daily BTC Payout

Monthly BTC Profit

Monthly BTC Profit

Monthly BTC Profit

Return Of Investment

Return Of Investment

Return Of Investment

Daily BTC Payout

Daily BTC Payout

Daily BTC Payout

Monthly BTC Profit

Monthly BTC Profit

Monthly BTC Profit

Return Of Investment

Return Of Investment

Return Of Investment

* This table was created 22nd May 2017 for 1BTC = 2000$. It is based on real data from my account. The profit will vary because of Bitcoin halving and Bitcoin value are changing.

The difficulty to mine 1 BTC increases every week. NO ONE IN THE WORLD CAN ESTIMATE BITCOIN PROFIT WITH 100% ACCURACY.

Platinum Bitcoin Mining Review


Open-Ended contract of 2,500 GH/s for 350$. Daily payouts to your Bitcoin wallet.

You don't need to worry about the electricity bill, hardware updates, cooling etc.

You will earn around 1.7$ per day and your ROI will be around 206 days.

Please don't insert any affiliate links or other promo codes.

Thank you for using Genesis Mining Promo Code oBy7uD


Mining Power: 0.25 TH/s

Does this mean that 0.25 TH/s will not be profitable at all,

-daily profit is 0.000067673 BTC
-deduction of 0.00028 as maintenance fee
-I only means that i have -0.0001954079735 everyday?

Hi Allen, thank you for your comment and I am sorry for the confusion.

What you see on the calculator is NET payout. There is no other deduction at all.

I have tried to make a calculator as clear and intuitive as possible.

All calculation are made on real data from my account with 2 years history. So payout 0.000067673 is what you get to your Bitcoin wallet.

Hope you see it in better light now:)

Discount Code Genesis-Mining

Amazing ! UsAmazing ! Use this code for 10% discount. I Have alredy used.e this code for 10% discount. I Have alredy used.

Amazing Friends! Amazing ! Use this code for 10% discount. I Have alredy used.e this code for 10% discount. I Have alredy used….. OzLDiN

It is not a scam it works

I have been using Genesis mining for 2 years and received my payments on time. Till 12/06/2017 I have earned a profit of $500 and still growing.

You can use the promo code :oBy7uD (sorry Victor – no other promo codes here)
To avail an all time discount of up-to 5% everytime you purchase or upgrade your hashpower.

For reading and do your own research before taking any decision.

Comments updated by admin! Please don’t share your promo code here. Thank you

The payment it absolut fine. Just the investments done by creditcard waits for 30 days. That is something normal to creditcardwork. I like to reinvest some of my BTC. And now, June of 2017, the prices of many cryptocurrencies are more raising then falling.
The longer we wait with selling our ´harvest´ the better the price. There is no loose. Just damn fine this company.

I only tested Genenis Mining, but its good enough to have some income.

I am willing to buy the higher plan and I am going to use your coupon too.
I need the report of earning for all day of June (for whatever plan you have taken)
I know it will take your valuable time but I guarantee that I will use your coupon code.

Thanks in advance

Does this website return your deposits after the length of time? Or can I withdraw my initial investment at any time for bitcoin mining?

No deposit is returned to customer by genesis-mining.com. If you buy a 2 year contract you will earn your money back in some time plus some profit. Use our calculators for this answer. But when the contract is finished no money will be earned after. It is like a bus ticket. When the journey is finished no money given back:)

Approximately how long to exhaust initial investment?

Very much appreciate what you’ve done so well here, THANK YOU! Very clear … the only thing I wonder on the open-ended contracts is how long does the initial investment carry you? Obviousily on the 2-year leases it’s a fixed time, making it easy to calculate. Any idea? Appreciate it – Thanks Again.

Open-ended contracts were previously called life-time contracts. But as the difficulty grows every day the server bought for example 2 years ago doesn’t have power to mine the bitcoin today. Actually it has but the cost of electricity spent for it makes it unprofitable. In genesis-mining.com contract is written that open-ended contracts can be cancelled when it reach the level the mining is no more profitable. It can be in 2, 3, 4 years…. Impossible to answer this question:)

Does this calculator take into factor the bitcoin mining difficulty based on the current difficulty today as it is going up 8% every month.

I update the calculator on 2 weeks basis. Dude, I am normal human beings, not a robot. I like cycling, swimming, beer etc. Just let you know I use data from my own genesis-mining.com account. So it is real, honest and nearly up to date:)

Genesis Mining - The World Player

In my experience, the Genesis Mining Pool is the best player. The profit and the return and the costs are in a good relationship. Moreover, the payment works without problem.

I agree with you.

I’ve been with genesis for more than a year, to profit hold the coins for bit long at least a year.
Happy mining ☺

Genesis ist ein Seriöser Anbieter - CODE : h4Sx3k

Ich kann nur gutes zu Genesis Mining sagen. Die gekaufte Power wird täglich auf mein Wallet ausgezahlt. Das System ist sehr übersichtlich aufgebaut sodass es auch ein Normaler Mensch verstehen kann.

Viel Spaß beim Mining

Danke. Alles gute:)

Promo Code 3%

Genesis mining

Hi ,
I just bought 38 th , it appr. produce 0.0106 btc/day, It is lower than calculation. Do you know the reason?

The reason is 100% in increasing the difficulty of mining.

Promo Code Swap

oBy7uD Use my promo code and I’ll return the favor shoot me an email!

use promocode oBy7ud
3% discount works like crazy

Great service

Made about $300 dollars with genesis so far in about a month and a half. really awesome service. Had one issue with a payment not being processed and customer service resolved this immediatly. A tip I would give is to stick to one mining contract and upgrade every now and then so the difficulty increase wont be noticeable. This is better than having more than one contract and having it pay less and less each time with difficulty increase. Also use crypto to pay instead of credit card, this way there is no 30 day payout hold. Good luck guys.
Discount Code: oBy7uD

Good advice. Thank you.

a little out

Im leaving this review not as a slant on this site but to let you know that the calculator may need updating, Ive got 11.7TH/s and get daily payouts of 0.0021 to 0.0029 where as your calculator says 10 TH/s will give me daily pay outs of 0.003386 which is quite a big difference

Which means this calculator is very close to the reality. Thank you for your feedback.

Your Promocode

In my experience, the Genesis Mining Pool is the best player. The profit and the return and the costs are in a good relationship. Moreover, the payment works without problem.

Thank you for your feedback

Fresh Promocode for Genesis Mining is 1EFLZ7

Use the code oBy7uD for buying Hashpower at Genesis-mining.com

How the code works ?
Code User will get 3% off on the total price. It’s a win-win situation!

réelle rentabilité

J’ai utilisé votre code, j’ai acheté 100 mh/s ether sur génésis mining votre calculateur donne 18 dollars jour or je dépasse à peine chaque 24h 6 dollars…….
Pourquoi cette arnaque….pourquoi faire croire au gens qu’ils vont gagner plus alors que l’on paye que 30% de la valeur annoncée par le calculateur .

I used your code, I bought 100 mh / s ether on genesis mining your calculator gives 18 dollars day gold I barely exceeds every 24h 6 dollars …….
Why this scam … why make people believe that they will win more while paying only 30% of the value announced by the calculator .

Calculator just updated. Thank you for your feedback.

not true it's the same . its scam

not true it’s the same . its scam

Any evidence buddy?

Please share with us your story. What happened to you?

ok sorry i see change

You are right you changed it is good ……. but when I invested on 19/07, the calculator announced a profitability of 3 times more …….. I am Do rip off .
And in addition I used your code ….
What is your position and what gesture are you ready to make to correct?

Invest at your own risk and research

Alain – come on, you can’t truly believe that because the payout is less than ‘predicted’ on here you are trying to get something back??

BTC value changes every day as does the difficulty etc so this is only ever a guide – and it says that so use it as such. I think this is a great resource to use if you use it with a pinch of salt as they say – its not financial advice.

P.S. Petr – used your code today for 20THs – thanks for that.

What coin is best to mine on Genesis

Please I want to start to mine, which coin is best to mine for now

Start with Bitcoin

If i invest $75 on genesis mining in bitcoins then how much i will get every month for lifetime ?

If i invest $75 on genesis mining in bitcoins then how much i will get every month for lifetime ?

i want to know after maintenance fees deduction and electricity fees deduction.

If from next year maintenance fees and electricity fees exceeds my daily profit will my account be active.

Please reply with your experience on short investment of $75.

I am thinking to invest on hashing24 because of bitfury and they are giving net income for round the figure $84 investment as monthly $7

So if i invest on genesis mining how much i will get every month and will there be any chance of my account and hash to be terminated next year if maintenance fees and electricity fees exceeds my daily profit ?

Крупнейший рынок криптомайнинга

Продавайте или покупайте вычислительную мощность по требованию

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Is Bitcoin Mining Profitable in 2018?

Last updated on February 26th, 2018 at 03:20 pm

Before we start, if you’re new to Bitcoin mining and don’t know what it is watch this short and simple explanation:

Is Bitcoin Mining Profitable in 2018?

The short answer would be “It depends on how much you’re willing to spend”. Each person asking himself this will get a slightly different answer since Bitcoin Mining profitability depends on many different factors. In order to find out Bitcoin mining profitability for different factors “mining profitability calculators” were invented.

These calculators take into account the different parameters such as electricity cost, the cost of your hardware and other variables and give you an estimate of your projected profit. Before I give you a short example of how this is calculated let’s make sure you are familiar with the different variables:

Bitcoin Mining terms you should get to know

Hash Rate – A Hash is the mathematical problem the miner’s computer needs to solve. The Hash Rate is the rate at which these problems are being solved. The more miners that join the Bitcoin network, the higher the network Hash Rate is.

The Hash Rate can also refer to your miner’s performance. Today Bitcoin miners (those super powerful computers talked about in the video) come with different Hash Rates. Miners’ performance is measured in MH/s (Mega hash per second), GH/s (Giga hash per second), TH/s (Terra hash per second) and even PH/s (Peta hash per second).

Bitcoins per Block – Each time a mathematical problem is solved, a constant amount of Bitcoins are created. The number of Bitcoins generated per block starts at 50 and is halved every 210,000 blocks (about four years). The current number of Bitcoins awarded per block is 12.5. The last block halving occurred on July 2016 and the next one will be in 2020.

Bitcoin Difficulty – Since the Bitcoin network is designed to produce a constant amount of Bitcoins every 10 minutes, the difficulty of solving the mathematical problems has to increase in order to adjust to the network’s Hash Rate increase. Basically this means that the more miners that join, the harder it gets to actually mine Bitcoins.

Electricity Rate – Operating a Bitcoin miner consumes a lot of electricity. You’ll need to find out your electricity rate in order to calculate profitability. This can usually be found on your monthly electricity bill.

Power consumption – Each miner consumes a different amount of energy. Make sure to find out the exact power consumption of your miner before calculating profitability. This can be found easily with a quick search on the Internet or through this list. Power consumption is measured in Watts.

Pool fees – In order to mine you’ll need to join a mining pool. A mining pool is a group of miners that join together in order to mine more effectively. The platform that brings them together is called a mining pool and it deducts some sort of a fee in order to maintain its operations. Once the pool manages to mine Bitcoins the profits are divided between the pool members depending on how much work each miner has done (i.e. their miner’s hash rate).

Time Frame – When calculating if Bitcoin mining is profitable you’ll have to define a time frame to relate to. Since the more time you mine, the more Bitcoins you’ll earn.

Profitability decline per year – This is probably the most important and elusive variable of them all. The idea is that since no one can actually predict the rate of miners joining the network no one can also predict how difficult it will be to mine in 6 weeks, 6 months or 6 years from now. This is one of the two reasons no one will ever be able to answer you once and for all “is Bitcoin mining profitable ?”. The second reason is the conversion rate. In the case below, you can insert an annual profitability decline factor that will help you estimate the growing difficulty.

Conversion rate – Since no one knows what the BTC/USD exchange rate will be in the future it’s hard to predict if Bitcoin mining will be profitable. If you’re into mining in order to accumulate Bitcoins only then this doesn’t need to bother you. But if you are planning to convert these Bitcoins in the future to any other currency this factor will have a major impact of course.

Get a mining calculator

In order to calculate all of these parameters and get an answer to our question we will use a mining profitability calculator. here’s a simple mining calculator from 99Bitcoins:

Bitcoin Mining Profit Calculator

Projections incorporate difficulty growth and reward halving. Update the difficulty, mining, and market parameters below to recalculate the tables and charts. Ethereum version.

Parameters & Assumptions

Also, don't miss the interactive charts below.

Output at Current Difficulty

Output Over 365 Days

Donate Bitcoin

Buy Hardware & Services

ASIC Bitcoin Miners at Amazon:

Cloud Mining at HashFlare:

Interactive Charts

This calculator estimates profits from bitcoin mining by forecasting costs and future market conditions. If this calculator helped you earn money, or avoid losing money, please consider making a donation!

Bitcoin is a digital, cryptographic, peer-to-peer currency. The money supply is increased automatically by the network by rewarding newly minted bitcoins to users who contribute the computing power necessary to solve the difficult cryptographic problems required to produce the global transaction log. This process is called mining.


Future revenues are calculated assuming difficulty changes occur at regular intevals (e.g., 14 days) and that the difficulty after each such change is a fixed percentage increase over the previous difficulty (e.g., 5%). The exchange rate is held fixed, so the assumption is that all BTC revenues are held and exchanged for USD at the end of the time horizon. Hence, if you expect the exchange rate to rise or fall, enter the value you expect at the end of the time horizon.

The starting difficulty is taken to be the current difficulty. The USD exchange rate is taken to be the daily volume-weighted average exchange rate reported by Bitstamp. These values are updated periodically throughout the day. The remaining default values are fixed. The default difficulty growth rate is taken to be 5%, which was approximately the average two-week difficulty increase between February 2016 and August 2017. The cost of electricity is taken to be $0.15 per kWh. The hashrate, cost, and power consumption of the hardware are taken to be those of an AntMiner S9 ASIC miner (13.5 Th/s, $1,987.95, 1,300 W).

Exchange rate are obtained from Bitstamp. Statistics about the bitcoin network (difficulty, block count, etc.) are obtained from blockexplorer.com. To determine appropriate values for the remaining parameters, additional data are available from external sources on US electricity rates, EU electricity rates, historical difficulty levels, and mining hardware hash rates and power consumption.

More Details

All calculations assume that mining begins immediately. The current block number is taken to be length of the current longest blockchain as given (updated every fifteen minutes). Calculations begin at the given difficulty. The number of days until the first difficulty adjustment is taken to be the ETA estimate provided by blockexplorer.com. Subsequent increases are assumed to occur regularly according to the specified interval. Since difficulty changes occur every 2016 blocks, the interval in days you choose for difficulty adjustments implies a rate at which new blocks are solved. The reward for solving blocks (e.g., 25 BTC) is adjusted over the time horizon according to the Bitcoin protocol. Estimated transaction fees are not yet included.


Contact me for details about sponsoring this site on a monthly basis via a small, tasteful banner and/or a short text link.


The exchange rates and revenue and profit projections produced on this site are for educational purposes only. They are not guaranteed to be accurate, and are subject to change without notice.

Genesis Mining Calculator – Genesis Mining SHA-256

How to use Bitcoin Mining Calculator

  • Set the value of 1 Bitcoin with the slider (4000$ on 5th October 2017)
  • Enter the hash rate which you plan to buy
  • Now you can see the NET Bitcoins and US Dollars payouts - this amount will be sent to your Bitcoin wallet.
  • Job done!

Daily BTC Payout

Daily BTC Payout

Daily BTC Payout

Monthly BTC Profit

Monthly BTC Profit

Monthly BTC Profit

Return Of Investment

Return Of Investment

Return Of Investment

Daily BTC Payout

Daily BTC Payout

Daily BTC Payout

Monthly BTC Profit

Monthly BTC Profit

Monthly BTC Profit

Return Of Investment

Return Of Investment

Return Of Investment

Daily BTC Payout

Daily BTC Payout

Daily BTC Payout

Monthly BTC Profit

Monthly BTC Profit

Monthly BTC Profit

Return Of Investment

Return Of Investment

Return Of Investment

* This table was created 22nd May 2017 for 1BTC = 2000$. It is based on real data from my account. The profit will vary because of Bitcoin halving and Bitcoin value are changing.

The difficulty to mine 1 BTC increases every week. NO ONE IN THE WORLD CAN ESTIMATE BITCOIN PROFIT WITH 100% ACCURACY.

Platinum Bitcoin Mining Review


Open-Ended contract of 2,500 GH/s for 350$. Daily payouts to your Bitcoin wallet.

You don't need to worry about the electricity bill, hardware updates, cooling etc.

You will earn around 1.7$ per day and your ROI will be around 206 days.

Please don't insert any affiliate links or other promo codes.

Thank you for using Genesis Mining Promo Code oBy7uD


Mining Power: 0.25 TH/s

Does this mean that 0.25 TH/s will not be profitable at all,

-daily profit is 0.000067673 BTC
-deduction of 0.00028 as maintenance fee
-I only means that i have -0.0001954079735 everyday?

Hi Allen, thank you for your comment and I am sorry for the confusion.

What you see on the calculator is NET payout. There is no other deduction at all.

I have tried to make a calculator as clear and intuitive as possible.

All calculation are made on real data from my account with 2 years history. So payout 0.000067673 is what you get to your Bitcoin wallet.

Hope you see it in better light now:)

Discount Code Genesis-Mining

Amazing ! UsAmazing ! Use this code for 10% discount. I Have alredy used.e this code for 10% discount. I Have alredy used.

Amazing Friends! Amazing ! Use this code for 10% discount. I Have alredy used.e this code for 10% discount. I Have alredy used….. OzLDiN

It is not a scam it works

I have been using Genesis mining for 2 years and received my payments on time. Till 12/06/2017 I have earned a profit of $500 and still growing.

You can use the promo code :oBy7uD (sorry Victor – no other promo codes here)
To avail an all time discount of up-to 5% everytime you purchase or upgrade your hashpower.

For reading and do your own research before taking any decision.

Comments updated by admin! Please don’t share your promo code here. Thank you

The payment it absolut fine. Just the investments done by creditcard waits for 30 days. That is something normal to creditcardwork. I like to reinvest some of my BTC. And now, June of 2017, the prices of many cryptocurrencies are more raising then falling.
The longer we wait with selling our ´harvest´ the better the price. There is no loose. Just damn fine this company.

I only tested Genenis Mining, but its good enough to have some income.

I am willing to buy the higher plan and I am going to use your coupon too.
I need the report of earning for all day of June (for whatever plan you have taken)
I know it will take your valuable time but I guarantee that I will use your coupon code.

Thanks in advance

Does this website return your deposits after the length of time? Or can I withdraw my initial investment at any time for bitcoin mining?

No deposit is returned to customer by genesis-mining.com. If you buy a 2 year contract you will earn your money back in some time plus some profit. Use our calculators for this answer. But when the contract is finished no money will be earned after. It is like a bus ticket. When the journey is finished no money given back:)

Approximately how long to exhaust initial investment?

Very much appreciate what you’ve done so well here, THANK YOU! Very clear … the only thing I wonder on the open-ended contracts is how long does the initial investment carry you? Obviousily on the 2-year leases it’s a fixed time, making it easy to calculate. Any idea? Appreciate it – Thanks Again.

Open-ended contracts were previously called life-time contracts. But as the difficulty grows every day the server bought for example 2 years ago doesn’t have power to mine the bitcoin today. Actually it has but the cost of electricity spent for it makes it unprofitable. In genesis-mining.com contract is written that open-ended contracts can be cancelled when it reach the level the mining is no more profitable. It can be in 2, 3, 4 years…. Impossible to answer this question:)

Does this calculator take into factor the bitcoin mining difficulty based on the current difficulty today as it is going up 8% every month.

I update the calculator on 2 weeks basis. Dude, I am normal human beings, not a robot. I like cycling, swimming, beer etc. Just let you know I use data from my own genesis-mining.com account. So it is real, honest and nearly up to date:)

Genesis Mining - The World Player

In my experience, the Genesis Mining Pool is the best player. The profit and the return and the costs are in a good relationship. Moreover, the payment works without problem.

I agree with you.

I’ve been with genesis for more than a year, to profit hold the coins for bit long at least a year.
Happy mining ☺

Genesis ist ein Seriöser Anbieter - CODE : h4Sx3k

Ich kann nur gutes zu Genesis Mining sagen. Die gekaufte Power wird täglich auf mein Wallet ausgezahlt. Das System ist sehr übersichtlich aufgebaut sodass es auch ein Normaler Mensch verstehen kann.

Viel Spaß beim Mining

Danke. Alles gute:)

Promo Code 3%

Genesis mining

Hi ,
I just bought 38 th , it appr. produce 0.0106 btc/day, It is lower than calculation. Do you know the reason?

The reason is 100% in increasing the difficulty of mining.

Promo Code Swap

oBy7uD Use my promo code and I’ll return the favor shoot me an email!

use promocode oBy7ud
3% discount works like crazy

Great service

Made about $300 dollars with genesis so far in about a month and a half. really awesome service. Had one issue with a payment not being processed and customer service resolved this immediatly. A tip I would give is to stick to one mining contract and upgrade every now and then so the difficulty increase wont be noticeable. This is better than having more than one contract and having it pay less and less each time with difficulty increase. Also use crypto to pay instead of credit card, this way there is no 30 day payout hold. Good luck guys.
Discount Code: oBy7uD

Good advice. Thank you.

a little out

Im leaving this review not as a slant on this site but to let you know that the calculator may need updating, Ive got 11.7TH/s and get daily payouts of 0.0021 to 0.0029 where as your calculator says 10 TH/s will give me daily pay outs of 0.003386 which is quite a big difference

Which means this calculator is very close to the reality. Thank you for your feedback.

Your Promocode

In my experience, the Genesis Mining Pool is the best player. The profit and the return and the costs are in a good relationship. Moreover, the payment works without problem.

Thank you for your feedback

Fresh Promocode for Genesis Mining is 1EFLZ7

Use the code oBy7uD for buying Hashpower at Genesis-mining.com

How the code works ?
Code User will get 3% off on the total price. It’s a win-win situation!

réelle rentabilité

J’ai utilisé votre code, j’ai acheté 100 mh/s ether sur génésis mining votre calculateur donne 18 dollars jour or je dépasse à peine chaque 24h 6 dollars…….
Pourquoi cette arnaque….pourquoi faire croire au gens qu’ils vont gagner plus alors que l’on paye que 30% de la valeur annoncée par le calculateur .

I used your code, I bought 100 mh / s ether on genesis mining your calculator gives 18 dollars day gold I barely exceeds every 24h 6 dollars …….
Why this scam … why make people believe that they will win more while paying only 30% of the value announced by the calculator .

Calculator just updated. Thank you for your feedback.

not true it's the same . its scam

not true it’s the same . its scam

Any evidence buddy?

Please share with us your story. What happened to you?

ok sorry i see change

You are right you changed it is good ……. but when I invested on 19/07, the calculator announced a profitability of 3 times more …….. I am Do rip off .
And in addition I used your code ….
What is your position and what gesture are you ready to make to correct?

Invest at your own risk and research

Alain – come on, you can’t truly believe that because the payout is less than ‘predicted’ on here you are trying to get something back??

BTC value changes every day as does the difficulty etc so this is only ever a guide – and it says that so use it as such. I think this is a great resource to use if you use it with a pinch of salt as they say – its not financial advice.

P.S. Petr – used your code today for 20THs – thanks for that.

What coin is best to mine on Genesis

Please I want to start to mine, which coin is best to mine for now

Start with Bitcoin

If i invest $75 on genesis mining in bitcoins then how much i will get every month for lifetime ?

If i invest $75 on genesis mining in bitcoins then how much i will get every month for lifetime ?

i want to know after maintenance fees deduction and electricity fees deduction.

If from next year maintenance fees and electricity fees exceeds my daily profit will my account be active.

Please reply with your experience on short investment of $75.

I am thinking to invest on hashing24 because of bitfury and they are giving net income for round the figure $84 investment as monthly $7

So if i invest on genesis mining how much i will get every month and will there be any chance of my account and hash to be terminated next year if maintenance fees and electricity fees exceeds my daily profit ?

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