Bitcoin Price Prediction for 2017
Last updated on January 2nd, 2018 at 12:00 am
The following article represents the opinion of its author and does not constitute as investment advice. Bitcoin is a very volatile currency and you’re putting your capital at risk when investing in it (just like any other investment).
2017 will be upon us soon enough, so it should come as no surprise that many bitcoin experts are looking ahead to the upcoming year. Given that bitcoin has built in features to encourage its price to rise over time, and given the growing acceptance of both non-government currencies and digital currencies, there are plenty of reasons to be optimistic.
Understanding the anti-inflationary features of bitcoin is essential to understanding its price. Bitcoin’s price back in May weighed in at “only” about $450. In the run up to the new supply for mined blocks being cut in half bitcoin’s price began to rise, breaking the $750 mark in mid June. Bitcoin’s price has declined a bit since, but is still about $600, far higher than it was earlier this year.
The Bitcoin reward for mining won’t be halved until early July in 2020. Regardless, the bitcoin’s price will likely continue to trend up through 2017. This doesn’t mean that bitcoin won’t suffer setbacks, but the overall trend line will likely point up through 2017.
Bitcoin Use Likely To Increase Dramatically in 2017
Juniper Research, a respected research firm, predicts that bitcoin transactions will triple in 2017, reaching $92 billion dollars. Juniper notes several factors that should encourage the increased adoption of bitcoin in 2016 and through 2017, including the fragility of the Chinese economy, the Brexit vote and on-going issues in Europe, including high unemployment and bad public finances, and numerous other issues.
As national governments continue to struggle and the global economy is exposed to high risks, it’s likely that an increasing number of people will look to bitcoin and other alternative currencies/investments. Bitcoin has taken on the mantle of a “safe haven” investment, due to the fact that it is free from government interference, and that supply is limited. Governments can increase money supply at pretty much any whim, thereby decreasing the individual value currency units. Bitcoin’s supply, on the other hand, is already set and cannot be changed.
If the global market grows more turbulent in the months ahead (which is quite likely), people may start ditching their traditional currencies in favor of bitcoin. This will lead to increased use of bitcoin, and as more people use the currency, demand for it will rise, and prices along with it.
Bitcoin Price Predictions for 2017
Daniel Masters, a co-founder at the multi-million dollar bitcoin hedge fund, predicts that bitcoin will hit $4,400 by the end of 2017. Masters believes that bitcoin adoption will continue to increase, and more companies will accept it as payment. This increased adoption will be propelled investments in blockchain technology.
Alan Donohoe, the founder of the Bitcoin Association of Ireland, made a more down to earth prediction earlier this year, suggesting that bitcoin will rise to about the 800 pound mark. This would put bitcoin up above the $1,000 USD mark, a price point that bitcoin last approached (and in some cases broke) back in 2013.
SpectroCoin CEO Vytautas Karalevicius argues that bitcoin transactions will increase 10 times. If this proves to be accurate, Karalevicius believes that bitcoin will rise to about $1800 to $1900. This is based on the correlation between bitcoin turnover and price that we’ve generally seen so far.
Banker Predicts $600 for 2016, Doubling in 2017
At the beginning of the year an analyst with Wedbush Securities, Gil Luria, predicted a price of about $600 in 2016. As of right now, Luria’s prediction is pretty much spot on as bitcoin has been trending at about $600 dollars over the past several weeks. Luria believes that bitcoin will continue to grow as a transaction medium, another prediction that largely appears to be correct.
For 2017 Luria predicts that bitcoin’s price will once again double. In fact, Luria believes that bitcoin’s price will essentially double all the way up until 2025, which would mark an increase of 4,500%! If this prediction turns out to be correct, investors could generate massive returns.
Three Factors That Could Spur Bitcoin Growth
Vinny Lingham, the CEO of Civic, predicts that bitcoin could hit $3,000 in 2017. Lingham’s predictions are especially notable because he’s made a name for himself by being willing to state contrarian views, and has accurately predicted drops in bitcoin’s price. Now, however, Lingham believes that the remainder of 2016 and 2017 will be very good years for bitcoin.
Lingham’s prediction comes down to three factors. First, venture capital investments in bitcoin and blockchain technology have now topped a billion dollars, and as more companies invest, use and acceptance of bitcoin will likely increase. Second, a “short squeeze” may be forming as people who have shorted bitcoin may be forced to buy bitcoins to repay their short bets. Third, bitcoin will continue to enjoy natural inflation due to its limited supply.
Lingham also suggests that an arms race could breakout as governments decide to start to buy up bitcoin. So far, most governments have shied away from bitcoin, but as adoption increases, they may get into the game. Go
An Important Caveat: Experts May Make Self Serving Predictions
Many of the predictions made above are coming from people who have self-serving interests, and would benefit greatly if bitcoin suddenly increased dramatically. While many of the experts may be making honest predictions, we can’t rule out that some may simply be trying to blow hot air into the market to heat things up.
In some more extreme cases, “experts” have predicted that bitcoin could hit $35,000 or more in the near future. This, however, seems unlikely. By making such huge predictions, however, people can stir up the pot and maybe bolster markets, all while ensuring that their name gets passed around.
Breaking the $1,000 Dollar Mark Is Very Possible
Most experts are predicting that bitcoin will break $1,000 in 2017. This would mean that bitcoin’s price may actually double from where it is trading at right now. Such returns would present an extraordinary amount of growth. Such returns are also very plausible.
There are several key factors at play. First, the global economy is on tenuous grounds, and bitcoin is a safe haven currency/asset. If the global economy does hit a rough patch, which is very plausible, then bitcoin and other safe haven assets and currencies will enjoy a boost.
Second, many governments, including Japan and the Eurozone, have been engaging in quantitative easing. This means that they are increasing their money supply by creating money and buying up new assets. This increases inflation and encourages people to invest in things like bitcoin.
Third, an increasing number of companies, and especially retailers, are taking interest in bitcoin. Others are also interesting in blockchain technology. As interest grows, adoption will spread, and as more people use bitcoin, prices should increase.
So while $5,000 and other numbers are perhaps a bit overly optimistic, $1,000 seems very reasonable. And if a major event does unfold, such as a global recession, or a major company like Amazon announcing that it will accept bitcoin, who knows those $5,000 dollar predictions might not look so overzealous after all.
If you have any thoughts about Bitcoin’s price for 2017 I would love to hear them in the comment section below.
Bitcoin Price Prediction 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
2018/05/29. Bitcoin Price Today.
Bitcoin price equal to 7438 dollars a coin. Today's range: $7069 - $7487. The previous day close: $7119. The change was +319, +4.48%. Inverse rate: USD to BTC.
Bitcoin Converter
Bitcoin Price Prediction For 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 And 2022
Bitcoin price prediction for May 2018.
In the beginning price at 9248 Dollars. Maximum price $9975, minimum price $6399. The average for the month $8128. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $6890, change for May -25.5%.
BTC to USD predictions for June 2018.
In the beginning price at 6890 Dollars. Maximum price $7254, minimum price $4785. The average for the month $6019. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $5145, change for June -25.3%.
Bitcoin price prediction for July 2018.
In the beginning price at 5145 Dollars. Maximum price $6386, minimum price $4856. The average for the month $5589. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $5968, change for July 16.0%.
BTC to USD predictions for August 2018.
In the beginning price at 5968 Dollars. Maximum price $5968, minimum price $4662. The average for the month $5403. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $5013, change for August -16.0%.
Bitcoin price prediction for September 2018.
In the beginning price at 5013 Dollars. Maximum price $5470, minimum price $4754. The average for the month $5087. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $5112, change for September 2.0%.
BTC to USD predictions for October 2018.
In the beginning price at 5112 Dollars. Maximum price $5112, minimum price $3993. The average for the month $4628. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $4294, change for October -16.0%.
Bitcoin price prediction for November 2018.
In the beginning price at 4294 Dollars. Maximum price $5330, minimum price $4294. The average for the month $4725. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $4981, change for November 16.0%.
BTC to USD predictions for December 2018.
In the beginning price at 4981 Dollars. Maximum price $6182, minimum price $4981. The average for the month $5481. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $5778, change for December 16.0%.
Bitcoin price prediction for January 2019.
In the beginning price at 5778 Dollars. Maximum price $7171, minimum price $5778. The average for the month $6357. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $6702, change for January 16.0%.
BTC to USD predictions for February 2019.
In the beginning price at 6702 Dollars. Maximum price $6702, minimum price $5769. The average for the month $6344. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $6203, change for February -7.4%.
Bitcoin price prediction for March 2019.
In the beginning price at 6203 Dollars. Maximum price $7699, minimum price $6203. The average for the month $6825. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $7195, change for March 16.0%.
BTC to USD predictions for April 2019.
In the beginning price at 7195 Dollars. Maximum price $8930, minimum price $7195. The average for the month $7917. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $8346, change for April 16.0%.
Bitcoin price prediction for May 2019.
In the beginning price at 8346 Dollars. Maximum price $9863, minimum price $8346. The average for the month $8943. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $9218, change for May 10.4%.
BTC to USD predictions for June 2019.
In the beginning price at 9218 Dollars. Maximum price $11442, minimum price $9218. The average for the month $10143. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $10693, change for June 16.0%.
Bitcoin price prediction for July 2019.
In the beginning price at 10693 Dollars. Maximum price $13272, minimum price $10693. The average for the month $11766. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $12404, change for July 16.0%.
BTC to USD predictions for August 2019.
In the beginning price at 12404 Dollars. Maximum price $12404, minimum price $10494. The average for the month $11647. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $11284, change for August -9.0%.
Bitcoin price prediction for September 2019.
In the beginning price at 11284 Dollars. Maximum price $14005, minimum price $11284. The average for the month $12416. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $13089, change for September 16.0%.
BTC to USD predictions for October 2019.
In the beginning price at 13089 Dollars. Maximum price $14000, minimum price $12168. The average for the month $13085. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $13084, change for October -0.0%.
Bitcoin price prediction for November 2019.
In the beginning price at 13084 Dollars. Maximum price $16239, minimum price $13084. The average for the month $14396. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $15177, change for November 16.0%.
BTC to USD predictions for December 2019.
In the beginning price at 15177 Dollars. Maximum price $17044, minimum price $14814. The average for the month $15741. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $15929, change for December 5.0%.
Bitcoin price prediction for January 2020.
In the beginning price at 15929 Dollars. Maximum price $19638, minimum price $15929. The average for the month $17462. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $18353, change for January 15.2%.
BTC to USD predictions for February 2020.
In the beginning price at 18353 Dollars. Maximum price $20828, minimum price $18102. The average for the month $19187. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $19465, change for February 6.1%.
Bitcoin price prediction for March 2020.
In the beginning price at 19465 Dollars. Maximum price $19465, minimum price $16724. The average for the month $18409. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $17983, change for March -7.6%.
BTC to USD predictions for April 2020.
In the beginning price at 17983 Dollars. Maximum price $17983, minimum price $15460. The average for the month $17013. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $16624, change for April -7.6%.
Bitcoin price prediction for May 2020.
In the beginning price at 16624 Dollars. Maximum price $20634, minimum price $16624. The average for the month $18292. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $19284, change for May 16.0%.
BTC to USD predictions for June 2020.
In the beginning price at 19284 Dollars. Maximum price $23935, minimum price $19284. The average for the month $21218. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $22369, change for June 16.0%.
Bitcoin price prediction for July 2020.
In the beginning price at 22369 Dollars. Maximum price $25695, minimum price $22333. The average for the month $23603. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $24014, change for July 7.4%.
BTC to USD predictions for August 2020.
In the beginning price at 24014 Dollars. Maximum price $24338, minimum price $21154. The average for the month $23063. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $22746, change for August -5.3%.
Bitcoin price prediction for September 2020.
In the beginning price at 22746 Dollars. Maximum price $28232, minimum price $22746. The average for the month $25027. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $26385, change for September 16.0%.
BTC to USD predictions for October 2020.
In the beginning price at 26385 Dollars. Maximum price $26385, minimum price $20906. The average for the month $24039. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $22480, change for October -14.8%.
Bitcoin price prediction for November 2020.
In the beginning price at 22480 Dollars. Maximum price $27378, minimum price $22480. The average for the month $24481. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $25587, change for November 13.8%.
BTC to USD predictions for December 2020.
In the beginning price at 25587 Dollars. Maximum price $31759, minimum price $25587. The average for the month $28154. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $29681, change for December 16.0%.
Bitcoin price prediction for January 2021.
In the beginning price at 29681 Dollars. Maximum price $36840, minimum price $29681. The average for the month $32658. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $34430, change for January 16.0%.
BTC to USD predictions for February 2021.
In the beginning price at 34430 Dollars. Maximum price $37652, minimum price $32726. The average for the month $34999. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $35189, change for February 2.2%.
Bitcoin price prediction for March 2021.
In the beginning price at 35189 Dollars. Maximum price $35189, minimum price $27490. The average for the month $31857. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $29559, change for March -16.0%.
BTC to USD predictions for April 2021.
In the beginning price at 29559 Dollars. Maximum price $34227, minimum price $29559. The average for the month $31333. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $31988, change for April 8.2%.
Bitcoin price prediction for May 2021.
In the beginning price at 31988 Dollars. Maximum price $39346, minimum price $31988. The average for the month $35024. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $36772, change for May 15.0%.
BTC to USD predictions for June 2021.
In the beginning price at 36772 Dollars. Maximum price $38112, minimum price $33126. The average for the month $35907. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $35619, change for June -3.1%.
Bitcoin price prediction for July 2021.
In the beginning price at 35619 Dollars. Maximum price $36833, minimum price $32013. The average for the month $34722. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $34423, change for July -3.4%.
BTC to USD predictions for August 2021.
In the beginning price at 34423 Dollars. Maximum price $35190, minimum price $30586. The average for the month $33272. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $32888, change for August -4.5%.
Bitcoin price prediction for September 2021.
In the beginning price at 32888 Dollars. Maximum price $40821, minimum price $32888. The average for the month $36187. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $38150, change for September 16.0%.
BTC to USD predictions for October 2021.
In the beginning price at 38150 Dollars. Maximum price $38150, minimum price $29803. The average for the month $34537. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $32046, change for October -16.0%.
Bitcoin price prediction for November 2021.
In the beginning price at 32046 Dollars. Maximum price $32046, minimum price $25079. The average for the month $29035. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $26967, change for November -15.8%.
BTC to USD predictions for December 2021.
In the beginning price at 26967 Dollars. Maximum price $32254, minimum price $26967. The average for the month $29083. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $30144, change for December 11.8%.
Bitcoin price prediction for January 2022.
In the beginning price at 30144 Dollars. Maximum price $30144, minimum price $24406. The average for the month $27734. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $26243, change for January -12.9%.
BTC to USD predictions for February 2022.
In the beginning price at 26243 Dollars. Maximum price $26243, minimum price $20501. The average for the month $23758. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $22044, change for February -16.0%.
Bitcoin price prediction for March 2022.
In the beginning price at 22044 Dollars. Maximum price $22044, minimum price $17221. The average for the month $19957. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $18517, change for March -16.0%.
BTC to USD predictions for April 2022.
In the beginning price at 18517 Dollars. Maximum price $18517, minimum price $15579. The average for the month $17341. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $16752, change for April -9.5%.
Bitcoin price prediction for May 2022.
In the beginning price at 16752 Dollars. Maximum price $18049, minimum price $15687. The average for the month $16839. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $16868, change for May 0.7%.
BTC to USD predictions for June 2022.
In the beginning price at 16868 Dollars. Maximum price $20937, minimum price $16868. The average for the month $18560. Bitcoin price forecast at the end of the month $19567, change for June 16.0%.
USD to BTC exchange rate equal to 1.3445 Bitcoins per 10000 Dollars. Today's range: 1.3357-1.4146. The previous day's close: 1.4047. Change for today -0.0602, -4.29%.
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What Will the Bitcoin Price Be in 2017?
In this CoinDesk 2016 in Review special feature, CoinDesk contributor Charles Bovaird asks experts for their predictions of bitcoin's price movements in the year ahead.
While bitcoin prices rose sharply in 2016, climbing to multi-year highs, they will likely push even higher in 2017, according to a panel of experts polled by CoinDesk.
Propelled forward by numerous forces including strong market momentum, rising interest rates and an influx of new money, the digital currency's price could surge to fresh, all-time highs next year, the analysts asserted.
Bitcoin prices rose more than 100% in 2016, climbing from roughly $430 at the start of the year to $963.14 at around 19:00 UTC on 28th December, according to CoinDesk USD Bitcoin Price Index (BPI) data.
When polled mid-December and asked where they thought bitcoin prices would finish out 2016, analysts pointed to factors such as market dynamics and macroeconomic uncertainty when explaining their year-end forecasts.
They cited many of the same variables when weighing in on what they think bitcoin prices will do in 2017. In addition, they noted an influx of new money, rising interest rates and the way bitcoin has behaved in prior bull markets.
To get a broad range of input, CoinDesk sought input from several market participants, whose comments are included below:
4 Reasons Why Litecoin Could Make a Comeback in 2017
Litecoin used to be a top player in the crypto space, branded as the “silver to bitcoin’s gold”. During the 2013 bitcoin bubble, LTC was the #2 market and was highly correlated to the price of bitcoin.
In 2013, bitcoin gained +11,000% and litecoin gained +500% over the price of bitcoin during its peak. The price of LTC hit an all time high of around $50 on some exchanges.
The last major litecoin rally was during the summer of 2015, when a Chinese LTC Ponzi scheme managed to accumulate at least 20% of the entire supply. Most of that supply was instantly dumped and the LTC/BTC markets have been on a long bear trend since.
Litecoin lost its correlation to bitcoin after the summer pump and was left behind during most of the year long BTC bull trend. That said, its USD value has remained somewhat stable and consolidating within a tight range.
Although litecoin hasn’t been a very good market to trade for most of 2016, it’s possible that this rock is a sleeping giant ready to rise from its slumber. Here are four reasons why litecoin may hit a bullish trend reversal in 2017.
Chinese Exchanges Can Only Trade Spot
Recently the People’s Bank of China cracked down on major crypto exchanges. The result being that they stopped all margin trading and have eliminated the zero fees model.
This means that Chinese traders can only play in the spot markets and will have to devise entirely new strategies for making profit. The only way to make profit on the spot markets is to buy low and sell high. Traders can no longer short by selling coins they don’t have. If they want to be a participant in the crypto markets they need to own some coins.
The larger bitcoin bull trend is still intact but likely due for several months of consolidation, perhaps forming a large symmetrical triangle. Generally speaking, when the price of bitcoin stabilizes, liquidity shifts into the altcoin markets.
As it turns out, the only altcoin market available on the top Chinese bitcoin exchanges (OKCoin, Huobi and BTCChina) is litecoin. Given the choice between the two markets, the percentage gains for moving a smaller cap market like LTC can be much higher. Accumulating litecoin at the bottom of its price range is also a cheaper option than accumulating bitcoin at the top of its range. Game theory would suggest that buying litecoin has more profit potential.
Litecoin is the only altcoin that trades more volume in fiat than against BTC. The majority of litecoin’s volume is actually in CNY, which means the markets could take on a life of their own and easily become non-correlated to the price of bitcoin.
SegWit and Lightning Network Integration
Litecoin is currently in the process of trying to help bitcoin’s scaling debate by moving towards the activation of Segregated Witness and Lightning Networks. Litecoin founder Charlie Lee stated in a recent post:
“Until SegWit, LN, and Confidential Transactions, I didn’t see a need for Litecoin to come out to help test features before they are on Bitcoin. So I was happy to let Litecoin go on without a lot of development. Hence my tweet about Litecoin not needing development. But with SegWit and Bitcoin’s current block scaling deadlock, I see a potential for Litecoin to help Bitcoin break through this deadlock. Litecoin can take a lead and be a positive force in the cryptocurrency space. We have been drafting behind the Bitcoin race car for many years. It’s about time to take a turn out front.”
If Litecoin implements these changes before Bitcoin, this will completely change the network’s fundamentals and offer something new to the ecosystem. That alone has the potential to attract market interest from crypto traders.
Growing Hash Rate
The Litecoin network’s hash rate is starting to show exponential growth. Sometimes a coin’s price can be correlated to the amount of hashing power on the network. The increased difficulty means that miners need to spend money in upgrading their equipment to be more efficient. If the cost of mining coins is on par or greater than the price, miners will hoard coins instead of immediately selling on the markets.
Litecoin is currently the second most secure blockchain in the world and it doesn’t seem like the market value is reflecting this achievement.
Overdue for a Reversal
If there’s one thing that can be said about the markets, it’s that trends don’t last forever. Any market that’s still alive with decent liquidity tends to go through cycles. Litecoin currently ranks #3 for crypto trading volume and is #4 for market capitalization.
LTC is currently at its lowest BTC satoshi value in years. Given that this is still one of the top crypto markets, it wouldn’t surprise me to see a bullish trend reversal in 2017.
Looking at the LTC/BTC charts we can see litecoin starting to creep past the descending trend line. If we use a fib extension off the last major high to measure the bear trend, we can see the price is hovering around the 61.8% sweet spot. If LTC starts consolidating sideways then it may be entering into the accumulate phase, which is the first period within a bull cycle.
Cryptocurrency Forecast (Bitcoin & Altcoin, ICO Prediction, Prognosis 2018, 2019)
What CryptoCurrency / ICO to buy now?
Hot news: These are the changes of the CryptoCurrency market in the last one hour.
The number one cryptocurrency leader is Bitcoin, this data was fetched in the last hour. It has an increase on its trade value to 0.1%, now at 7429.990 dollars from 7422.567. Bitcoin is seconded by Tether, in a 60 minutes time..
Cryptocurrency Forecast and Prognosis
Trading in cryptocurrency (digital currencies, ICOs, tokens) is trading in a lot of uncertainty and different variables need to be kept in mind as compared to trading in fiat currencies. Fiat currencies generally owb less volatility compared to cryptocurrencies. Traders who have traded in other markets like Stocks and Commodities have repeatedly mentioned that the cryptocurrency market is the most unpredictable place in the world right now. When we are dealing with this kind of unpredictability, you need to be ahead of your game to make it profitable.
The volatility in crypto markets is is nothing to dismiss, if you have followed the price of Bitcoin (1., 2.) over the last year alone, you probably know why we feel the need to mention it. Just since March 2017, the worth of Bitcoin has increased its value multiple times in terms of Fiat money and has seen plenty of ups and downs in between too. Bitcoin exchanges and data websites help you keep track of the latest performance trends and devise a robust strategy of your own.
Every market has AI-based market prediction (forecast) services to help out new and veteran traders in their portfolio building. Digital assets have also seen the emerging of these services since the market is growing at an unconventional speed. These Forecast services include predictions on volume, future price, latest trends and compare it with the real-time performance of the market. WalletInvestor is one of these Ai based price predictors for the cryptocurrency market and, while we are quite popular in the space, we also maintained our original business model, meaning that we keep our service free to use for everyone.
Due to the massive fluctuations of the market, relying on predictions alone is not considered a viable option at all. If you are looking for an easy-fix solution to solve all your problems, like a price prediction, you are placing your considerable investments at higher risk. You can use these predictors to make an educated guess about the future of cryptocurrencies, but keep in mind that the latest news and global trends can have a huge and unforeseen impact on the price. But, ultimately, if you want a good ROI on your investment and scale down risk you can add our tool to your research portfolio. Always build up a proper research methodology consisting of fundamental research, trade analysis and additional tools like our forecast feature.
If you look at the WalletInvestor's model, predictions have been made for the future of the most popular cryptocurrencies. We are designed to follow the long-term trend of the coin in particular, since short term swings on Altcoin prices can happen as a result of massive fluctuation on Bitcoin. So, a particular emphasis is on long-term investment strategies like buy-and-hold have proven to be quite successful for amateur investors. Many people now like to invest their savings in Bitcoin and other virtual coins for long-term without having to do the difficult research required for short-term investment.
This is an attempt to tone down and filter the noise in the asset charts. Even if it isn’t going to be a perfect model, you can always consult it to see where the trend of the cryptocurrency of your choice is expected to go. Since Bitcoin is on an upward curve since several years already we can safely predict the global cryptocurrency market growth in USD terms. Remember though that pullbacks will always happen, there is one almost every quarter, but it is important to see that the market has always held a higher base previously from where we could continue our journey. Thus it is somewhat safe to consider these market predictions while investing in the digital coins for long-term. This approach is also called HODL in crypto circles and has proven very successful!
There are other advantages of using WalletInvestor as your go-to portal for digital assets. Apart from the Forecast feature, you can also use the our system as a regular statistics portal for knowing the latest trends on cryptocurrencies like market capitalization statistics, volumes, list of exchanges and a lot more. These information are valuable for both short term and long term decision making. There are plenty of useful graphs to accompany the most important information. Another important part of our website is the Magazine section where you will find daily news, trading tips, price analysis tips, charts, coin recommendations that will help with your fundamental research.
We also feature a handy cryptocurrency calculator and converter that converts currencies according to their respective prices. It is important to mention that fiat currencies have no direct role in the correlation of between different cryptocurrencies. Even if Bitcoin dives against fiat currencies like Dollar and Euro, it might be rising against Ripple and Ethereum. So, you can make intelligent trades without having to worry about the fiat currency conversion rates.
There is also a conversion history section below the Converter that can prove extremely useful. You can see the latest conversions, which our users have checked between different cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies. It might tell you a thing or two about the current and future trend of cryptocurrencies. If Bitcoin’s worth in Dollars is being calculated often, then it shows that there is a trend towards selling Bitcoin and the price might drop. If the ETH to BTC conversion is showing up in history, there is a big chance there is going to an Ether exodus and its price might drop against Bitcoin.
A Bitcoin Price Forecast For 2017
(Ed note: end of May update on our Bitcoin price forecast at the bottom of this article. Read our revised Bitcoin price forecast)
(Ed. note: another flash crash of the Bitcoin price took place on September 4th 2017, the editorial team has posted a new update at the bottom of this article)
Several readers requested us to provide our bitcoin price forecast for 2017.
Bitcoin is a totally different asset type. Traditional analysis methods do not applying when trying to forecast the price of bitcoin. That’s why we apply a more fundamental approach in this article in order to come up with a bitcoin price forecast for 2017.
How not to forecast the future price of bitcoin
Most readers would turn to the cryptocurrency blogosphere where they will read ultra bullish bitcoin price forecasts for 2017 similar to this one from Coindesk. The issue with this approach is that those sites only feature bitcoin enthusiasts and entrepreneurs, so they offer a very biased view.
Another great option would be to use prediction markets such as the one that KoCurrency offers. They offer a bitcoin price prediction channel where predictions are output based on the inputs of the smartest members of the crowd. Their predictions model is very interesting (they use a proof based model which aims to solve the “biased view” problem mentioned above), However, they are very early stage so they need more data pouring into their platform before they can offer reliable predictions. I encourage you to sign up for their platform, so maybe we could all use this as a reliable predictions tool in the future.
Traditional financial media, on the other hand, have their classic story telling format. That is not a useful approach neither for investors. For instance, CNBC looked at the ongoing stream of articles that compare bitcoin with gold, and concluded that “the comparison is perhaps a positive signal that bitcoin is being commoditized. But bitcoin is not a commodity, while gold has been a commodity for thousands of years.” That obviously does not tell anything about the future price of bitcoin. explained how demand for safe haven assets have fallen since the elections “on a stronger dollar, signs of future interest rate hikes, and potentially business-friendly policies that may arise from the Trump administration. Those potential regulatory changes would raise the chances of higher-yielding stocks.” That also is not useful as input for a bitcoin price forecast.
The most interesting headline comes from CNBC: “Bitcoin predicted to rise 165% to $2,000 in 2017 driven by Trump’s spending binge and dollar rally.”
There is obviously no correlation between the bitcoin price and the dollar or any other regular asset. Large investors simply don’t pull money out of currencies, stocks or gold in order to buy bitcoins.
A legitimate bitcoin price forecast for 2017
We believe that a combination of price analysis and fundamental analysis is the most appropriate way to come up with a legitimate bitcoin forecast.
Fundamentally, the bitcoin usage data look great: usage of bitcoins keeps on increasing, and that is exactly what it fundamentally is all about. Because of the fact that bitcoin is a form of money, the widening acceptance of bitcoin is the most fundamental data point to consider.
According to Statista, bitcoin usage keeps on growing as seen by the number of Bitcoin ATMs which increased from 538 in January 2016 to 838 by November. Most Bitcoin ATMs, as of July 2016, were located in the United States (345) and Canada (108). The Bitcoin ATMs located in Europe as of June 2016 constituted 24.02 percent of the global ATM market share.
Bitcoin Kurs
Live Update Bitcoin Kurs
Bitcoin kurs prognose 2017 – Bitcoin Development & Forecasting
Bitcoins have been on everyone’s lips for several years now and are now among the most sought-after online currencies. Although the Bitcoin kurs prognose 2017 are not officially accepted as a means of payment worldwide, they are in high demand and increase in value.
Where can I buy Bitcoin kurs prognose?
To enter even into the trade with Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies, the offerer Bitpanda recommends itself. Now just register for Bitcoins and register for free!
The fact is that Bitcoin kurs prognose are limited in availability, and there are many platforms with which to trade. If you look at yourself, then you will quickly find that bitcoins are trendy and can be purchased online without any problems.
Swap exchanges and platforms where Bitcoins can swap for euros, there are some. A forecast for the development of the Bitcoin price is tricky to give, but the trend looks positive at the moment. It can assume that the value of bitcoins may continue to rise in the coming weeks and months.
Bitcoins and the rapid price increase – not only in Austria an exciting story
Bitcoins could be traded worldwide. There are plenty of Bitcoin kurs prognose guides, and numerous web portals deal with the coins. It should be noted that the price per bitcoin in euros has risen rapidly in recent days. The price is currently over 2,000 euros for a Bitcoin – so much was not think a few months ago.
Only a few days ago, the price of Bitcoin exceeded the 2,000 Euro mark and currently stands at over 2,300 Euro. Within a few days, the price has risen by more than 20%, and it is entirely possible that it will continue to grow.
What are the risks of trading bitcoins?
Of course, there are many risks involved in trading Bitcoin kurs prognose. It means, for example, that bitcoins are not accepted as official currency, at least in all countries except in Japan. Recently, it was announced that Japan would like to recognize bitcoins officially.
The fact is that this news can sustainably strengthen the course. It is worthwhile to see on the internet how the course has developed. The price was at the beginning of the year at less than 2,000 euros and a year ago at 500 euros, so he is currently listed at over 2,000 euros. It means that the price has risen by the factor 4. It is quite likely that the price will continue to expand shortly so that a factor of 5 has increased it compared to the beginning of the year.
Forecast for Bitcoin development
There are many worriers in Germany when it comes to trading bitcoins. It is not easy to trade with them, and the starting price is already at a very high level. It should be noted that Bitcoin kurs prognose 2017 can be sold without any problems over the Internet and it is possible without problems to buy them online. Prices change daily, as is the case with equities and other currencies. If you look at the development, you will see that the money is getting more and more expensive.
In the long term, investing in Bitcoins 2017 can be quite attractive. However, specific risks and price fall should always be taken into account. It is entirely possible that the price of Bitcoins will soon give in again, as it has so rapidly risen. In the long run, however, it looks right regarding value and development.
Bitcoin: Prognose bis zum Mond
von Timo Emden
Melden Sie sich noch heute für die wöchentliche Webinarreihe Bitcoin Weekly an um tiefgehendere Analysen zu erhalten.
( – CNBC’s Jim Cramer gibt die nächste Mondpreisprognose über den Bitcoin heraus: 1 Million US- Dollar. Dabei lässt er jedoch den Zeitpunkt völlig offen.
Cramer argumentiert mit den altbekannten Tugenden der digitalen Münze: Dezentralität und schnell-wachsende Akzeptanz.
Cramer sagte in einem Interview, dass die europäischen Banken verzweifelt versuchen werden, die Kryptowährung zu kaufen, um Hacker bzw. Ransomware- Distributoren zu bezahlen. Eine Art kurzfristiger Weg, um mit Cybersicherheit zurechtzukommen.“
Durch die jüngsten Hackerangriffe von WannaCry, die größte Ransomware- Attacke der Geschichte, verdienten die Verbrecher wohl weniger als 100.000 US- Dollar, was 0,0012 Prozent des europäischen Bitcoinmarktes ausmacht.
DailyFX Meinung: Cramers Argumentation ist an dieser Stelle sachlich falsch. Die jüngsten Anstiege des Bitcoins sind nicht auf seine Argumente zurückführen, sondern auf eine weltweite stetig wachsende Akzeptanz der digitalen Münze. Dass sich europäische Banken nun mit Bitcoins eindecken würden, um potentielle Hackerangriffe bezahlen zu können, ist sehr weit hergeholt.
Das Spiel des Bitcoins wird bekanntlicherweise nicht in Europa gespielt, sondern in den USA, Japan, China sowie Südkorea. Eine bis dato neunprozentige Marktmacht des europäischen Bitcoinsektors hat ebenfalls keinen signifikanten Einfluss auf die aktuellen rund 46 Milliarden US- Dollar schwere Marktkapitalisierung der digitalen Münze.
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Der Kurs zielt weiterhin auf das psychologisch wichtige Niveau von 3.000 US- Dollar ab. Nach erneuten Anläufen in den letzten Tagen, kippte der Kurs auf 2.600 US- Dollar temporär weg. Dennoch zeigen sich die Bullen erneut in guter Verfassung. Ein Erreichen des Ziels von 3.000 US- Dollar dürfte für weitere Lockerung sorgen.
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Analyse geschrieben von Timo Emden, Marktanalyst von
DailyFX stellt Neuigkeiten zu Forex und technische Analysen, die sich auf Trends beziehen, die die globalen Währungsmärkte beeinflussen, zur Verfügung.
Bitcoin is going bananas
Photographers take pictures in front of a mock bitcoin ATM during the opening of Hong Kong's first bitcoin retail store. Reuters/Bobby Yip Bitcoin is going bananas.
The cryptocurrency was 10.1% higher at $1,127.48 per coin just after noon in New York on Wednesday, bringing its 2017 gain to 17.8%.
On its first trading day of the new year, bitcoin crossed above the $1,000 mark for the first time since 2013.
Bitcoin is up 95% since the beginning of September, and it gained 123% in 2016, making it the top performing currency for the second year in a row.
Bitcoin's gains have been buoyed by renewed interest from China, where money is rushing out of the country as its currency, the yuan, continues to weaken. China's foreign-exchange reserves shrank by about 8% in 2016 to $3.05 trillion as of November. The outflows have pushed the yuan to its weakest levels against the dollar since 2008.
According to a recent Business Insider Intelligence briefing, citing data from Cryptocompare: "In the first 24 hours of the new year, over 5 million bitcoins were bought in Chinese yuan, equating to $3.8 billion. In contrast, just 53,000 bitcoins were bought in US dollars." And while not all of that translates into people actually buying and holding, it shows the tremendous appetite for bitcoin in China.
The situation is unlikely to improve anytime soon unless China takes action to stop the bleeding amid the US Federal Reserve ratcheting up its 2017 interest-rate hike expectations to three from two. If those rate hikes happen, an even weaker yuan is most likely in the cards, creating an even more beneficial scenario for bitcoin.
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