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The Biggest Bitcoin Forums & Communities On The Web

Recent controversy regarding alleged censorship at popular Bitcoin forums Bitcoin Talk and r/Bitcoin on Reddit in recent months has led to an exodus away from those previously popular forums. This brain drain has left people wondering if these forums are dying out. For that reason, CCN has put together a list of growing forums revolving around Bitcoin from various popular online portals.

/r/bitcoinall – At the time of print, this subreddit has 528 readers. Its purpose is to bring together all of the various Bitcoin subreddits in one place, causing for considerable post frequency. This subreddit gathers from the following subreddits: /r/BetterBitcoin , /r/bitcoin_devlist , /r/bitcoin_uncensored , /r/BitcoinMarkets , /r/BitcoinSerious , /r/BitcoinTechnology , /r/BitcoinTV , /r/bitcoinxt , /r/btc , /r/BTCuncensored , /r/WeAreBitcoin and /r/BitcoinMining.

/r/bitcoinxt – With more than 12,000 readers, this subreddit focuses on “providing open discussion on all things Bitcoin.”

/r/BitcoinBayArea – The largest regional Bitcoin forum on Reddit is Bitcoin Bay Area. The subreddit has nearly 100 readers.

r/CryptoCurrency – With more than 18,000 readers, CryptoCurrency is one of the largest crypto related forums on Reddit.

r/BitRussia – r/BitRussia is a small subreddit, with fewer than 200 members, but its Russian language basis makes it an important resource.

https://www.reddit.com/r/BitcoinMarkets – With more than 20,000 traders, r/BitcoinMarket is a useful resource when it comes to the Bitcoin price.

v/Bitcoin – Voat has been popularized in the wake of the censorship scandals at Reddit.

Bitcoin Community – Google+ is by no means a first class social network. Nonetheless, there’s a Bitcoin community with an okay stream of information.

The Cryptortrust Group – The Cryptortrust Group has some popular Bitcoiners among its nearly 6,000 members.

Bitcoin Brasil – WIth more than 13,000 members, Bitcon Brasil has become a resource for Bitcoin news in Brazil and the world.

The Bitcoin – Its more than 16,000 members makes it a great Bitcoin resource.

Are we forgetting any? Let us know in the comments.


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Your search engine does not find any satisfactory results for searches. It is too weak. Also, the server of bing is often off

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I want all my lost access yahoo account 'delete'; Requesting supporter for these old account deletion; 'except' my Newest yahoo account this Account don't delete! Because I don't want it interfering my online 'gamble' /games/business/data/ Activity , because the computer/security program might 'scure' my Information and detect theres other account; then secure online activities/ business securing from my suspicion because of my other account existing will make the security program be 'Suspicious' until I'm 'secure'; and if I'm gambling online 'Depositing' then I need those account 'delete' because the insecurity 'Suspicioun' will program the casino game 'Programs' securities' to be… more


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Question on a link

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I contacted Samsung thru their Samsung Tutor app on my phone. I gave their Technican access to my phone to see if there was a problem with my phone that stopped the Yahoo Search App from working. He went to Yahoo and I signed in so he could try to fix the Yahoo Search App not working. He also used another phone, installed the app from the Google Play Store to see if the app would do any kind of search thru the app. The Yahoo Search App just wasn't working.

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I let Google know that the Yahoo Search App installed from their Google Play Store had completely stopped working on May 18, 2018.

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could not be loaded because:

I tried to search for things like www.homedepot.com. The same thing happened. It would say WEBPAGE NOT AVAILABLE. The only thing that changed were all the upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols.
Then it would again say
could not be loaded because:

This is the same thing that happened when Samsung and At&t tried to do any kind of searches thru the Yahoo Search App.

Yahoo needs to fix the problem with their app.

Yahoo Search App from the Google Play Store on my Samsung Galaxy S8+ phone stopped working on May 18, 2018.

I went to the Yahoo Troubleshooting page but the article that said to do a certain 8 steps to fix the problem with Yahoo Services not working and how to fix the problem. Of course they didn't work.

I contacted Samsung thru their Samsung Tutor app on my phone. I gave their Technican access to my phone to see if there was a problem with my phone that stopped the Yahoo Search App from working. He went to Yahoo and… more

Error 521 Ray ID: 422a432923469077 • 2018-05-29 16:15:53 UTC

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Bitcoin Gold Hacked for $18 Million

It appears Bitcoin Gold (BTG) has been double spend attacked over and over again, totalling something in the neighborhood of $18 million at current prices. BTG forums seem to have been tracking the hack, going as far back as last week, monitoring the controversial coin’s hashrate, ultimately determining a 51% attack was under way.

Bitcoin Gold Gets $18 Million Haircut

“An unknown party with access to very large amounts of hashpower is trying to use ‘51% attacks,’” Bitcoin Gold forum poster Mental Nomad announced a week ago, “to perform ‘double spend’ attacks to steal money from Exchanges. We have been advising all exchanges to increase confirmations and carefully review large deposits.”

A founding economic principle of bitcoin was its alleviation of the double spend problem. It was a main stumbling block in the historical race to create a viable cryptographic monetary form – foiling a great many coders along the way. Satoshi Nakamoto solved it through a decentralized, distributed ledger confirmation process (blockchain). Going as far back as its genesis block from early 2009, users can be confident transactions aren’t rebroadcast. Like clockwork, 6 times an hour, blocks are added – copied to nodes within the universal network.

The offending wallet, according to the BTG team.

One way to achieve double spending is known as a 51% attack. It’s accomplished by bogarting the network’s computing power. With a majority, bad actors can get between the Nakamoto solution and transaction confirmations. By stymieing block completion in the usual manner, all sorts of mischief can arise: blockchain mining rewards redirected, users’ transactions reversed, etc. Not too long after, a double spending attack can commence, acting as the fiat equivalent to counterfeiting. Needless to type, any crypto suffering from such a problem is certain to immediately lose user confidence.


Over period of days, batches of BTG were deposited into exchanges supporting the forked coin, only to be sent back to the depositor’s wallet. The lag between such a transaction and some exchanges’ discovery is sufficient enough to nab tokens, doubling the filthy lucre. Exchanges trading bitcoin gold have responded by upping transaction confirmation filters, but evidently to no avail as the attacker gains ever-more BTG network control.

Bitcoin Gold team members seem to have communicated with some exchanges. “Requiring more confirmations greatly increases safety,” the forum details. “Until now, some Exchanges were operating with less than five confirmations required. We have been urging higher limits to prevent such an attack, and urging manual review of large deposits of BTG before clearing the funds for trading.” Indeed, according to BTG, “One of the targeted Exchanges reported that they strongly believe this attacker attempted to hit them with a double-spend of BTC in the past. In their words, ‘we are 100% sure that it is the same person, we found many associations between the accounts.’”

The traditional way BTC has been able to thwart double spend attacks.

Evidence put forward by the BTG team points to address GTNjvCGssb2rbLnDV1xxsHmunQdvXnY2Ft as the attacker’s wallet; mined coins, according to the forum post reside at GXXjRkdquAkyHeJ6ReW3v4FY3QbgPfugTx. More than 388,201.92404001 BTG were funneled through the wallet, totalling more than $18 million according to Bitcoin Gold Explorer . That a top thirty crypto by market cap can be so easily troubled is a giant of enough problem, but it could also take exchanges down in the process – something the ecosystem is very sensitive to since Mt. Gox. And though, for now, BTG is confident enough to suggest users are not at risk, history shows that can quickly be the case as an exchange freezes withdrawals in an effort to stop hemorrhaging.

Bitcoin Gold has been beset by controversies since its birth fork late last year, including a recent dust-up between BCH advocate Craig Wright and BTG founder Jack Liao. To be fair, however, it is not the only blockchain to suffer a 51% attack. Mere days ago, recently Chinese government highly rated coin verge (XVG) was made to heel, again. These pages reported XVG, “On the morning of May 22, Suprvona, one of the largest altcoin mining pools, informed its 19,000 Twitter followers that verge was suffering yet another 51% attack, causing all blocks to be rejected.”

Do you think the BTG hack spells doom for the coin? Let us know what you think of this subject in the comments below.

Images via Pixabay, BTG Block Explorer.

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