суббота, 16 июня 2018 г.


Bitcoin (USD) Price

Pricing News

German Authorities Sold $14 Million in Seized Cryptos Over Price Fears

May 29, 2018 at 10:00 | Wolfie Zhao

Prosecutors in Germany have made an emergency sale of cryptocurrencies seized in two investigations due to concerns over price volatility.

Bitcoin Price Faces Last Major Support Level Before $5K

May 29, 2018 at 09:00 | Omkar Godbole

Bitcoin is down again and looks set to test another key support level at $6,900, the technical charts indicate.

Bitcoin Bears In Charge But Indecision Could Spur Rally

May 28, 2018 at 10:25 | Omkar Godbole

While the odds are still stacked in favor of bitcoin's bears, marketplace exhaustion may have provided a chance for a brief rally.

IHS Markit Has A Plan to Tokenize A $1 Trillion Loan Market

May 28, 2018 at 04:00 | Ian Allison

IHS Markit is developing a blockchain-based system to handle cash payments in syndicated loans – and eventually, in a wider range of transactions.

Just One Top Crypto Bucked This Week's Market Downturn

May 25, 2018 at 15:15 | Omkar Godbole

Shadowing the losses in bitcoin, the top-25 cryptocurrencies have all fallen over the last seven days – all bar one, that is.

Bitcoin Faces Close Below Long-Term Support In First Since 2015

May 25, 2018 at 10:00 | Omkar Godbole

If bitcoin closes the week below the 50-week moving average it will increase the likelihood of a sell-off to $6,000

Revolut App Adds XRP, Bitcoin Cash to Crypto Options

May 24, 2018 at 14:35 | Daniel Palmer

Mobile banking app Revolut now lets users buy, sell and hold Ripple's XRP and bitcoin cash, in addition to bitcoin, litecoin and ether.

Bitcoin Faces Drop to $7K as Bull Defense Crumbles

May 24, 2018 at 09:30 | Omkar Godbole

Bitcoin looks set to test $7,000 in the next 24 hours, courtesy of a bear flag breakdown on the technical charts.

Coinbase Is Rebranding Its Crypto Exchange Service

May 23, 2018 at 20:26 | Nikhilesh De

Coinbase announced Wednesday it was rebranding its GDAX platform as Coinbase Pro. Additionally, the company has acquired Paradex, a relay platform.

Bitcoin Price Faces Bear Indicator Not Seen Since 2014

May 23, 2018 at 09:00 | Omkar Godbole

Following bitcoin's recent losses, a key long-term trend indicator is looking increasingly bearish.

Bitcoin Price (BTC - USD)


Crypto is making a comeback as Italy's political crisis mounts

Crypto markets are making a big comeback as political uncertainty grips Italy and Europe. .


INFO ON Bitcoin



About Bitcoin Price

What is Bitcoin? By Markets Insider

Bitcoin keeps coming back in the headlines. With any Bitcoin price change making news and keeping investors guessing.

In countries that accept it, you can buy groceries and clothes just as you would with the local currency. Only bitcoin is entirely digital; no one is carrying actual bitcoins around in their pocket.

Bitcoin is divorced from governments and central banks. It's organized through a network known as a blockchain, which is basically an online ledger that keeps a secure record of each transaction and bitcoin price all in one place. Every time anyone buys or sells bitcoin, the swap gets logged. Several hundred of these back-and-forths make up a block.

No one controls these blocks, because blockchains are decentralized across every computer that has a bitcoin wallet, which you only get if you buy bitcoins.

Why bother using it?

True to its origins as an open, decentralized currency, bitcoin is meant to be a quicker, cheaper, and more reliable form of payment than money tied to individual countries. In addition, it's the only form of money users can theoretically "mine" themselves, if they (and their computers) have the ability.

But even for those who don't discover using their own high-powered computers, anyone can buy and sell bitcoins at the bitcoin price they want, typically through online exchanges like Coinbase or LocalBitcoins.

A 2015 survey showed bitcoin users tend to be overwhelmingly white and male, but of varying incomes. The people with the most bitcoins are more likely to be using it for illegal purposes, the survey suggested.

Each bitcoin has a complicated ID, known as a hexadecimal code, that is many times more difficult to steal than someone's credit-card information. And since there is a finite number to be accounted for, there is less of a chance bitcoin or fractions of a bitcoin will go missing.

But while fraudulent credit-card purchases are reversible, bitcoin transactions are not.

Bitcoin is unique in that there are a finite number of them: 21 million. Satoshi Nakamoto, bitcoin's enigmatic founder, arrived at that number by assuming people would discover, or "mine," a set number of blocks of transactions daily.

Every four years, the number of bitcoins released relative to the previous cycle gets cut in half, as does the reward to miners for discovering new blocks. (The reward right now is 12.5 bitcoins.) As a result, the number of bitcoins in circulation will approach 21 million, but never hit it.

This means bitcoin never experiences inflation. Unlike US dollars, whose buying power the Fed can dilute by printing more greenbacks, there simply won't be more bitcoin available in the future. That has worried some skeptics, as it means a hack could be catastrophic in wiping out people's bitcoin wallets, with less hope for reimbursement. Which could render bitcoin price irrelevant.

The future of bitcoin

Historically, the currency has been extremely volatile. But go by its recent boom — and a forecast by Snapchat's first investor, Jeremy Liew, that it will hit a bitcoin price of $500,000 by 2030 — and nabbing even a fraction of a bitcoin starts to look a lot more enticing.

Bitcoin users predict 94% of all bitcoins will have been released by 2024. As the total number creeps toward the 21 million mark, many suspect the profits miners once made creating new blocks will become so low they'll become negligible. With bitcoin’s price dropping significantly. But with more bitcoins in circulation, people also expect transaction fees to rise, possibly making up the difference.

One of the biggest moments for Bitcoin came in August 2017. When the digital currency officially forked and split in two: bitcoin cash and bitcoin.

Miners were able to seek out bitcoin cash beginning Tuesday August 1st 2017, and the cryptocurrency-focused news website CoinDesk said the first bitcoin cash was mined at about 2:20 p.m. ET.

Supporters of the newly formed bitcoin cash believe the currency will "breath new life into" the nearly 10-year-old bitcoin by addressing some of the issues facing bitcoin of late, such as slow transaction speeds.

Bitcoin power brokers have been squabbling over the rules that should guide the cryptocurrency's blockchain network.

On one side are the so-called core developers. They are in favor of smaller bitcoin blocks, which they say are less vulnerable to hacking. On the other side are the miners, who want to increase the size of blocks to make the network faster and more scalable.

Until just before the decision, the solution known as Segwit2x, which would double the size of bitcoin blocks to 2 megabytes, seemed to have universal support.

Then bitcoin cash came along. The solution is a fork of the bitcoin system. The new software has all the history of the old platform; however, bitcoin cash blocks have a capacity 8 megabytes.

Bitcoin cash came out of left field, according to Charles Morris, a chief investment officer of NextBlock Global, an investment firm with digital assets.

"A group of miners who didn't like SegWit2x are opting for this new software that will increase the size of blocks from the current 1 megabyte to 8," Morris told Business Insider.

To be sure, only a minority of bitcoin miners and bitcoin exchanges have said they will support the new currency.

Investors who have their bitcoin on exchanges or wallets that support the new currency will soon see their holdings double, with one unit in bitcoin cash added for every bitcoin. But that doesn't mean the value of investors' holdings will double.

Because bitcoin cash initially drew its value from bitcoin's market cap, it caused bitcoin's value to drop by an amount proportional to its adoption on launch.

The future of bitcoin and bitcoin’s price remains uncertain. It could go to a $1,000,000 or it could go to $0. No one truly knows.

US Search Mobile Web

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Improve your services

Your search engine does not find any satisfactory results for searches. It is too weak. Also, the server of bing is often off

I created a yahoo/email account long ago but I lost access to it; can y'all delete all my yahoo/yahoo account except for my newest YaAccount

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I want all my lost access yahoo account 'delete'; Requesting supporter for these old account deletion; 'except' my Newest yahoo account this Account don't delete! Because I don't want it interfering my online 'gamble' /games/business/data/ Activity , because the computer/security program might 'scure' my Information and detect theres other account; then secure online activities/ business securing from my suspicion because of my other account existing will make the security program be 'Suspicious' until I'm 'secure'; and if I'm gambling online 'Depositing' then I need those account 'delete' because the insecurity 'Suspicioun' will program the casino game 'Programs' securities' to be… more


i dont know what happened but i can not search anything.

Golf handicap tracker, why can't I get to it?

Why do I get redirected on pc and mobile device?


RYAN RAHSAD BELL literally means

Question on a link

In the search for Anaïs Nin, one of the first few links shows a picture of a man. Why? Since Nin is a woman, I can’t figure out why. Can you show some reason for this? Who is he? If you click on the picture a group of pictures of Nin and no mention of that man. Is it an error?

Repair the Yahoo Search App.

Yahoo Search App from the Google Play Store on my Samsung Galaxy S8+ phone stopped working on May 18, 2018.

I went to the Yahoo Troubleshooting page but the article that said to do a certain 8 steps to fix the problem with Yahoo Services not working and how to fix the problem. Of course they didn't work.

I contacted Samsung thru their Samsung Tutor app on my phone. I gave their Technican access to my phone to see if there was a problem with my phone that stopped the Yahoo Search App from working. He went to Yahoo and I signed in so he could try to fix the Yahoo Search App not working. He also used another phone, installed the app from the Google Play Store to see if the app would do any kind of search thru the app. The Yahoo Search App just wasn't working.

I also had At&t try to help me because I have UVERSE for my internet service. My internet was working perfectly. Their Technical Support team member checked the Yahoo Search App and it wouldn't work for him either.

We can go to www.yahoo.com and search for any topic or website. It's just the Yahoo Search App that won't allow anyone to do web searches at all.

I let Google know that the Yahoo Search App installed from their Google Play Store had completely stopped working on May 18, 2018.

I told them that Yahoo has made sure that their Yahoo members can't contact them about anything.

I noticed that right after I accepted the agreement that said Oath had joined with Verizon I started having the problem with the Yahoo Search App.
No matter what I search for or website thru the Yahoo Search App it says the following after I searched for

This webpage at gttp://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0geJGq8BbkrgALEMMITE5jylu=X3oDMTEzcTjdWsyBGNvbG8DYmyxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDTkFQUEMwxzEEc2VjA3NylRo=10/Ru=https%3a%2f%2fwww.att.att.com%2f/Rk=2/Es=plkGNRAB61_XKqFjTEN7J8cXA-
could not be loaded because:

I tried to search for things like www.homedepot.com. The same thing happened. It would say WEBPAGE NOT AVAILABLE. The only thing that changed were all the upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols.
Then it would again say
could not be loaded because:

This is the same thing that happened when Samsung and At&t tried to do any kind of searches thru the Yahoo Search App.

Yahoo needs to fix the problem with their app.

Yahoo Search App from the Google Play Store on my Samsung Galaxy S8+ phone stopped working on May 18, 2018.

I went to the Yahoo Troubleshooting page but the article that said to do a certain 8 steps to fix the problem with Yahoo Services not working and how to fix the problem. Of course they didn't work.

I contacted Samsung thru their Samsung Tutor app on my phone. I gave their Technican access to my phone to see if there was a problem with my phone that stopped the Yahoo Search App from working. He went to Yahoo and… more

Bitcoin / Dollar BTCUSD

BTCUSD Crypto Chart

Zusammenfassung der technischen Analyse

In Zusammenhang stehende Symbole


BTCUSD , 1D, Short ,

Bitcoin nähert sich der letzten Supportline, die zwischen 6.950 und 7.000 Punkten verläuft. BTC alleine betrachtett lässt aufgrund des Bekanntheitsgrades mögliche Reversals möglich erscheinen. Anders sieht es allerdings aus, wenn ALLE Cryptos als Sektor analysiert werden: https://www.investing.com/crypto/currencies Unter diesem Link sind alle 1.877 Cryptos .

BTCUSD , 15, Long ,

Hi Tradingviewer, heute morgen habe ich im 15 min eine 3 Fach Divergenz im RSI und MACD ausgemacht, die für eine ersten bullischen Ansatz Platz gehabt hatte. Meinen Post - Der Boden wird gesucht 3.0 hatte ich aber nach 10 Minuten wieder verworfen und gelöscht. Auf meinem Twitter Account https://twitter.com/StefanJBode seht ihr ihn aber noch. Nun kam doch noch der .

Bitcoin, und die Blockchain Technologie sind inzwischen ja hinlänglich bekannt. Auch das es wohl den einen oder anderen Trader gibt, der per Crypto-Trading sein Vermögen gemacht hat. Auch die Zukunft wird immer wieder als extrem rosig beschrieben, mit Kurszielen bis zu 1.000.000,00 bis 2025 habe ich schon alles gehört. Dies alles kann gut sein. Meistens wird .

BTCUSD , 1D, Short ,

Zu allererst ist der BTC noch Neuland für mich! Ich möchte mit den kommenden Ideen lediglich herausfinden, in wie fern man es mithilfe einiger einfachen Mitteln, gewinnbringend Analysieren könnte. Ich handle dies in keinstem Falle!

BTCUSD , 1D, Short ,

Donnerstag und Freitag kamen jeweils die "13.00 Uhr Spikes". Bislang wurde über das Wochenende dann jeweils bis Sonntag Mittag die Kurse von BTC nach oben gepflegt. Wie genau erklären sich diese Spikes? Pump and Dump in Crypto: Cases, Measures, Warnings https://cointelegraph.com/news/pump-and-dump-in-crypto-cases-measures-warnings Einige Minuten Reseach hätte .

BTCUSD , D, Short ,

Technisch gesehen, befindet sich der BTCUSD im Abwärtstrendkanal, welches hier aus zwei parallelen Abwärtstrendlinien besteht (orange). Die Kurse pendeln in ihrer Abwärtsbewegung zwischen dem oberen u. dem unteren Rand des Trendkanals. Wird dieser Trendkanal nach oben oder unter verlassen, ist dies ein Zeichen für eine Neu-Definition der zukünftigen Kursbewegung .

Hallo Tradingviewer, vielen Dank für euer Abonnement und Like's. Werfen wir einen Blick auf den Bitcoin. Hier sollten die Korrektur fast abgeschlossen sein. Meiner Meinung nach sollte das Tief sich im Bereich der $ 6800-7200 ausbilden. Durch den Keil rechne ich aktuell noch mit einem weiteren Tief, wobei es im 5 Min. Bereich auch schon eine bullische Variante .

BTCUSD , 60, Short ,

BTC ist am letzen Wochenede gestiegen - aus welchen Gründen auch immer. Die Vermutung der Kursmanipulation ist weiterhin aktuell. Bitcoin nähert sich der 7k Marke. Beobachtung BTC Tradingvolume: 1h: https://data.bitcoinity.org/markets/volume/1h?c=e&r=minute&t=b 6h: https://data.bitcoinity.org/markets/volume/6h?c=e&r=minute&t=b 24h: .

Der aktuelle Fahrplan funktioniert und damit sollten wir im Moment in der iv der (i) sein, die uns auf $ 10,660 bringen dürfte bzw. $ 10,805. Erstes Ziel der iv sind $ 8,515; $ 8,432 und ggf. auch $ 7,750.

BTCUSD , 15, Long ,

Gewagte erste Prognose zu einem möglichen Trendwechsel. Kann aber auch durchaus noch $ 600-1.200 weiter runter rutschen.

Warum sollte die Party jetzt vorbei sein? Aus Langeweile poste ich das mal. 0 eher unwahrscheinlich. Tether? 20k eher whrschl Seitwärts macht alle nervös. beim 1.mal wird 20k nicht geschafft, da die hodler raus wollen (1Jahr). 2. Anlauf sollte klappen

BTCUSD , 60, Long ,

Hallo zusammen, nach längerer Zeit habe ich mir nochmal den BTC im H1 angeschaut und konnte ziemlich schnell eine unspektakuläre Impulsbewegung und die entsprechende Korrektur erkennen. Innerhalb der Impulsbewegung konnte man schön die fünf Unterwellen counten. Weiterhin sehr schön festzustellen, ist, dass die Korrekturbewegung (mögliche Welle 2) ziemlich exakt .

Bitcoin (USD) Price

Pricing News

German Authorities Sold $14 Million in Seized Cryptos Over Price Fears

May 29, 2018 at 10:00 | Wolfie Zhao

Prosecutors in Germany have made an emergency sale of cryptocurrencies seized in two investigations due to concerns over price volatility.

Bitcoin Price Faces Last Major Support Level Before $5K

May 29, 2018 at 09:00 | Omkar Godbole

Bitcoin is down again and looks set to test another key support level at $6,900, the technical charts indicate.

Bitcoin Bears In Charge But Indecision Could Spur Rally

May 28, 2018 at 10:25 | Omkar Godbole

While the odds are still stacked in favor of bitcoin's bears, marketplace exhaustion may have provided a chance for a brief rally.

IHS Markit Has A Plan to Tokenize A $1 Trillion Loan Market

May 28, 2018 at 04:00 | Ian Allison

IHS Markit is developing a blockchain-based system to handle cash payments in syndicated loans – and eventually, in a wider range of transactions.

Just One Top Crypto Bucked This Week's Market Downturn

May 25, 2018 at 15:15 | Omkar Godbole

Shadowing the losses in bitcoin, the top-25 cryptocurrencies have all fallen over the last seven days – all bar one, that is.

Bitcoin Faces Close Below Long-Term Support In First Since 2015

May 25, 2018 at 10:00 | Omkar Godbole

If bitcoin closes the week below the 50-week moving average it will increase the likelihood of a sell-off to $6,000

Revolut App Adds XRP, Bitcoin Cash to Crypto Options

May 24, 2018 at 14:35 | Daniel Palmer

Mobile banking app Revolut now lets users buy, sell and hold Ripple's XRP and bitcoin cash, in addition to bitcoin, litecoin and ether.

Bitcoin Faces Drop to $7K as Bull Defense Crumbles

May 24, 2018 at 09:30 | Omkar Godbole

Bitcoin looks set to test $7,000 in the next 24 hours, courtesy of a bear flag breakdown on the technical charts.

Coinbase Is Rebranding Its Crypto Exchange Service

May 23, 2018 at 20:26 | Nikhilesh De

Coinbase announced Wednesday it was rebranding its GDAX platform as Coinbase Pro. Additionally, the company has acquired Paradex, a relay platform.

Bitcoin Price Faces Bear Indicator Not Seen Since 2014

May 23, 2018 at 09:00 | Omkar Godbole

Following bitcoin's recent losses, a key long-term trend indicator is looking increasingly bearish.

Simple Bitcoin Converter

Exchange rate calculated using USD Bitcoin price.

This site allows you to:

  • See the Bitcoin exchange rate i.e. the current value of one bitcoin.
  • Convert any amount to or from your preferred currency.

Bitcoin is a digital currency. You can use Bitcoin to send money to anyone via the Internet with no middleman. Learn more here.

Keep an eye on the Bitcoin price, even while browsing in other tabs. Simply keep this site open and see the live Bitcoin price in the browser tab. (Note: Some mobile browsers don’t yet support this feature.)

See how many bitcoins you can buy. Enter an amount on the right-hand input field, to see the equivalent amount in Bitcoin on the left.

See the value of your Bitcoin holdings. Enter the number of bitcoins you have, and watch their value fluctuate over time.

Compare Bitcoin to gold and other precious metals by checking out the converters for Bitcoin to gold, Bitcoin to silver, Bitcoin to platinum, and Bitcoin to palladium.

Try it on your phone or tablet—this site is designed with mobile devices in mind.

Convert in terms of smaller units e.g. microbitcoins (µ), millibitcoins (m). Toggle using keyboard shortcuts: 'u', 'm', and 'k'.

Bookmark your preferred currency e.g. Bitcoin to Euro, or Bitcoin to British Pound. This site currently supports 64 currencies.

Price data is continually gathered from multiple markets. A weighted average price of these markets is shown by default (based on 24-hour trade volume). Alternatively, you can choose a specific source from the settings menu.


  • Linkable (i.e. bookmarkable, shareable) amounts.
  • A widget to be embedded on other sites.

  • Options added for millibitcoins, and 3 new cryptocurrencies. 2014-03-16
  • Volume-weighted pricing implemented as the default option. 2013-11-29
  • Multiple data source options included. Currency chooser improved. 08-16
  • Major Android-related bugs fixed. (Thanks to those who donated!) 07-07

You’re welcome to contact the creator of this site at Reddit or BitcoinTalk. Bug reports are greatly appreciated.


The exchange rates on this site are for information purposes only. They are not guaranteed to be accurate, and are subject to change without notice.

Bitcoin Kurs i DKK og USD – BTC/DKK

På BitcoinKurser.dk kan du finde den live-opdaterede Bitcoin kurs i DKK og priser på forskellige andre crypto coins.

Leder du efter kursen på Bitcoin (BTC) i danske kroner? Så kan du finde den nedenunder her, liveopdateret med prisen både i Danske kroner (DKK) og i amerikanske dollars (USD):

Omregn Bitcoin til Danske Kroner – eller danske kroner til Bitcoins:

EMA Analyse & RSI af Bitcoin


EMA betyder Exponential Moving Averages (Wikipedia) og udregner det glidende gennemsnit af en (kurs)udvikling.
De fleste tradingrobotter bruger dette princip til at handle ud fra.
Kort fortalt, når den gråbrune linje ligger over den lilla linje, så køber robotterne. Når den gråbrune ligger under den lilla linje sælger de.

RSI: Når den lilla linje krydser den røde linje ved 70, så er Bitcoin alt for efterspurgt / hypet, og prisen vil gå ned. Den har basalt set nået et peak.
Når den lilla linje krydser den blå, så er det et købssignal.

Dette er standard teknisk analyse, og skal altid tages med forbehold.
Credit skal gives til bitcoincharts.com for grafen.

Hvordan køber jeg Bitcoin?

Der er basalt set tre forskellige måder du kan købe Bitcoins på:

1) Køb med dit almindelige debet/kreditkort

Købe dem med debetkort, kreditkort på fx Coinbase, som er en meget brugt Bitcoin Exchange.
Denne er god for nybegyndere, og hvis man køber for små beløb for at komme i gang. Ulempen er at deres gebyrer kan være lidt høje hvis man køber større beløb.

2) Køb med bankoverførsel

Købe dem via Kraken.com, som kun modtager bankoverførsel (SEPA og andre overførselstyper). Fordelen er at de er billigere på gebyrer end Coinbase. Bankoverførsel kan tage nogen dage, alt efter hvad tid på dagen du overfører, så hvis du vil ind og handle Bitcoin lige nu, så er Coinbase nok en bedre mulighed med debet/kreditkort betaling. Kraken er heller ikke ligefrem den nemmeste Crypto Exchange at komme igang med.

3) Køb af andre personer der har Bitcoin

Købe Bitcoin af andre personer og betale med bankoverførsel, Mobile Pay eller kontant. Den her skal du være meget opmærksom på. Der er en del uærlige mennesker, som har snydt mange gennem tiden, ved enten ikke at overføre pengene, eller ikke at sende Bitcoins’ene, så gør kun det her med folk du stoler på, og hvor du er 100% sikker på at det ikke er en der udgiver sig for en du kender.

Hvad er Bitcoin?

Bitcoin er en form for digital valuta, der skabes og opbevares rent elektronisk. Der findes altså ingen fysiske Bitcoins. Der er ingen nationalbank der står bag den, ligesom der fx ville være ved den danske kroner eller den amerikanske dollar.
Bitcoin er det første eksempel på en voksende kategori af penge kendt som cryptocurrency.

Se de to videoer nedenfor så du kan få mere en fornemmelse for hvad Bitcoin, mining osv. går ud på:

Hvad gør Bitcoin anderledes end normale valutaer?

Bitcoin kan bruges til at købe ting elektronisk. I den forstand kan det sidesættes med danske kroner, Euro, amerikanske dollars osv. som også handles digitalt.
Men Bitcoins vigtigste kendetegn og de ting, der gør den anderledes end ‘normale’ penge, er, at det er decentraliseret. Ingen enkelt institution kontrollerer Bitcoin-netværket. Dette er også årsagen til at Bitcoin og andre crypto valutaer har fået så meget success de seneste par år. I Danmark har vi en god nationalbank, rimelig stabile banker osv. men i mange andre lande er den tillid ikke-eksisterende. Et eksempel er Argentina, som devaluerede deres Pesos, og gjorde mange mennesker fattige på grund af dette. Derfor ser mange det som en fordel af have deres værdier i en valuta, som ikke er styret af en bank.

Hvem skabte Bitcoin?

En softwareudvikler kaldet Satoshi Nakamoto lavede grundlaget for Bitcoin, som var et elektronisk betalingssystem baseret på matematiske beviser. Ideen var at fremstille en valuta, der var uafhængig af en central myndighed, der kunne overføres elektronisk, mere eller mindre øjeblikkeligt, med meget lave transaktionsgebyrer.

Hvem trykker Bitcoins?

Ingen. Bitcoin er en valuta der trykkes fysisk på sedler af en nationalbank. Bitcoin står ikke til ansvar overfor nogen, og følger sine egne regler. Der er et begrænset antal Bitcoins tilgængelige – omkring 21 millioner, hvilket er en klar modsætning til nationale valutaer, hvor nationalbanken blot kan vælge at trykke flere sedler for at betale for statsgæld, hvilket devaluerer valutaen, og dermed værdien af dine penge.

I stedet er Bitcoin et digitalt fællesskab af personer, som alle kan deltage i. Bitcoins ‘udvindes’, ved hjælp af computerkraft i et distribueret netværk, også kaldet ‘Bitcoin mining’. Bitcoin minere (computere) løser meget simplificeret et matematisk regnestykke, og gennem denne proces behandles og godkendes transaktioner i netværket. Som en tak for hjælpen for at sørge for at transaktionerne kommer igennem netværket, får bitcoin mineren en andel af en Bitcoin, for hvert regnestykke der løses. På den måde er Bitcoin uafhængigt af bankerne, da det selv klarer alle transaktioner.

Er Bitcoin den eneste Cryptovaluta?

Nej – der eksisterer p.t. over 1200 forskellige cryptovalutaer, hvor Ethereum og Bitcoin Cash p.t. er de mest handlede valutaer udover Bitcoin.

Hvordan har prisen på Bitcoin udviklet sig historisk?

Grafen nedenfor illustrerer udviklingen i Bitcoins pris siden 2013. Prisen er i US Dollars.

Prisen stiger eksponentielt i 2017, og det vil den forhåbentlig blive ved med i noget tid! 🙂 Den er dog meget volatil, så man skal tænke sig om inden man investerer penge i det.

Hvor handler man med Bitcoins?

Der er mange ‘Exchanges’ som det hedder, hvor man kan handle med Bitcoins og de andre digitale valutaer.

Exchanges hvor man kan indsætte almindelige penge (fiat), og så handle Bitcoin m.fl.:

På nogen exchanges kan man overføre almindelige penge – også kaldet Fiat – og veksle disse til Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash og mange andre ‘coins’ som er det man kalder de fleste af de digitale valutaer. Dette kan man gøre på Coinbase, Kraken.com og andre exchanges.

Exchanges hvor man kun kan handle cryptocoins men ikke indsætte almindelige (fiat) penge

Bittrex.com er vores egen favorit, da den er nem at bruge, der er en høj volumen af transaktioner og den har rigtig mange forskellige cryptocoins man kan handle. Til sammenligning har Kraken ikke specielt mange ‘Alt coins’ som basalt set er alle andre digitale valutaer, som ikke er Bitcoin. Det er specielt på nogen af de mindre handlede, eller lavt prissatte cryptocoins at man kan hive nogen gode gevinster hjem, hvis man køber på det rette tidspunkt, holder dem længe nok til at de stiger, og så for solgt dem på det rette tidspunkt. Derfor er det vigtigt at bruge en Exchange, hvor man har adgang til at handle disse.

Interaktiv graf med Bitcoin prisen i US Dollars

Brug din mus til at zoome, scrolle osv. Prisen på Bitcoin er liveopdateret selvfølgelig!

Bitcoin BTCUSD

Bitcoin / USD - The world's largest cryptocurrency. Warning! Cryptocurrencies are extremely volatile

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Bitcoin / USD - The world's largest cryptocurrency. Warning! Cryptocurrencies are extremely volatile

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Bitcoin (Übersicht)

Bitcoin is the first successful internet money based on peer-to-peer technology; whereby no central bank or authority is involved in the transaction and production of the Bitcoin currency. It was created by an anonymous individual/group under the name, Satoshi Nakamoto. The source code is available publicly as an open source project, anybody can look at it and be part of the developmental process.

Bitcoin is changing the way we see money as we speak. It is a decentralized peer-to-peer internet currency making mobile payment easy, very low transaction fees, protects your identity, and it works anywhere all the time with no banking hours.

As of the current design, there will only be 21 million Bitcoin ever created, thus making it a deflationary currency unlike fiat currencies. Bitcoin uses the SHA-256 hashing algorithm with an average transaction confirmation time of 10 minutes. Miners today are mining Bitcoin using ASIC chip dedicated to only mining Bitcoin, and the hash rate has shot up to peta hashes.

Being the first successful online cryptography currency, Bitcoin has inspired other alternative currencies such as Litecoin, Peercoin, Primecoin, and so on.

US Search Mobile Web

Welcome to the Yahoo Search forum! We’d love to hear your ideas on how to improve Yahoo Search.

The Yahoo product feedback forum now requires a valid Yahoo ID and password to participate.

You are now required to sign-in using your Yahoo email account in order to provide us with feedback and to submit votes and comments to existing ideas. If you do not have a Yahoo ID or the password to your Yahoo ID, please sign-up for a new account.

If you have a valid Yahoo ID and password, follow these steps if you would like to remove your posts, comments, votes, and/or profile from the Yahoo product feedback forum.

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Improve your services

Your search engine does not find any satisfactory results for searches. It is too weak. Also, the server of bing is often off

I created a yahoo/email account long ago but I lost access to it; can y'all delete all my yahoo/yahoo account except for my newest YaAccount

I want all my lost access yahoo account 'delete'; Requesting supporter for these old account deletion; 'except' my Newest yahoo account this Account don't delete! Because I don't want it interfering my online 'gamble' /games/business/data/ Activity , because the computer/security program might 'scure' my Information and detect theres other account; then secure online activities/ business securing from my suspicion because of my other account existing will make the security program be 'Suspicious' until I'm 'secure'; and if I'm gambling online 'Depositing' then I need those account 'delete' because the insecurity 'Suspicioun' will program the casino game 'Programs' securities' to be 'secure' then it'll be 'unfair' gaming and I'll lose because of the insecurity can be a 'Excuse'. Hope y'all understand my explanation!

I want all my lost access yahoo account 'delete'; Requesting supporter for these old account deletion; 'except' my Newest yahoo account this Account don't delete! Because I don't want it interfering my online 'gamble' /games/business/data/ Activity , because the computer/security program might 'scure' my Information and detect theres other account; then secure online activities/ business securing from my suspicion because of my other account existing will make the security program be 'Suspicious' until I'm 'secure'; and if I'm gambling online 'Depositing' then I need those account 'delete' because the insecurity 'Suspicioun' will program the casino game 'Programs' securities' to be… more


i dont know what happened but i can not search anything.

Golf handicap tracker, why can't I get to it?

Why do I get redirected on pc and mobile device?


RYAN RAHSAD BELL literally means

Question on a link

In the search for Anaïs Nin, one of the first few links shows a picture of a man. Why? Since Nin is a woman, I can’t figure out why. Can you show some reason for this? Who is he? If you click on the picture a group of pictures of Nin and no mention of that man. Is it an error?

Repair the Yahoo Search App.

Yahoo Search App from the Google Play Store on my Samsung Galaxy S8+ phone stopped working on May 18, 2018.

I went to the Yahoo Troubleshooting page but the article that said to do a certain 8 steps to fix the problem with Yahoo Services not working and how to fix the problem. Of course they didn't work.

I contacted Samsung thru their Samsung Tutor app on my phone. I gave their Technican access to my phone to see if there was a problem with my phone that stopped the Yahoo Search App from working. He went to Yahoo and I signed in so he could try to fix the Yahoo Search App not working. He also used another phone, installed the app from the Google Play Store to see if the app would do any kind of search thru the app. The Yahoo Search App just wasn't working.

I also had At&t try to help me because I have UVERSE for my internet service. My internet was working perfectly. Their Technical Support team member checked the Yahoo Search App and it wouldn't work for him either.

We can go to www.yahoo.com and search for any topic or website. It's just the Yahoo Search App that won't allow anyone to do web searches at all.

I let Google know that the Yahoo Search App installed from their Google Play Store had completely stopped working on May 18, 2018.

I told them that Yahoo has made sure that their Yahoo members can't contact them about anything.

I noticed that right after I accepted the agreement that said Oath had joined with Verizon I started having the problem with the Yahoo Search App.
No matter what I search for or website thru the Yahoo Search App it says the following after I searched for

This webpage at gttp://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0geJGq8BbkrgALEMMITE5jylu=X3oDMTEzcTjdWsyBGNvbG8DYmyxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDTkFQUEMwxzEEc2VjA3NylRo=10/Ru=https%3a%2f%2fwww.att.att.com%2f/Rk=2/Es=plkGNRAB61_XKqFjTEN7J8cXA-
could not be loaded because:

I tried to search for things like www.homedepot.com. The same thing happened. It would say WEBPAGE NOT AVAILABLE. The only thing that changed were all the upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols.
Then it would again say
could not be loaded because:

This is the same thing that happened when Samsung and At&t tried to do any kind of searches thru the Yahoo Search App.

Yahoo needs to fix the problem with their app.

Yahoo Search App from the Google Play Store on my Samsung Galaxy S8+ phone stopped working on May 18, 2018.

I went to the Yahoo Troubleshooting page but the article that said to do a certain 8 steps to fix the problem with Yahoo Services not working and how to fix the problem. Of course they didn't work.

I contacted Samsung thru their Samsung Tutor app on my phone. I gave their Technican access to my phone to see if there was a problem with my phone that stopped the Yahoo Search App from working. He went to Yahoo and… more

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