суббота, 23 июня 2018 г.


Hashrate bitcoin

We pay a 98% block reward, and are the highest paying PPS pool in the world.

Cloud Mining

Start mining immediately with our cloud mining contracts! 100% guaranteed uptime.

Mine Bitcoin Core (BTC) or Bitcoin Cash (BCH)

We offer BTC and BCH mining. You can also choose to automatically mine the most profitable coin.

How Much Will I Earn?

Cloud Mining

  • Includes daily fee for cloud mining.
  • Calculation is based on current difficulty and Bitcoin price.
  • Difficulty increases about 5% every 2 weeks, but may vary based on global hashrate. Click here to view historical difficulty increases.
  • Includes block reward bonus (currently 0%), which we reserve the right to change.
  • Daily fee is for covering electricity and maintenance costs.
  • Daily fee is subtracted from daily revenue.
  • Contract will end if daily fee exceeds revenue for 60 consecutive days.



Pool Hashrate (Global Hashrate %)

How do I get started?

To get started, please buy a cloud mining contract from us. You don't need any special hardware to do cloud mining, we will do the mining for you. If you have your own specialized mining hardware (such as an Antminer S9 or Avalon 721), you can connect it to our pool with the address displayed in the dashboard.

Why do I earn more at Bitcoin.com Pool?

We pay 98% of the block reward and have an extremely high share acceptance rate. Our hashrate contracts also have the most competitive prices in the industry.

Why are you selling cloud mining contracts? Why not keep the profit for yourself?

We are selling cloud mining contracts to grow our hashrate. We will use the sales revenue to immediately purchase more mining hardware.

Bitcoin Miners Unaffected by Price Decline — Hashrates Spiked Exponentially

Despite the multitude of headlines declaring that bitcoin mining was becoming unprofitable over the last four months, the hashrate between both Bitcoin Core (BTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH) networks has exploded. At the moment both SHA-256 proof-of-work (POW) powered protocols have been maintaining more than 35 exahash per second, becoming one of the most powerful computational systems in the world.

BTC Mining Hashrate Unphazed by ‘Crypto Winter’

There has been a massive decline in fiat value for nearly all cryptocurrencies represented within the digital asset universe during the 2018 ‘Crypto Winter.’ During this time, researchers and pundits have declared that when BTC/USD prices dipped below $8K, mining was allegedly unprofitable in some regions. However, as far as blockchain data is concerned mining has grown exponentially even during the last four months when BTC prices found new lows. This year pools such as BTC.com, Antpool, Slush, and Viabtc have increased their hashrates considerably. A factor possibly due to new semiconductors and innovations in mining technology.

Today the BTC global hashrate is 30 exahash per second. Over the last four months even when the price declined hashrate increased.

Over the last seven days, BTC miners have held a fairly consistent 30 exahash per second. From December 2017 up until April 2018, the BTC chain’s hashrate has increased significantly . According to estimates, Chinese mining pools make up most of the BTC hashrate (80%) as eight of the top ten pools are based in China.

Chinese mining pools make up more than 80 percent of the BTC global hashrate.

The top five pools command close to 75 percent of the global BTC hashrate with BTC.com taking the cream of the crop. BTC.com now captures 28.9 percent of the BTC hashrate today, with Antpool’s 15.2 percent following behind. There are a total of seventeen known mining pools pointing their resources at the BTC chain and one unknown operation controls 10 percent of the network.

Bitcoin Cash Hashrate Explodes

The Bitcoin Cash network has also increased its hashrate significantly as well, as BCH miners are now processing between 3.6-5 exahash per second . Just a few months ago the BCH hashrate was between 0.5-1 exahash per second. At the time of writing due to the 60 percent bitcoin cash price increase, it is 1.7 percent more profitable to mine BCH than to mine on the BTC chain. Presently the Bitcoin Cash Difficulty Adjustment Algorithm (DAA) is operating at 14.8 percent of BTC’s difficulty. March and the month of April were the biggest hashrate spikes for BCH since the DAA was fixed last November.

A side-by-side chart of BTC and BCH hashrates. BCH is represented in purple while the orange trendline is BTC.

BCH has roughly thirteen known mining pools and 2-3 unknown mining operations pointing their resources at the chain. The biggest BCH mining pools over the last seven days include BTC.top, Viabtc, BTC.com, Antpool, and Bitcoin.com. Over the last week, the 2-3 unknown mining pools have captured 31 percent of the BCH network hashrate. Roughly 60 percent of the BCH global hashrate stems from China, as bitcoin cash has a more diversified spectrum of countries within its hashrate distribution.

Bitcoin Cash mining pool hashrate distribution over the last seven days and 24-hours.

The Entire Cryptocurrency Ecosystem Has Seen Hashrates Spike

Overall there is a lot of computational power directed at both of these two networks, and they eclipse the entire landscape of 1500+ other digital asset hashrates. Although the processing power for those cryptocurrencies has increased as well over the last four months. Since January 2018 until now, the Ethereum network’s hashrate has grown immensely during the ‘Crypto Winter.’

Nearly every PoW cryptocurrency’s hashrate has spiked over the past four months.

The same thing for the Litecoin network, as its hashrate has exploded during its 4-month price downswing. This trend has taken place across nearly every single cryptocurrency that uses a POW-type of consensus algorithm. Most all of the cryptocurrency hashrates worldwide have spiked considerably this past January through April 23, 2018. It’s safe to say all these theories of miners shutting down machines soon, and ‘losing their shirts’ are pretty far fetched.

What do you think about the hashrate explosion between BTC and BCH and all the other currencies over the last four months? Let us know your thoughts about this subject in the comments below.

Images via Shutterstock, Fork.lol, BTC.com, Blockchain.info, Coin Dance, and ETHscan.io.

Need to calculate your bitcoin holdings? Check our tools section.

Some Bitcoin words you might hear

Bitcoin provides a new approach to payments and, as such, there are some new words that might become a part of your vocabulary. Don't worry, even the humble television created new words!

Table of contents

A Bitcoin address is similar to a physical address or an email. It is the only information you need to provide for someone to pay you with Bitcoin. An important difference, however, is that each address should only be used for a single transaction.

Bit is a common unit used to designate a sub-unit of a bitcoin - 1,000,000 bits is equal to 1 bitcoin (BTC or Bвѓ¦). This unit is usually more convenient for pricing tips, goods and services.

Bitcoin - with capitalization, is used when describing the concept of Bitcoin, or the entire network itself. e.g. "I was learning about the Bitcoin protocol today."
bitcoin - without capitalization, is used to describe bitcoins as a unit of account. e.g. "I sent ten bitcoins today."; it is also often abbreviated BTC or XBT.

A block is a record in the block chain that contains and confirms many waiting transactions. Roughly every 10 minutes, on average, a new block including transactions is appended to the block chain through mining.

Block Chain

The block chain is a public record of Bitcoin transactions in chronological order. The block chain is shared between all Bitcoin users. It is used to verify the permanence of Bitcoin transactions and to prevent double spending.

BTC is a common unit used to designate one bitcoin (Bвѓ¦).


Confirmation means that a transaction has been processed by the network and is highly unlikely to be reversed. Transactions receive a confirmation when they are included in a block and for each subsequent block. Even a single confirmation can be considered secure for low value transactions, although for larger amounts like 1000 US$, it makes sense to wait for 6 confirmations or more. Each confirmation exponentially decreases the risk of a reversed transaction.


Cryptography is the branch of mathematics that lets us create mathematical proofs that provide high levels of security. Online commerce and banking already uses cryptography. In the case of Bitcoin, cryptography is used to make it impossible for anybody to spend funds from another user's wallet or to corrupt the block chain. It can also be used to encrypt a wallet, so that it cannot be used without a password.

Double Spend

If a malicious user tries to spend their bitcoins to two different recipients at the same time, this is double spending. Bitcoin mining and the block chain are there to create a consensus on the network about which of the two transactions will confirm and be considered valid.

The hash rate is the measuring unit of the processing power of the Bitcoin network. The Bitcoin network must make intensive mathematical operations for security purposes. When the network reached a hash rate of 10 Th/s, it meant it could make 10 trillion calculations per second.

Bitcoin mining is the process of making computer hardware do mathematical calculations for the Bitcoin network to confirm transactions and increase security. As a reward for their services, Bitcoin miners can collect transaction fees for the transactions they confirm, along with newly created bitcoins. Mining is a specialized and competitive market where the rewards are divided up according to how much calculation is done. Not all Bitcoin users do Bitcoin mining, and it is not an easy way to make money.

Peer-to-peer refers to systems that work like an organized collective by allowing each individual to interact directly with the others. In the case of Bitcoin, the network is built in such a way that each user is broadcasting the transactions of other users. And, crucially, no bank is required as a third party.

Private Key

A private key is a secret piece of data that proves your right to spend bitcoins from a specific wallet through a cryptographic signature. Your private key(s) are stored in your computer if you use a software wallet; they are stored on some remote servers if you use a web wallet. Private keys must never be revealed as they allow you to spend bitcoins for their respective Bitcoin wallet.

A cryptographic signature is a mathematical mechanism that allows someone to prove ownership. In the case of Bitcoin, a Bitcoin wallet and its private key(s) are linked by some mathematical magic. When your Bitcoin software signs a transaction with the appropriate private key, the whole network can see that the signature matches the bitcoins being spent. However, there is no way for the world to guess your private key to steal your hard-earned bitcoins.

A Bitcoin wallet is loosely the equivalent of a physical wallet on the Bitcoin network. The wallet actually contains your private key(s) which allow you to spend the bitcoins allocated to it in the block chain. Each Bitcoin wallet can show you the total balance of all bitcoins it controls and lets you pay a specific amount to a specific person, just like a real wallet. This is different to credit cards where you are charged by the merchant.

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Yahoo needs to fix the problem with their app.

Yahoo Search App from the Google Play Store on my Samsung Galaxy S8+ phone stopped working on May 18, 2018.

I went to the Yahoo Troubleshooting page but the article that said to do a certain 8 steps to fix the problem with Yahoo Services not working and how to fix the problem. Of course they didn't work.

I contacted Samsung thru their Samsung Tutor app on my phone. I gave their Technican access to my phone to see if there was a problem with my phone that stopped the Yahoo Search App from working. He went to Yahoo and… more

Hashrate bitcoin

Bitcoin Cash Hashrate Surpasses 2.4 Exohash per Second

The opinions on Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash will always remain divided. Some see BCH as an altcoin, whereas others think it can effectively replace Bitcoin. Both options are still viable at this point in time. One thing no one can argue with is how the Bitcoin Cash hashrate has increased quite a bit this week. In fact, it has reached a new all-time high, which is pretty interesting. It also appears the Bitcoin hashrate is dropping quite a bit in the past few hours.

Things are finally falling into place for Bitcoin Cash. Although the launch of this altcoin was somewhat problematic, things worked out eventually. Ever since the developers could rid of the EDA mining difficulty algorithm, people started taking this project more seriously. Moreover, the miners see the merit of Bitcoin Cash as well these days. Not just in terms of profitability, per se, but also because the network is worth supporting. After all, without miners, no proof-of-work cryptocurrency can survive for long.

Bitcoin Cash Hashrate is on the Rise

To put this into perspective, the BCH hashrate has jumped quite a bit. Although it has been stable for some time now, things are moving up. With a new all-time high of over 2.41 exohash per second, things are looking pretty good. It is not the first time Bitcoin Cash surpasses the two exohash mark, but the last time was a mere blip on the chart. It seems this new surge is far more permanent, although nothing has been set in stone just yet.

It is unclear where this increase comes from all of a sudden. The obvious answer is how Bitcoin miners are making the switch. That may be the case, as the overall Bitcoin hashrate has dipped in the past few hours. Until this trend becomes more permanent, it may very well be a blip on the radar as well. After reaching the peak of nearly 18 exohash a few days ago, things have cooled off a bit for Bitcoin mining. Right now, the network still has around 14 exohash, although it may drop below 12 in the coming hours.

How all of this will affect both currencies, remains to be seen. It is evident Bitcoin is struggling already without any hashrate shakeups. If miners were to switch to Bitcoin Cash, things can get very nasty very quickly. There is no indication as to how things will evolve in the next few hours and days. For now, everyone is paying attention to BCH, for obvious reasons. The price increase, combined with growing miner support, makes for an interesting situation worth keeping an eye on. At the same time, the Bitcoin price is still pretty volatile. An interesting end of the year lies ahead, that much is certain.

Hashrate bitcoin

Still have a question? Ask your own!

Hash rate, or hash power as some call it, is the unit of measurement for the amount of computing power the Bitcoin network is consuming in order to be continuously operational.

The hash rate measure is also continuously calculated in the average time frame of 10 minutes.

(10 minutes is the amount of time that it takes a block of transactions to be mined and added to the blockchain ledger for permanent record keeping)

Hashes are essentially a possible variable for the success of the block by the miner, so, to solve a particular hash the best course for success is to try as many random inputs as possible per second. This is until you come across the correct output.

Once a miner has found the correct output, they will broadcast it and once it is verified by the network it will become the next block up on this particular cryptocurrency blockchain.

After this, the miner will be rewarded in digital currency for contributing their hardware resources and power to operate the network protocol.

(Essentially, their algorithmic payment from the network for their mining services)

Whoever hits the correct outputs the quickest with their computer generated inputs win the block, therefore, claiming the reward, of in the previously mentioned application example, Bitcoin.

What you’re probably assuming is correct, which is the more you $$$ you spend on mining equipment, the more $$$ you make. Machines now a days can compute trillions of hashes each second, making them extremely efficient and dominant compared to other players in the game. This is why your home computer desktop, laptop, or phone simply will just not make it in the mining world anymore.

Check out this set up…

Lol, I told you, people are not messing around…

With being a miner, you are ultimately going to be rewarded based on how much hashing power you can produce for the network. For example, if your hashing power remains the same, but the networks hashing power is increasing, you will be falling in comparison to the ongoing scale of the network, in other words, less opportunity for reward.

There are many variables that go into mining cryptocurrencies, make sure you weigh out all of the pros and cons before jumping in!

Bitcoin Miners Unaffected by Price Decline — Hashrates Spiked Exponentially

Despite the multitude of headlines declaring that bitcoin mining was becoming unprofitable over the last four months, the hashrate between both Bitcoin Core (BTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH) networks has exploded. At the moment both SHA-256 proof-of-work (POW) powered protocols have been maintaining more than 35 exahash per second, becoming one of the most powerful computational systems in the world.

BTC Mining Hashrate Unphazed by ‘Crypto Winter’

There has been a massive decline in fiat value for nearly all cryptocurrencies represented within the digital asset universe during the 2018 ‘Crypto Winter.’ During this time, researchers and pundits have declared that when BTC/USD prices dipped below $8K, mining was allegedly unprofitable in some regions. However, as far as blockchain data is concerned mining has grown exponentially even during the last four months when BTC prices found new lows. This year pools such as BTC.com, Antpool, Slush, and Viabtc have increased their hashrates considerably. A factor possibly due to new semiconductors and innovations in mining technology.

Today the BTC global hashrate is 30 exahash per second. Over the last four months even when the price declined hashrate increased.

Over the last seven days, BTC miners have held a fairly consistent 30 exahash per second. From December 2017 up until April 2018, the BTC chain’s hashrate has increased significantly . According to estimates, Chinese mining pools make up most of the BTC hashrate (80%) as eight of the top ten pools are based in China.

Chinese mining pools make up more than 80 percent of the BTC global hashrate.

The top five pools command close to 75 percent of the global BTC hashrate with BTC.com taking the cream of the crop. BTC.com now captures 28.9 percent of the BTC hashrate today, with Antpool’s 15.2 percent following behind. There are a total of seventeen known mining pools pointing their resources at the BTC chain and one unknown operation controls 10 percent of the network.

Bitcoin Cash Hashrate Explodes

The Bitcoin Cash network has also increased its hashrate significantly as well, as BCH miners are now processing between 3.6-5 exahash per second . Just a few months ago the BCH hashrate was between 0.5-1 exahash per second. At the time of writing due to the 60 percent bitcoin cash price increase, it is 1.7 percent more profitable to mine BCH than to mine on the BTC chain. Presently the Bitcoin Cash Difficulty Adjustment Algorithm (DAA) is operating at 14.8 percent of BTC’s difficulty. March and the month of April were the biggest hashrate spikes for BCH since the DAA was fixed last November.

A side-by-side chart of BTC and BCH hashrates. BCH is represented in purple while the orange trendline is BTC.

BCH has roughly thirteen known mining pools and 2-3 unknown mining operations pointing their resources at the chain. The biggest BCH mining pools over the last seven days include BTC.top, Viabtc, BTC.com, Antpool, and Bitcoin.com. Over the last week, the 2-3 unknown mining pools have captured 31 percent of the BCH network hashrate. Roughly 60 percent of the BCH global hashrate stems from China, as bitcoin cash has a more diversified spectrum of countries within its hashrate distribution.

Bitcoin Cash mining pool hashrate distribution over the last seven days and 24-hours.

The Entire Cryptocurrency Ecosystem Has Seen Hashrates Spike

Overall there is a lot of computational power directed at both of these two networks, and they eclipse the entire landscape of 1500+ other digital asset hashrates. Although the processing power for those cryptocurrencies has increased as well over the last four months. Since January 2018 until now, the Ethereum network’s hashrate has grown immensely during the ‘Crypto Winter.’

Nearly every PoW cryptocurrency’s hashrate has spiked over the past four months.

The same thing for the Litecoin network, as its hashrate has exploded during its 4-month price downswing. This trend has taken place across nearly every single cryptocurrency that uses a POW-type of consensus algorithm. Most all of the cryptocurrency hashrates worldwide have spiked considerably this past January through April 23, 2018. It’s safe to say all these theories of miners shutting down machines soon, and ‘losing their shirts’ are pretty far fetched.

What do you think about the hashrate explosion between BTC and BCH and all the other currencies over the last four months? Let us know your thoughts about this subject in the comments below.

Images via Shutterstock, Fork.lol, BTC.com, Blockchain.info, Coin Dance, and ETHscan.io.

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Price Will Catch Up to Bitcoin’s Record Hashrate By Q3: Analyst

Despite the steady decline in Bitcoin prices, the network hashrate continues to increase astronomically. Why are miners contributing more computing power to mine a cryptocurrency that has struggled over the past five months? Market analyst, Naeem Aslam believes the trend implies an upcoming price increase.

Bitcoin Fundamentals and Market Indices at Odds with Each Other

From an economic perspective, it makes no sense for miners to spend more money mining Bitcoins when the price continues to struggle.

A recent report by Morgan Stanley revealed that $8,600 is the breakeven price for bitcoin mining. In 2018, Bitcoin has struggled to stay above that price mark. However, network hashrate continues to rise even higher despite the fact that the market has lost half of its value since December 2017.

The charts above show price movement and hashrate growth over the last year. Particularly interesting is that the mining hashrate steadily increases around the same time of the market correction when bitcoin lost half of its market capitalization. Odd isn’t it?

To have that type of divergence unless as Aslam believes, it is proof that miners have full confidence in the crypto. Thus, they are willing to ignore the market indices by contributing more resources to mine bitcoin.

According to Aslam, the trend represented in the data above shows that miners remain bullish concerning the prospects of bitcoin. Otherwise, it would make more sense for them to divert their resources to mining other cryptos.

Bitcoin mining isn’t for charity. It is a business. Miners earn rewards in Bitcoin for successfully mining a block. Aslam also believes that the price decline gives miners an opportunity to accumulate Bitcoins at much lower prices in anticipation of the next price rally.

Bitcoin Price Will Reflect Network Growth

Most traders, analysts, experts, commentators, etc., tend to focus on market indices like exchange price and regulations. However, Aslam is of the opinion that their analysis does not take bitcoin fundamentals like hashrate into account.

The crypto market as a whole is still in its infancy. Thus, many aspects remain unknown and mainstream economic principles don’t always apply.

According to Aslam, bitcoin price will soon begin to reflect network growth. He predicts a convergence between fundamentals and market indices by the third quarter of 2018. If that is the case, then the number one crypto could be set for another moonshot.

Does the increasing Bitcoin mining hashrate indicate an upcoming bull rally? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.


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Bitmain control > 51% of Bitcoin Hashrate | #FairMining is important

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[–]throwawayLouisa Y no Nano flair? 0 очков 1 очко 2 очка 1 месяц назад (2 дочерних комментария)

[–]Raja_Rancho You say bullshit, i hear bullish 0 очков 1 очко 2 очка 1 месяц назад (1 дочерний комментарий)

[–]getsqt zPoS fan 0 очков 1 очко 2 очка 1 месяц назад (0 дочерних комментарев)

[–]getsqt zPoS fan 0 очков 1 очко 2 очка 1 месяц назад (0 дочерних комментарев)

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[–]getsqt zPoS fan 0 очков 1 очко 2 очка 1 месяц назад (0 дочерних комментарев)

[–]getsqt zPoS fan 1 очко 2 очка 3 очка 1 месяц назад (5 дочерних комментарев)

[–]getsqt zPoS fan 0 очков 1 очко 2 очка 1 месяц назад (2 дочерних комментария)

[–]localhost87 -1 очков 0 очков 1 очко 1 месяц назад (1 дочерний комментарий)

[–]getsqt zPoS fan 0 очков 1 очко 2 очка 1 месяц назад (0 дочерних комментарев)

[–]satoshi_giancarlo Redditor for 4 months. 0 очков 1 очко 2 очка 1 месяц назад (8 дочерних комментарев)

[–]localhost87 0 очков 1 очко 2 очка 1 месяц назад (7 дочерних комментарев)

[–]getsqt zPoS fan 0 очков 1 очко 2 очка 1 месяц назад (6 дочерних комментарев)

[–]localhost87 0 очков 1 очко 2 очка 1 месяц назад (5 дочерних комментарев)

[–]getsqt zPoS fan 0 очков 1 очко 2 очка 1 месяц назад (4 дочерних комментария)

[–]localhost87 0 очков 1 очко 2 очка 1 месяц назад (3 дочерних комментария)

[–]getsqt zPoS fan 0 очков 1 очко 2 очка 1 месяц назад * (2 дочерних комментария)

[–]Raja_Rancho You say bullshit, i hear bullish -3 очков -2 очков -1 очков 1 месяц назад (0 дочерних комментарев)

[+] [deleted] рейтинг комментария ниже порога -22 очков -21 очков -20 очков 1 месяц назад (1 дочерний комментарий)

[–]Cata04 Redditor for 7 months. 24 очка 25 очков 26 очков 1 месяц назад (13 дочерних комментарев)

[–]HyperGamers [S] 14 очков 15 очков 16 очков 1 месяц назад (12 дочерних комментарев)

[–]Memec0in Redditor for 6 months. -1 очков 0 очков 1 очко 1 месяц назад (9 дочерних комментарев)

[–]Raja_Rancho You say bullshit, i hear bullish 0 очков 1 очко 2 очка 1 месяц назад (0 дочерних комментарев)

[–]magiccoinbus Redditor for 7 months. 0 очков 1 очко 2 очка 1 месяц назад (7 дочерних комментарев)

[–]skapaneas 0 очков 1 очко 2 очка 1 месяц назад (0 дочерних комментарев)

[–]skapaneas -3 очков -2 очков -1 очков 1 месяц назад (5 дочерних комментарев)

[–]magiccoinbus Redditor for 7 months. 0 очков 1 очко 2 очка 1 месяц назад (1 дочерний комментарий)

[–]skapaneas -2 очков -1 очков 0 очков 1 месяц назад (0 дочерних комментарев)

[–]throwawayLouisa Y no Nano flair? -2 очков -1 очков 0 очков 1 месяц назад (2 дочерних комментария)

[–]Raja_Rancho You say bullshit, i hear bullish 1 очко 2 очка 3 очка 1 месяц назад (1 дочерний комментарий)

[–]throwawayLouisa Y no Nano flair? 0 очков 1 очко 2 очка 1 месяц назад (0 дочерних комментарев)

[–]entropymaximalist Redditor for 4 months. 2 очка 3 очка 4 очка 1 месяц назад (0 дочерних комментарев)

[–]Futurecosswhale Redditor for 5 months. 9 очков 10 очков 11 очков 1 месяц назад (4 дочерних комментария)

[–]Wellstone-esque Redditor for 5 months. 1 очко 2 очка 3 очка 1 месяц назад (1 дочерний комментарий)

[–]entropymaximalist Redditor for 4 months. -1 очков 0 очков 1 очко 1 месяц назад (0 дочерних комментарев)

[–]paulobecker Altcoiner 7 очков 8 очков 9 очков 1 месяц назад (13 дочерних комментарев)

[–]StillNoNumb Observer 2 очка 3 очка 4 очка 1 месяц назад (3 дочерних комментария)

[–]Lama_43 1 очко 2 очка 3 очка 1 месяц назад (1 дочерний комментарий)

[–]Agrroz Redditor for 8 months. 0 очков 1 очко 2 очка 1 месяц назад (0 дочерних комментарев)

[–]Karavusk Ethereum fan 1 очко 2 очка 3 очка 1 месяц назад (0 дочерних комментарев)

[–]getsqt zPoS fan 4 очка 5 очков 6 очков 1 месяц назад * (0 дочерних комментарев)

[–]pbostrom 1 очко 2 очка 3 очка 1 месяц назад (2 дочерних комментария)

[–]I_swallow_watermelon Redditor for 11 months. -1 очков 0 очков 1 очко 1 месяц назад (1 дочерний комментарий)

[–]pbostrom -1 очков 0 очков 1 очко 1 месяц назад (0 дочерних комментарев)

[–]getsqt zPoS fan 0 очков 1 очко 2 очка 1 месяц назад (0 дочерних комментарев)

[–]mugwump10 4 очка 5 очков 6 очков 1 месяц назад (1 дочерний комментарий)

[–]jb4674 Altcoiner 0 очков 1 очко 2 очка 1 месяц назад (0 дочерних комментарев)

[–]Dramza 0 очков 1 очко 2 очка 1 месяц назад (0 дочерних комментарев)

[–]Manychow Redditor for 5 months. 0 очков 1 очко 2 очка 1 месяц назад (0 дочерних комментарев)

[–]tweettranscriberbot Redditor for 3 months. -1 очков 0 очков 1 очко 1 месяц назад (0 дочерних комментарев)

[–]kits_ -1 очков 0 очков 1 очко 1 месяц назад (1 дочерний комментарий)

[–]Dayvi 0 очков 1 очко 2 очка 1 месяц назад (0 дочерних комментарев)

[–] [deleted] -2 очков -1 очков 0 очков 1 месяц назад (0 дочерних комментарев)

[–]zwarbo 1 очко 2 очка 3 очка 1 месяц назад (0 дочерних комментарев)

[–]arahaya -1 очков 0 очков 1 очко 1 месяц назад (2 дочерних комментария)

[–]thatmanontheright Redditor for 8 months. 4 очка 5 очков 6 очков 1 месяц назад (0 дочерних комментарев)

[–]seventhaccount7 Redditor for 12 months. 1 очко 2 очка 3 очка 1 месяц назад (0 дочерних комментарев)

[–]getsqt zPoS fan -1 очков 0 очков 1 очко 1 месяц назад (0 дочерних комментарев)

[–]Deutcherman Redditor for 7 months. -1 очков 0 очков 1 очко 1 месяц назад (0 дочерних комментарев)

[–]SpamCamel -1 очков 0 очков 1 очко 1 месяц назад (0 дочерних комментарев)

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Welcome to the Yahoo Search forum! We’d love to hear your ideas on how to improve Yahoo Search.

The Yahoo product feedback forum now requires a valid Yahoo ID and password to participate.

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Improve your services

Your search engine does not find any satisfactory results for searches. It is too weak. Also, the server of bing is often off

I created a yahoo/email account long ago but I lost access to it; can y'all delete all my yahoo/yahoo account except for my newest YaAccount

I want all my lost access yahoo account 'delete'; Requesting supporter for these old account deletion; 'except' my Newest yahoo account this Account don't delete! Because I don't want it interfering my online 'gamble' /games/business/data/ Activity , because the computer/security program might 'scure' my Information and detect theres other account; then secure online activities/ business securing from my suspicion because of my other account existing will make the security program be 'Suspicious' until I'm 'secure'; and if I'm gambling online 'Depositing' then I need those account 'delete' because the insecurity 'Suspicioun' will program the casino game 'Programs' securities' to be 'secure' then it'll be 'unfair' gaming and I'll lose because of the insecurity can be a 'Excuse'. Hope y'all understand my explanation!

I want all my lost access yahoo account 'delete'; Requesting supporter for these old account deletion; 'except' my Newest yahoo account this Account don't delete! Because I don't want it interfering my online 'gamble' /games/business/data/ Activity , because the computer/security program might 'scure' my Information and detect theres other account; then secure online activities/ business securing from my suspicion because of my other account existing will make the security program be 'Suspicious' until I'm 'secure'; and if I'm gambling online 'Depositing' then I need those account 'delete' because the insecurity 'Suspicioun' will program the casino game 'Programs' securities' to be… more


i dont know what happened but i can not search anything.

Golf handicap tracker, why can't I get to it?

Why do I get redirected on pc and mobile device?


RYAN RAHSAD BELL literally means

Question on a link

In the search for Anaïs Nin, one of the first few links shows a picture of a man. Why? Since Nin is a woman, I can’t figure out why. Can you show some reason for this? Who is he? If you click on the picture a group of pictures of Nin and no mention of that man. Is it an error?

Repair the Yahoo Search App.

Yahoo Search App from the Google Play Store on my Samsung Galaxy S8+ phone stopped working on May 18, 2018.

I went to the Yahoo Troubleshooting page but the article that said to do a certain 8 steps to fix the problem with Yahoo Services not working and how to fix the problem. Of course they didn't work.

I contacted Samsung thru their Samsung Tutor app on my phone. I gave their Technican access to my phone to see if there was a problem with my phone that stopped the Yahoo Search App from working. He went to Yahoo and I signed in so he could try to fix the Yahoo Search App not working. He also used another phone, installed the app from the Google Play Store to see if the app would do any kind of search thru the app. The Yahoo Search App just wasn't working.

I also had At&t try to help me because I have UVERSE for my internet service. My internet was working perfectly. Their Technical Support team member checked the Yahoo Search App and it wouldn't work for him either.

We can go to www.yahoo.com and search for any topic or website. It's just the Yahoo Search App that won't allow anyone to do web searches at all.

I let Google know that the Yahoo Search App installed from their Google Play Store had completely stopped working on May 18, 2018.

I told them that Yahoo has made sure that their Yahoo members can't contact them about anything.

I noticed that right after I accepted the agreement that said Oath had joined with Verizon I started having the problem with the Yahoo Search App.
No matter what I search for or website thru the Yahoo Search App it says the following after I searched for

This webpage at gttp://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0geJGq8BbkrgALEMMITE5jylu=X3oDMTEzcTjdWsyBGNvbG8DYmyxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDTkFQUEMwxzEEc2VjA3NylRo=10/Ru=https%3a%2f%2fwww.att.att.com%2f/Rk=2/Es=plkGNRAB61_XKqFjTEN7J8cXA-
could not be loaded because:

I tried to search for things like www.homedepot.com. The same thing happened. It would say WEBPAGE NOT AVAILABLE. The only thing that changed were all the upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols.
Then it would again say
could not be loaded because:

This is the same thing that happened when Samsung and At&t tried to do any kind of searches thru the Yahoo Search App.

Yahoo needs to fix the problem with their app.

Yahoo Search App from the Google Play Store on my Samsung Galaxy S8+ phone stopped working on May 18, 2018.

I went to the Yahoo Troubleshooting page but the article that said to do a certain 8 steps to fix the problem with Yahoo Services not working and how to fix the problem. Of course they didn't work.

I contacted Samsung thru their Samsung Tutor app on my phone. I gave their Technican access to my phone to see if there was a problem with my phone that stopped the Yahoo Search App from working. He went to Yahoo and… more

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