четверг, 7 июня 2018 г.


US Search Mobile Web

Welcome to the Yahoo Search forum! We’d love to hear your ideas on how to improve Yahoo Search.

The Yahoo product feedback forum now requires a valid Yahoo ID and password to participate.

You are now required to sign-in using your Yahoo email account in order to provide us with feedback and to submit votes and comments to existing ideas. If you do not have a Yahoo ID or the password to your Yahoo ID, please sign-up for a new account.

If you have a valid Yahoo ID and password, follow these steps if you would like to remove your posts, comments, votes, and/or profile from the Yahoo product feedback forum.

  • Vote for an existing idea ( )
  • or
  • Post a new idea…
  • Hot ideas
  • Top ideas
  • New ideas
  • Category
  • Status
  • My feedback

Improve your services

Your search engine does not find any satisfactory results for searches. It is too weak. Also, the server of bing is often off

I created a yahoo/email account long ago but I lost access to it; can y'all delete all my yahoo/yahoo account except for my newest YaAccount

I want all my lost access yahoo account 'delete'; Requesting supporter for these old account deletion; 'except' my Newest yahoo account this Account don't delete! Because I don't want it interfering my online 'gamble' /games/business/data/ Activity , because the computer/security program might 'scure' my Information and detect theres other account; then secure online activities/ business securing from my suspicion because of my other account existing will make the security program be 'Suspicious' until I'm 'secure'; and if I'm gambling online 'Depositing' then I need those account 'delete' because the insecurity 'Suspicioun' will program the casino game 'Programs' securities' to be 'secure' then it'll be 'unfair' gaming and I'll lose because of the insecurity can be a 'Excuse'. Hope y'all understand my explanation!

I want all my lost access yahoo account 'delete'; Requesting supporter for these old account deletion; 'except' my Newest yahoo account this Account don't delete! Because I don't want it interfering my online 'gamble' /games/business/data/ Activity , because the computer/security program might 'scure' my Information and detect theres other account; then secure online activities/ business securing from my suspicion because of my other account existing will make the security program be 'Suspicious' until I'm 'secure'; and if I'm gambling online 'Depositing' then I need those account 'delete' because the insecurity 'Suspicioun' will program the casino game 'Programs' securities' to be… more


i dont know what happened but i can not search anything.

Golf handicap tracker, why can't I get to it?

Why do I get redirected on pc and mobile device?


RYAN RAHSAD BELL literally means

Question on a link

In the search for Anaïs Nin, one of the first few links shows a picture of a man. Why? Since Nin is a woman, I can’t figure out why. Can you show some reason for this? Who is he? If you click on the picture a group of pictures of Nin and no mention of that man. Is it an error?

Repair the Yahoo Search App.

Yahoo Search App from the Google Play Store on my Samsung Galaxy S8+ phone stopped working on May 18, 2018.

I went to the Yahoo Troubleshooting page but the article that said to do a certain 8 steps to fix the problem with Yahoo Services not working and how to fix the problem. Of course they didn't work.

I contacted Samsung thru their Samsung Tutor app on my phone. I gave their Technican access to my phone to see if there was a problem with my phone that stopped the Yahoo Search App from working. He went to Yahoo and I signed in so he could try to fix the Yahoo Search App not working. He also used another phone, installed the app from the Google Play Store to see if the app would do any kind of search thru the app. The Yahoo Search App just wasn't working.

I also had At&t try to help me because I have UVERSE for my internet service. My internet was working perfectly. Their Technical Support team member checked the Yahoo Search App and it wouldn't work for him either.

We can go to www.yahoo.com and search for any topic or website. It's just the Yahoo Search App that won't allow anyone to do web searches at all.

I let Google know that the Yahoo Search App installed from their Google Play Store had completely stopped working on May 18, 2018.

I told them that Yahoo has made sure that their Yahoo members can't contact them about anything.

I noticed that right after I accepted the agreement that said Oath had joined with Verizon I started having the problem with the Yahoo Search App.
No matter what I search for or website thru the Yahoo Search App it says the following after I searched for

This webpage at gttp://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0geJGq8BbkrgALEMMITE5jylu=X3oDMTEzcTjdWsyBGNvbG8DYmyxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDTkFQUEMwxzEEc2VjA3NylRo=10/Ru=https%3a%2f%2fwww.att.att.com%2f/Rk=2/Es=plkGNRAB61_XKqFjTEN7J8cXA-
could not be loaded because:

I tried to search for things like www.homedepot.com. The same thing happened. It would say WEBPAGE NOT AVAILABLE. The only thing that changed were all the upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols.
Then it would again say
could not be loaded because:

This is the same thing that happened when Samsung and At&t tried to do any kind of searches thru the Yahoo Search App.

Yahoo needs to fix the problem with their app.

Yahoo Search App from the Google Play Store on my Samsung Galaxy S8+ phone stopped working on May 18, 2018.

I went to the Yahoo Troubleshooting page but the article that said to do a certain 8 steps to fix the problem with Yahoo Services not working and how to fix the problem. Of course they didn't work.

I contacted Samsung thru their Samsung Tutor app on my phone. I gave their Technican access to my phone to see if there was a problem with my phone that stopped the Yahoo Search App from working. He went to Yahoo and… more

US Search Mobile Web

Welcome to the Yahoo Search forum! We’d love to hear your ideas on how to improve Yahoo Search.

The Yahoo product feedback forum now requires a valid Yahoo ID and password to participate.

You are now required to sign-in using your Yahoo email account in order to provide us with feedback and to submit votes and comments to existing ideas. If you do not have a Yahoo ID or the password to your Yahoo ID, please sign-up for a new account.

If you have a valid Yahoo ID and password, follow these steps if you would like to remove your posts, comments, votes, and/or profile from the Yahoo product feedback forum.

  • Vote for an existing idea ( )
  • or
  • Post a new idea…
  • Hot ideas
  • Top ideas
  • New ideas
  • Category
  • Status
  • My feedback

Improve your services

Your search engine does not find any satisfactory results for searches. It is too weak. Also, the server of bing is often off

I created a yahoo/email account long ago but I lost access to it; can y'all delete all my yahoo/yahoo account except for my newest YaAccount

I want all my lost access yahoo account 'delete'; Requesting supporter for these old account deletion; 'except' my Newest yahoo account this Account don't delete! Because I don't want it interfering my online 'gamble' /games/business/data/ Activity , because the computer/security program might 'scure' my Information and detect theres other account; then secure online activities/ business securing from my suspicion because of my other account existing will make the security program be 'Suspicious' until I'm 'secure'; and if I'm gambling online 'Depositing' then I need those account 'delete' because the insecurity 'Suspicioun' will program the casino game 'Programs' securities' to be 'secure' then it'll be 'unfair' gaming and I'll lose because of the insecurity can be a 'Excuse'. Hope y'all understand my explanation!

I want all my lost access yahoo account 'delete'; Requesting supporter for these old account deletion; 'except' my Newest yahoo account this Account don't delete! Because I don't want it interfering my online 'gamble' /games/business/data/ Activity , because the computer/security program might 'scure' my Information and detect theres other account; then secure online activities/ business securing from my suspicion because of my other account existing will make the security program be 'Suspicious' until I'm 'secure'; and if I'm gambling online 'Depositing' then I need those account 'delete' because the insecurity 'Suspicioun' will program the casino game 'Programs' securities' to be… more


i dont know what happened but i can not search anything.

Golf handicap tracker, why can't I get to it?

Why do I get redirected on pc and mobile device?


RYAN RAHSAD BELL literally means

Question on a link

In the search for Anaïs Nin, one of the first few links shows a picture of a man. Why? Since Nin is a woman, I can’t figure out why. Can you show some reason for this? Who is he? If you click on the picture a group of pictures of Nin and no mention of that man. Is it an error?

Repair the Yahoo Search App.

Yahoo Search App from the Google Play Store on my Samsung Galaxy S8+ phone stopped working on May 18, 2018.

I went to the Yahoo Troubleshooting page but the article that said to do a certain 8 steps to fix the problem with Yahoo Services not working and how to fix the problem. Of course they didn't work.

I contacted Samsung thru their Samsung Tutor app on my phone. I gave their Technican access to my phone to see if there was a problem with my phone that stopped the Yahoo Search App from working. He went to Yahoo and I signed in so he could try to fix the Yahoo Search App not working. He also used another phone, installed the app from the Google Play Store to see if the app would do any kind of search thru the app. The Yahoo Search App just wasn't working.

I also had At&t try to help me because I have UVERSE for my internet service. My internet was working perfectly. Their Technical Support team member checked the Yahoo Search App and it wouldn't work for him either.

We can go to www.yahoo.com and search for any topic or website. It's just the Yahoo Search App that won't allow anyone to do web searches at all.

I let Google know that the Yahoo Search App installed from their Google Play Store had completely stopped working on May 18, 2018.

I told them that Yahoo has made sure that their Yahoo members can't contact them about anything.

I noticed that right after I accepted the agreement that said Oath had joined with Verizon I started having the problem with the Yahoo Search App.
No matter what I search for or website thru the Yahoo Search App it says the following after I searched for

This webpage at gttp://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0geJGq8BbkrgALEMMITE5jylu=X3oDMTEzcTjdWsyBGNvbG8DYmyxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDTkFQUEMwxzEEc2VjA3NylRo=10/Ru=https%3a%2f%2fwww.att.att.com%2f/Rk=2/Es=plkGNRAB61_XKqFjTEN7J8cXA-
could not be loaded because:

I tried to search for things like www.homedepot.com. The same thing happened. It would say WEBPAGE NOT AVAILABLE. The only thing that changed were all the upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols.
Then it would again say
could not be loaded because:

This is the same thing that happened when Samsung and At&t tried to do any kind of searches thru the Yahoo Search App.

Yahoo needs to fix the problem with their app.

Yahoo Search App from the Google Play Store on my Samsung Galaxy S8+ phone stopped working on May 18, 2018.

I went to the Yahoo Troubleshooting page but the article that said to do a certain 8 steps to fix the problem with Yahoo Services not working and how to fix the problem. Of course they didn't work.

I contacted Samsung thru their Samsung Tutor app on my phone. I gave their Technican access to my phone to see if there was a problem with my phone that stopped the Yahoo Search App from working. He went to Yahoo and… more

Bitcoin Block Explorer

Bitcoin Block Explorer

Bitcoin Block Explorer is a web application (built with Laravel PHP framework), which pulls and displays various information from Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain, such as blocks, transactions and addresses.

  • Front page with Bitcoin blocks counter and live transactions stream.
  • Detailed Bitcoin block information (amount, fees, number of confirmations, difficulty, nonce, bits, size, merkleroot).
  • List of transactions included into a given Bitcoin block with amounts, fees, inputs and outputs.
  • Detailed Bitcoin transaction information (amount, fees, number of confirmations, inputs and outputs).
  • Detailed Bitcoin address information (received amount, pending amount, current balance, balance history chart).
  • List of transactions for a given Bitcoin address.
  • Search data by Bitcoin block number, block hash, transaction hash or address.
  • Google AdSense ad blocks.
  • Multi-language.
  • Data caching.
  • Built-in installation script.

Admin panel features

The following app settings can be adjusted through the admin panel:

  • Default language
  • Number of live transactions on the front page
  • Website logo
  • Google Adsense settings
  • Block page cache time
  • Address page cache time
  • Transaction page cache time

System requirements

  • PHP 7.0.0 or higher.
  • PHP extensions: cURL, Mbstring, OpenSSL, PDO, Tokenizer, XML.
  • The app should be installed to a domain or sub domain web root folder (it will not work from a sub folder, e.g. http://domain.com/explorer).
  • URL rewrite enabled.

Warning: This is NOT a WordPress plugin or theme and can not be integrated with WordPress.

The app is built using SoChain free API.

What license is required?

The Regular license entitles you to use the product on one website / domain only. If you want to use it on multiple websites / domains you have to purchase several Regular licenses (1 website = 1 license).

If you charge website users to have access to the product or its components you need to purchase the Extended license.

You can not include this product into other products sold on Envato market and its affiliate websites.

Please adhere to these rules. Read License FAQ for more information.

Rate Bitcoin Block Explorer

Please help us to make our product better and rate it 5 stars. Your support is priceless.

Search the Blockchain With Bitcoin.com’s New Block Explorer

This week the team at Bitcoin.com, the internet’s premier bitcoin portal, launched its block explorer enabling cryptocurrency enthusiasts to search the bitcoin cash (BCH) and bitcoin core networks for activities like transactions, addresses, and information about particular blocks.

Bitcoin.com’s Web Portal Adds a Simple to Use Blockchain Explorer

Blockchains record all types of activity that’s taking place within a cryptocurrency’s network such as transaction times and confirmations, information about processed blocks, and the amount of funds contained in a specific address. A block explorer is a great tool to help people find information about these subjects and Bitcoin.com has launched an easy-to-use block explorer for all of our visitors. Bitcoin.com’s block explorer is basically like a search engine that can locate various activities that are recorded on the bitcoin cash and core public blockchains.

Bitcoin.com’s block explorer has a BCH and BTC toggle switch, a search field, a cash address switch (BCH only) and the latest blocks and transactions highlighted in the blue boxes.

Various Features with More Support Rolling Out Soon

Looking at the bitcoin cash block explorer’s front page shows the latest blocks processed and the latest transactions. Moreover, there’s a search bar where users can fill in a BCH address, transaction and even block hashes. The interface also includes a QR scanner so QR codes can be read alongside the ability to change the national currency and language. Bitcoin.com’s BCH explorer also features a Cash address switch, adding more depth to the search parameters. While using the BCH block explorer users can also toggle to Bitcoin.com’s BTC block explorer to search for data on the core network.

Bitcoin.com’s CEO, Roger Ver, is thrilled to see the new block explorer in action and believes it’s a great addition to the website’s wide variety of cryptocurrency tools and educational resources.

“The new Bitcoin.com Block Explorer is a robust tool to analyze transactions, blocks, and addresses on both the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Bitcoin Core (BTC) chains,” explains Ver.

This product adds another awesome tool to the Bitcoin.com portfolio and the Bitcoin Cash community Future plans include rolling out support for the growing ecosystem of colored coins built on top of the Bitcoin Cash protocol.

A famous address belonging to Satoshi Nakamoto.

Bitcoin.com: Providing the Resources & Tools for the Growing Cryptocurrency Environment

The new block explorer gives bitcoiners a glimpse at where a transaction derives from and when the transaction gets confirmed. Additionally, users can dig further and find other details like inputs, outputs, byte size, scripts, and OPcodes.

Bitcoin.com continues to add many features to our web portal and we’re just getting started. We’ve recently launched our Bitcoin Cash Games portal and have many more additions coming to Bitcoin.com in the future. We’re proud to provide the resources and tools dedicated to these emerging technologies that continue to be at the forefront of innovation. So if you need information about your recent transaction or need information on recently mined blocks, check out our block explorer today.

Have you tried our blockchain explorer yet? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. We’d love to hear your feedback.

Images via Shutterstock, and Bitcoin.com

Need to calculate your bitcoin holdings? Check our tools section.

US Search Mobile Web

Welcome to the Yahoo Search forum! We’d love to hear your ideas on how to improve Yahoo Search.

The Yahoo product feedback forum now requires a valid Yahoo ID and password to participate.

You are now required to sign-in using your Yahoo email account in order to provide us with feedback and to submit votes and comments to existing ideas. If you do not have a Yahoo ID or the password to your Yahoo ID, please sign-up for a new account.

If you have a valid Yahoo ID and password, follow these steps if you would like to remove your posts, comments, votes, and/or profile from the Yahoo product feedback forum.

  • Vote for an existing idea ( )
  • or
  • Post a new idea…
  • Hot ideas
  • Top ideas
  • New ideas
  • Category
  • Status
  • My feedback

Improve your services

Your search engine does not find any satisfactory results for searches. It is too weak. Also, the server of bing is often off

I created a yahoo/email account long ago but I lost access to it; can y'all delete all my yahoo/yahoo account except for my newest YaAccount

I want all my lost access yahoo account 'delete'; Requesting supporter for these old account deletion; 'except' my Newest yahoo account this Account don't delete! Because I don't want it interfering my online 'gamble' /games/business/data/ Activity , because the computer/security program might 'scure' my Information and detect theres other account; then secure online activities/ business securing from my suspicion because of my other account existing will make the security program be 'Suspicious' until I'm 'secure'; and if I'm gambling online 'Depositing' then I need those account 'delete' because the insecurity 'Suspicioun' will program the casino game 'Programs' securities' to be 'secure' then it'll be 'unfair' gaming and I'll lose because of the insecurity can be a 'Excuse'. Hope y'all understand my explanation!

I want all my lost access yahoo account 'delete'; Requesting supporter for these old account deletion; 'except' my Newest yahoo account this Account don't delete! Because I don't want it interfering my online 'gamble' /games/business/data/ Activity , because the computer/security program might 'scure' my Information and detect theres other account; then secure online activities/ business securing from my suspicion because of my other account existing will make the security program be 'Suspicious' until I'm 'secure'; and if I'm gambling online 'Depositing' then I need those account 'delete' because the insecurity 'Suspicioun' will program the casino game 'Programs' securities' to be… more


i dont know what happened but i can not search anything.

Golf handicap tracker, why can't I get to it?

Why do I get redirected on pc and mobile device?


RYAN RAHSAD BELL literally means

Question on a link

In the search for Anaïs Nin, one of the first few links shows a picture of a man. Why? Since Nin is a woman, I can’t figure out why. Can you show some reason for this? Who is he? If you click on the picture a group of pictures of Nin and no mention of that man. Is it an error?

Repair the Yahoo Search App.

Yahoo Search App from the Google Play Store on my Samsung Galaxy S8+ phone stopped working on May 18, 2018.

I went to the Yahoo Troubleshooting page but the article that said to do a certain 8 steps to fix the problem with Yahoo Services not working and how to fix the problem. Of course they didn't work.

I contacted Samsung thru their Samsung Tutor app on my phone. I gave their Technican access to my phone to see if there was a problem with my phone that stopped the Yahoo Search App from working. He went to Yahoo and I signed in so he could try to fix the Yahoo Search App not working. He also used another phone, installed the app from the Google Play Store to see if the app would do any kind of search thru the app. The Yahoo Search App just wasn't working.

I also had At&t try to help me because I have UVERSE for my internet service. My internet was working perfectly. Their Technical Support team member checked the Yahoo Search App and it wouldn't work for him either.

We can go to www.yahoo.com and search for any topic or website. It's just the Yahoo Search App that won't allow anyone to do web searches at all.

I let Google know that the Yahoo Search App installed from their Google Play Store had completely stopped working on May 18, 2018.

I told them that Yahoo has made sure that their Yahoo members can't contact them about anything.

I noticed that right after I accepted the agreement that said Oath had joined with Verizon I started having the problem with the Yahoo Search App.
No matter what I search for or website thru the Yahoo Search App it says the following after I searched for

This webpage at gttp://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0geJGq8BbkrgALEMMITE5jylu=X3oDMTEzcTjdWsyBGNvbG8DYmyxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDTkFQUEMwxzEEc2VjA3NylRo=10/Ru=https%3a%2f%2fwww.att.att.com%2f/Rk=2/Es=plkGNRAB61_XKqFjTEN7J8cXA-
could not be loaded because:

I tried to search for things like www.homedepot.com. The same thing happened. It would say WEBPAGE NOT AVAILABLE. The only thing that changed were all the upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols.
Then it would again say
could not be loaded because:

This is the same thing that happened when Samsung and At&t tried to do any kind of searches thru the Yahoo Search App.

Yahoo needs to fix the problem with their app.

Yahoo Search App from the Google Play Store on my Samsung Galaxy S8+ phone stopped working on May 18, 2018.

I went to the Yahoo Troubleshooting page but the article that said to do a certain 8 steps to fix the problem with Yahoo Services not working and how to fix the problem. Of course they didn't work.

I contacted Samsung thru their Samsung Tutor app on my phone. I gave their Technican access to my phone to see if there was a problem with my phone that stopped the Yahoo Search App from working. He went to Yahoo and… more


Bitcoin Block Explorer is an online block chain browser which displays the contents of individual Bitcoin blocks and transactions and the transaction histories and balances of addresses. It was originally written by theymos, but it is now operated by Liraz Siri.

Each object is displayed in human-readable form, as a web page, and is given a URL. By using hyperlinks, it allows users to switch from seeing one piece of data to a related one, with a single click. Clicking on the hash of an object, will move to the page that displays its data. This way for instance, you can switch from looking at a transaction, to looking at the previous transaction which gave this transaction its inputs. All block data is visible, in human-readable or machine-readable forms, and even some information that is not actually part of blocks.

It is mainly aimed at advanced users who already know what blocks are and what kind of information they contain, but a lot of helpful information is provided in tool-tips.

A listing of "strange transactions" is displayed in the main page, along with listings of the latest and largest transactions.

Bitcoin Block Explorer can also display information from the Testnet.

Many of the real-time stats pages existed before Bitcoin Block Explorer at http://theymos.ath.cx:64150/q. getdifficulty and getblockcount were created around July 2010, with decimaltarget, probability, hashestowin, nextretarget, totalbc, and bcperblock coming soon after. These pages were made in response to block and difficulty values being "hard-coded" into text on the old wiki, which quickly made the information obsolete.

Bitcoin Block Explorer was first made available around November 2010 at http://theymos.ath.cx:64150/bbe. It was initially meant to be the Bitcoin equivalent of TorStatus, dumping all important data about the network. After it became much more popular than the real-time stats pages, BBE was moved to http://blockexplorer.com/, and real-time-stats were moved to http://blockexplorer.com/q.

Interfacing with BBE

Use the query pages such as getreceivedbyaddress wherever possible. Note that these pages do not send a trailing newline, which may cause problems with your HTTP-fetching tool. When an error occurs, the result will begin with "ERROR:", followed by the error text. Your detection of "ERROR" must be case-insensitive. An empty result is also an error. Non-fatal errors will print query results on the next line after the error, though using this data is inadvisable.

To get block or transaction info, first find the hash of the item. This is done by using the search tool, which is accessible through a GET/HEAD request. For example, to get the hash of block number 444:

The hash is in the URL listed in the "location" header. Use it to get the JSON raw block:

Transactions use a URL like this:

If the search returns any status code other than 302, then the search is bad. A status code of 200 indicates that the search was ambiguous, and the page body will contain links to the choices. Example of search ambiguity. A search with no search terms will 302-redirect to the home page. Searches for valid block numbers will always redirect to the block with that number (ignoring all other search types), though you can force BBE to assume a hex value by preceding it with "0x".

The shortlinks at the top of most pages are similar to searches. It is possible for shortlinks to be ambiguous, and they will likewise return a 200 status code in that case.

Unfortunately, the JSON raw block/tx pages omit a lot of important information, and there is no similar page for addresses. A full XML interface is planned. Scraping the HTML pages is not recommended, as the layout can change at any time.

Bitcoin’s Wikipedia Page Has “Misleading” Block Explorer Removed, Heated Debate Ensues

In the world of Bitcoin, there have always been dastardly deeds and mischievous pranks. This time around, those efforts involve Bitcoin’s Wikipedia page. Although it is a great source of information, there are some concerns over one of the block explorers listed on the page. More specifically, this block explorer is related to Bitcoin Cash, which, according to some, is the only real Bitcoin. Not everyone agrees with that sentiment, for obvious reasons.

The Bitcoin tug-of-war is far From Over

It is evident the ongoing spat between Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash supporters is escalating. While Bitcoin Cash is a successful altcoin, it cannot be officially labeled as the actual Bitcoin. Political differences aside, Bitcoin is still Bitcoin, whereas Bitcoin Cash is a forked currency off of that project. That doesn’t make BCH less legitimate by any means, but calling it the “original Bitcoin” has always been controversial.

There is another development taking place as far as this discussion is concerned. Recent activity on Bitcoin’s Wikipedia page indicates an attempt to remove one of the block explorers linked to on the page. That is always a controversial decision, even though it seems to make a lot of sense. Said block explorer is associated with Bitcoin Cash, and not Bitcoin itself. This is a direct result of the “Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin” mindset, but it also creates a lot of confusion.

As such, removing this particular block explorer makes a lot of sense. Since it does not track BTC blocks, it shouldn’t be on Bitcoin’s Wikipedia page. Instead, that block explorer should be on the Bitcoin Cash page. However, it is still a somewhat controversial decision to remove such information. After all, there will always be individuals who consider this to be even more censorship on behalf of Bitcoin Core supporters.

To make matters more interesting, it seems someone is trying to get the block explorer reinstated. While this game may continue for some time to come, one has to wonder if there is even any point in playing it. Even though most people do not consider BCH to be the real Bitcoin, the currency has been more than successful in its own right. It may end up being more successful by not being the Bitcoin most people know.

Yes, user Apastuszak undone the change. I submitted another change request. This is not a contentious issue.

Discussions like these will only drive an even bigger wedge between the Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash communities. Cryptocurrency is all about collaboration and advancing our society into a new financial era, rather than personal gain. Sadly, this industry has become politically-oriented first and foremost, which is the last thing cryptocurrency needs. All of this bickering and infighting serves no real purpose in the long run.

How the Wikipedia debate will play out is anybody’s guess at this point. With the block explorer in question having been removed, it seems a lot of people are now complaining about this change. It is evident the explorer in question does not fit with the Bitcoin page directly, but the decision to remove it like this will remain a topic of heated debate. For now, it has been replaced by the Smartbit block explorer. Rest assured this is not the last we will hear on the matter.

About The Author

JP Buntinx is a FinTech and Bitcoin enthusiast living in Belgium. His passion for finance and technology made him one of the world's leading freelance Bitcoin writers, and he aims to achieve the same level of respect in the FinTech sector.

Bitcoin Block Explorer

Bitcoin Block Explorer

Bitcoin Block Explorer is a web application (built with Laravel PHP framework), which pulls and displays various information from Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain, such as blocks, transactions and addresses.

  • Front page with Bitcoin blocks counter and live transactions stream.
  • Detailed Bitcoin block information (amount, fees, number of confirmations, difficulty, nonce, bits, size, merkleroot).
  • List of transactions included into a given Bitcoin block with amounts, fees, inputs and outputs.
  • Detailed Bitcoin transaction information (amount, fees, number of confirmations, inputs and outputs).
  • Detailed Bitcoin address information (received amount, pending amount, current balance, balance history chart).
  • List of transactions for a given Bitcoin address.
  • Search data by Bitcoin block number, block hash, transaction hash or address.
  • Google AdSense ad blocks.
  • Multi-language.
  • Data caching.
  • Built-in installation script.

Admin panel features

The following app settings can be adjusted through the admin panel:

  • Default language
  • Number of live transactions on the front page
  • Website logo
  • Google Adsense settings
  • Block page cache time
  • Address page cache time
  • Transaction page cache time

System requirements

  • PHP 7.0.0 or higher.
  • PHP extensions: cURL, Mbstring, OpenSSL, PDO, Tokenizer, XML.
  • The app should be installed to a domain or sub domain web root folder (it will not work from a sub folder, e.g. http://domain.com/explorer).
  • URL rewrite enabled.

Warning: This is NOT a WordPress plugin or theme and can not be integrated with WordPress.

The app is built using SoChain free API.

What license is required?

The Regular license entitles you to use the product on one website / domain only. If you want to use it on multiple websites / domains you have to purchase several Regular licenses (1 website = 1 license).

If you charge website users to have access to the product or its components you need to purchase the Extended license.

You can not include this product into other products sold on Envato market and its affiliate websites.

Please adhere to these rules. Read License FAQ for more information.

Rate Bitcoin Block Explorer

Please help us to make our product better and rate it 5 stars. Your support is priceless.

BlockExplorer To Support Bitcoin (Cash) Over Bitcoin Legacy

Dear BlockExplorer users,

BlockExplorer.com will be supporting Bitcoin Cash over Bitcoin, which we feel currently has a negative momentum path when it comes to utility. Going so far as to change the default BlockExplorer.com to show Bitcoin (Cash) over Bitcoin Legacy. BlockExplorer CEO, Rick Falkvinge, wrote in the announcement:

In August 2017, Bitcoin forked into two variants. These have taken radically different paths.

Looking at the situation one quarter later, it is clear to us that the Blockstream fork of bitcoin diverges so radically from the ideas presented in the Bitcoin white paper, that it is an evolutionary dead end. While it may still have high trading value, as a mere collectible of curiosity, the Blockstream fork of bitcoin is not part of building any future financial infrastructure, which is what Block Explorer is about.

A currency of the future has subcent optional usage fees and instant transactions. The Blockstream fork of Bitcoin (“Bitcoin Legacy”) is at $20 usage fees and rising, with no end in sight, and can take days to confirm, despite unfulfilled promises to the contrary on both points when Segwit activated in what can only be described as a community fistfight. We are therefore making the decision to consider the Blockstream fork deprecated, and support it as legacy technology only.

Rather, we have made the decision to support the only bitcoin fork with a postive utility momentum, which is Bitcoin Cash. We took an early decision to deploy a Bitcoin Cash block explorer and will continue to roll out related services. We are also deploying tools for other cryptocurrencies we find on a positive momentum path, such as ZCash, which have increased privacy value.

We will not add future support for the Blockstream fork of bitcoin (“Bitcoin Legacy”), and will be deprecating it entirely at some future point in time to be determined. Developments have revealed it to be a dead end. At such a time, we will refer to Bitcoin Cash as Bitcoin only, but will make some effort to not break API calls by changing URLs of legacy automated systems.

Developers: Note the BlockExplorer API is changing

BlockExplorer’s API and website will change, so if your site references BlockExplorer for Bitcoin Legacy, please take note of the following changes:

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Improve your services

Your search engine does not find any satisfactory results for searches. It is too weak. Also, the server of bing is often off

I created a yahoo/email account long ago but I lost access to it; can y'all delete all my yahoo/yahoo account except for my newest YaAccount

I want all my lost access yahoo account 'delete'; Requesting supporter for these old account deletion; 'except' my Newest yahoo account this Account don't delete! Because I don't want it interfering my online 'gamble' /games/business/data/ Activity , because the computer/security program might 'scure' my Information and detect theres other account; then secure online activities/ business securing from my suspicion because of my other account existing will make the security program be 'Suspicious' until I'm 'secure'; and if I'm gambling online 'Depositing' then I need those account 'delete' because the insecurity 'Suspicioun' will program the casino game 'Programs' securities' to be 'secure' then it'll be 'unfair' gaming and I'll lose because of the insecurity can be a 'Excuse'. Hope y'all understand my explanation!

I want all my lost access yahoo account 'delete'; Requesting supporter for these old account deletion; 'except' my Newest yahoo account this Account don't delete! Because I don't want it interfering my online 'gamble' /games/business/data/ Activity , because the computer/security program might 'scure' my Information and detect theres other account; then secure online activities/ business securing from my suspicion because of my other account existing will make the security program be 'Suspicious' until I'm 'secure'; and if I'm gambling online 'Depositing' then I need those account 'delete' because the insecurity 'Suspicioun' will program the casino game 'Programs' securities' to be… more


i dont know what happened but i can not search anything.

Golf handicap tracker, why can't I get to it?

Why do I get redirected on pc and mobile device?


RYAN RAHSAD BELL literally means

Question on a link

In the search for Anaïs Nin, one of the first few links shows a picture of a man. Why? Since Nin is a woman, I can’t figure out why. Can you show some reason for this? Who is he? If you click on the picture a group of pictures of Nin and no mention of that man. Is it an error?

Repair the Yahoo Search App.

Yahoo Search App from the Google Play Store on my Samsung Galaxy S8+ phone stopped working on May 18, 2018.

I went to the Yahoo Troubleshooting page but the article that said to do a certain 8 steps to fix the problem with Yahoo Services not working and how to fix the problem. Of course they didn't work.

I contacted Samsung thru their Samsung Tutor app on my phone. I gave their Technican access to my phone to see if there was a problem with my phone that stopped the Yahoo Search App from working. He went to Yahoo and I signed in so he could try to fix the Yahoo Search App not working. He also used another phone, installed the app from the Google Play Store to see if the app would do any kind of search thru the app. The Yahoo Search App just wasn't working.

I also had At&t try to help me because I have UVERSE for my internet service. My internet was working perfectly. Their Technical Support team member checked the Yahoo Search App and it wouldn't work for him either.

We can go to www.yahoo.com and search for any topic or website. It's just the Yahoo Search App that won't allow anyone to do web searches at all.

I let Google know that the Yahoo Search App installed from their Google Play Store had completely stopped working on May 18, 2018.

I told them that Yahoo has made sure that their Yahoo members can't contact them about anything.

I noticed that right after I accepted the agreement that said Oath had joined with Verizon I started having the problem with the Yahoo Search App.
No matter what I search for or website thru the Yahoo Search App it says the following after I searched for

This webpage at gttp://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0geJGq8BbkrgALEMMITE5jylu=X3oDMTEzcTjdWsyBGNvbG8DYmyxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDTkFQUEMwxzEEc2VjA3NylRo=10/Ru=https%3a%2f%2fwww.att.att.com%2f/Rk=2/Es=plkGNRAB61_XKqFjTEN7J8cXA-
could not be loaded because:

I tried to search for things like www.homedepot.com. The same thing happened. It would say WEBPAGE NOT AVAILABLE. The only thing that changed were all the upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols.
Then it would again say
could not be loaded because:

This is the same thing that happened when Samsung and At&t tried to do any kind of searches thru the Yahoo Search App.

Yahoo needs to fix the problem with their app.

Yahoo Search App from the Google Play Store on my Samsung Galaxy S8+ phone stopped working on May 18, 2018.

I went to the Yahoo Troubleshooting page but the article that said to do a certain 8 steps to fix the problem with Yahoo Services not working and how to fix the problem. Of course they didn't work.

I contacted Samsung thru their Samsung Tutor app on my phone. I gave their Technican access to my phone to see if there was a problem with my phone that stopped the Yahoo Search App from working. He went to Yahoo and… more

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